Magus Mu'Drakhan

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Magus Mu'Drakhan


Magus Mu'Drakhan is a City of Villains contact located in Nerva Archipelago. His coordinates are (1658, 166, 3170).


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)



Arachnos Mystic

Magus Mu'Drakhan is a leading figure among the growing ranks of mystic working under the banner of Arachnos who trace their lineage to the ancient civilization know as Mu. Mu'Drakhan's main interests lie both in expanding his already formidable arcane power, and uncovering the history of the lost civilization of Mu. He also holds a bitter anger at the Circle of Thorns, who draw their magical powers from the mystic secrets of Oranbega, the ancient enemy of Mu. Some whisper that he may be more loyal to his ancient bloodlines than to Arachnos, but such whispers are often quickly silenced.

Initial Contact

I am called Magus Mu'Drakhan. I have taken the name in honor of my ancestors, the great and powerful civilization of Mu, who once ruled these isles. I serve Lord Recluse and Arachnos by uncovering the lost power of my ancestors, and battling the hated Circle of Thorns who would try to destroy us once more. My power is great, and my influence deep. The rewards for assisting my work could well be beyond your capacity to measure.

Story Arc

The Secret of the Circle

Magus Mu'Drakhan set a great task before you, to rescue a Mu Mystic who had recently been captured by the Circle of Thorns along with some other seemingly random people. Mu'Drakhan was concerned that this was somehow tied into a large ritual that the Circle had just completed. You found the Mu Mystic, and discovered that Mu'Drakhan was right. The Circle's victims all had some trace of Mu blooc, and were probably chosen for that reason. Unfortunately, a Circle mage spat a curse upon you, linking your fate to the fate of the Mu, and the success of a being called 'Lilitu.' Mu'Drakhan seems to think that it was real, but was more interested in confirming what you'd found out.

Mu'Drakhan had heard about a strange book that could trace a person's family history with a single drop of blood. It was in the hands of Longbow, and was in the Isles to be loaned to the Legacy Chain. In the process of stealing the book, you discovered that it had been brought here by Infernal, who wanted it for his own investigation into Lilitu and what the Circle was up to.

Mu'Drakhan was able to locate Infernal, and sent you to confront him, hoping that you would be able to force some information from him about Lilitu and the Circle's plan. You entered an abandoned part of the Mu ruins and battled Infernal. You learned some strange facts about the Origins of Mu, including that the ancient war between the Oranbegans and the Mu wasn't completely over. Apparently the Oranbegans had made a deal with the demons back then, a deal for the absolute destruction of the Mu. But they felt pity and stopped, and were punished for it somehow. More importantly, the demoness Lilitu was one of the chief enforcers of this bargain. Mu'Drakhan was worried that the modern Circle of Thorns might plan to complete the bargain somehow.


Magus Mu'Drakhan sells the following:

  • Inspirations
  • 35 natural/magic dual-origins
  • 35 magic single-origin


Speak with Tarixus of Mu'Drakhan's misgivings


I have felt a change come about recently. Something strange has occurred, some unseen shadow has passed, but I do not know what cast it. If it evades even my mystic senses, then I must assume that it is a shadow of great and baleful portent. So I ask you to deliver word of this disturbance to one of my honored ancestors, who even now exists beyond life and death. Speak of this portent to Tarixus the Mystic, and do as he bids you.

Travel to Sharkhead Isle, speak with Honored Tarixus, and do as Tarixus bids you. He is a great and powerful ancestor, and his every word is a path to knowledge.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Tarixus

Debriefing: Archmage Tarixus

Greetings. So, you want to know what disturbs this world? From my place beyond life, yet anchored to this living world, I, too, have seen the shadow that crossed Mu'Drakhan's vision. I will tell him of it, but for a price. I need something done, a minor matter. There is a small coven of Circle sorcerers gaining power in the city of Haven in Cap Au Diable. Eradicate them, and I shall send Mu'Drakhan what I know. It should be no great difficulty for one of your power.

Mission Objective(s)

This is the place Traixus told you about. Seems like he might be right. This place just feels wrong.

  • Eradicate Circle coven

You destroyed the Circle coven, as you were asked to do.


I may have been too harsh on you. You have done well. Tarixus has told me what he knew. I am troubled by what I have learned. I must confirm it. I must know. And perhaps I will need an agent to discover the truth, and battle the consequences.

Recover the missing mystic and discover the reason for his abduction


All that I have learned points to a single, ominous fact. The hated mages of the Circle of Thorns have completed a great ritual, no doubt meant to bring harm down upon us all. I must know the nature of their act before I can counter it, but if I act now it will alert them. Thus, I must work through an emissary, and I would choose you for this task.

Even now, the Circle of Thorns' foul wizards have struck against the descendants of Mu. Along with the normal people they often abduct, they have taken several of my mystics. We may have located one of them. He must be recovered, and their reason for this action discovered. I believe that these foul abductions are part of the outline of their larger plan, so thwarting a part may reveal the whole. I would task you to this rescue, as you have shown some ability to get things done.

I have used my arts to divine his general location, but can proceed no further through the defense wards the Circle has erected. Free my fellow Mu Mystic, destroy the leader of this Circle coven, and search for the reason they dared to strike.

I do not care about the lives of the other abductees. Ignore them or not as is your whim.

Mission Objective(s)

This place seems unusually decayed. Almost as if there was a supernatural force at work, driving it to dissolution.

