Mage-Killer Zuhkara
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Mage-Killer Zuhkara is a villain contact in the Tangle neighborhood of Grandville. Her level range is 40-44. She stands atop a building and can be reached by an elevator at the coordinates (2633, -340, 780).
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
I know a strange man, an employee of AeonCorp, named Dr. Forrester. He's in Grandville doing some science for Arachnos and is looking for a lab assistant.
Dr. Forrester is kind of crazy, but then again, I guess that's why they call them mad scientists.
Arcane Assassin
Zukhara comes from a long line of arcane assassins trained in Russia. A unique series of technomagical augmentations rendered her nearly immune to magic. Combined with her intense training, these enhancements rendered her ready to wreak havoc on American magical spies. Unfortunately, her training ended at about the same time as the Cold War, so she was never deployed. She spurned the CIA and Malta Group's offers, and decided to go freelance. Recluse caught up to her as she was jumping between factions in the Middle East. She doesn't have a strong loyalty to Arachnos or Recluse, but she does get to kill mages, which is what she likes best.
Initial Contact
So, Villain, here we are. I believe that each of us stands on the precipice of the world we would create. For myself, that would be a world without magic, a world without the treachery and perversion of the mages I hunt. As for you, I cannot say. But I can promise you this: work with me, do not question my authority, and I will help you get one step closer to creating that world.
Mage-Killer Zuhkara sells the following items:
- Inspirations
- Level 40 Magic Single-Origin Enhancements
- Level 45 Magic Single-Origin Enhancements
Story Arc
Shucking Souls
Take out Salvo
The Malta Group has captured a hero. If they have their way, the hero in question will be forced to carry out despicable acts on the behalf of the Malta Group. He'll live a life of misery, slowly sliding further and further into Malta's corruption. Now, ordinarily, I wouldn't object to this. The problem is that this hero, this Salvo, uses Magic to ply his trade. Malta has exposed him for us. Now all we have to do is take him out.
Mission Acceptance
You're doing Salvo a kindness really. The things he would have suffered at the Malta Group's hands are terrible indeed.
Mission Objectives
The scent of sulfur hangs on the air.
- Defeat Salvo
You have defeated Salvo!
The Malta Group isn't fussy about who they use to do their dirty work. I am. If I ever find out you've been dabbling in magic, I'll take pains to make sure you regret it.
Talk to Arbiter Daos
We have work to do. Ghost Widow's organization has been developing new soul trap technology, and I'm afraid they're well past the due date. The technology should be ready, but for some reason Ghost Widow is unwilling to give it up. I'd like you to go and take it, but we'll have to go through channels first: Arbiter Daos. If he gives you permission, you may do whatever is necessary to secure the new soul traps.
Mission Acceptance
The soul trap technology should be all I need to undertake a certain plan of mine. Get it, and I will have more work for you.
Mission Objectives
- Talk to Arbiter Daos
Chain Mission Briefing
Arbiter Daos: Zuhkara wants to send you after Ghost Widow's soul traps? Very well. You may do as she asks. But be wary: I can grant you permission, but I cannot forestall Ghost Widow's wrath.
Chain Mission Objectives
Permission or no, Ghost Widow won't be pleased to see you've violated her base.
- Seek the ghost trap
You have stolen the soul trap from Ghost Widow.
Excellent. The soul trap. You have done fine work. The next step will be to test it out.
Investigate the lab
I've got bad news for you. This soul trap you found me? Doesn't work. Not at all. Now, it could be that Ghost Widow managed to slip us a false prototype, or it could be that there's something deeper afoot. Regardless, I want you to go to the lab where the soul trap technology was first developed. You may be able to find out something there.
Mission Acceptance
I want the real designs. I won't let this one go.
Mission Objectives
You detect a whiff of sage and ambergris on the air. The Circle? Here?
- Defeat all Circle in lab
- Find the real soul trap
You have defeated the Circle, and taken the real soul trap from them.

You recovered this soul trap from the Circle of Thorns, who had taken over the lab where the designs were finalized.
Excellent. This explains why Ghost Widow was unwilling to share her soul trap with the rest of us; the Circle had taken over her lab and taken possession of the working prototype. She must have feared that word of her failure would spread.
Now, leave me alone with this soul trap. I have work to do.