  • Find clue
  • Find My Mystic
  • Defeat Leader

You have stopped the Circle's abductions.

Clue: 'I did learn one thing'

After you rescued him from his Circle captors, Mu'Ursis told you:

'I wish I knew more, but they had me trapped by spells most of the time. I did learn one thing, though. The wizards seemed to be nervous about something that had just happened. They were almost divided by the subject. They didn't say what it was, but did talk about a great calamity that had befallen them the last time they tried something like this. I'm afraid I don't know much more than that.

Clue: A family tree

This long scroll is a family tree, with several names circled in the last generation. Beside each name is a small picture, and each seems to show one of the abducted people. The names are written in increasingly ancient languages as you follow the lineages back in time, finally ending with names written in the ancient language of the Mu.

Clue: 'A curse upon you!'

As you put Raxinoxt the Abductor down, he spat a curse on you:

'I may fall, fool, but know this: In this moment I place a curse upon you! By the power of the unholy one we have brought forth, I bind your fate to our pact with her. When it is done and all of the Blood of Mu are wiped away, so too shall you be devoured by her power! Dread Lilitu! I bind this one's fate to our victory!'

As the light faded from his eyes, you felt a strange sensation, as if an axe were balanced on a hair's edge above your head.


You have done your task more than adequately, and for that reason alone I allow you in my presence carrying so terrible a curse upon you. I can see it even here, a festering fate that looms over your head. Most unfortunate for you.

But more important is this document you have uncovered. We had always thought the Circle's abductions random, mere fodder for their rituals of demonic control. This, however, reveals to me the outlines of a grander plan. The abductor's words were not just a curse upon you, but a threat to all of those who carry the blood of Mu. And what of this 'Last attempt' Mu'Ursis heard of? I must know more.

And yes, perhaps finding a solution to this will also end this curse upon you.

Incidentally, all of the captives we recovered had strong ties to the bloodline of the Mu. They have thus been given the choice to join our order or perish. Most have chosen to join.

Retrieve the book for Mu'Drakhan


I have begun researches both into this 'Lilitu' and into the Circle's attempts to garner bodies with the Blood of Mu. That they would seek sacrifices from those with the Blood of Mu is very interesting, but I must know if this is a recent trend or something new. Their genealogy is very complete, but this is only a fragment. I must know more. I have learned that the vigilantes of Paragon City have recently come into possession of a book that can trace a bloodline instantly. This book is within the isles now, soon to be loaned to the Legacy Chain. Rather than waste this marvelous tome on them, I think I have need of it now. Retrieve it for me.

The book is no doubt being guarded by Longbow. Defeat the one leading that rabble and retrieve the book.

And if you need further incentive, then consider that the more I discover about the Circle's intentions and the 'Lilitu,' the closer I am to undoing your curse.

Mission Objective(s)

This cleverly disguised Longbow base shouldn't be too much of a problem for you.

  • Attack Longbow for Book
  • Find book
  • Defeat Longbow boss

You got the book and defeated the base leader.

Clue: A request for assistance

This letter is written on the letterhead of the Vindicators, the organization formed by the younger members of the renowned Freedom Phalanx. It reads:


I have detected a trace of the Demoness Lilitu in the Rogue Isles once more. I was planning to seek her out, and this time find my answer. In order to do this, I will need some assistance. I hope I can count on you again for basing and coordination. I will bring with me a book for our allies within the Legacy Chain. The book is called the Blood Tome. With it, we should be able to see if the Circle is doing the same in the Isles as they have been attempting in Paragon City. It may also give me a chance to force an answer from Lilitu, even if she will not speak to me.

This is bad, Najjar. If the Circle have truly brought her across, then we might be close to the end of the world. Or at least, the end of all humanity with a trace of Mu Blood.'

The letter is signed with a mystic sigil you recognize as that of the Vindicator Infernal.

Clue: The Blood Tome

This strange book appears to be blank, but if a single drop of a person's blood is placed on a page, that drop will flow and shift, drawing itself out to form a complete family history from the present all the way back, as far as the ancient civilization of Mu.


This book will be a valuable recruiting tool. But more importantly, it will tell us how long the hated Circle of Thorns has persecuted the descendants of Mu. All this, and Infernal is here as well. A vigilante, a curse, a demoness, and yes! The destruction of the world. This is truly a challenge. Even if you weren't cursed, I'd think a connoisseur of mayhem such as yourself would relish being a part of this.

Defeat Infernal


Though he would seek shelter from my mystic sight, I have still found the one called Infernal. His barriers and wards do not deceive me. The binder-of-demons's pure heart shines like a beacon, and in that light I can see his surroundings. He even now guides an expedition formed of Longbow operatives into one of the lost chambers of Mu. The Circle are bent on stopping him, so whatever he searches for is of interest to them. This makes it of interest to me, and thus, I will make it of interest to you. Defeat Infernal, and learn what it is he seeks. Be warned that you will likely need an entire group of others to assist you in this task. Infernal will not be easily defeated.

It is my belief that Infernal seeks information about this 'Lilitu.' If she is the Circle's new demonic ally, knowledge of her and her plans could go a long way towards thwarting the machinations of the Circle of Thorns, as well as removing the curse you bear. Infernal is unlikely to share information with one such as you, so you will likely have to pry what Infernal knows from him.

I would suggest you gather a gang of others to go with you. Infernal's powers are extraordinary, and his defeat will not be easy.

Mission Objective(s)

Mu'Drakhan's divinations have led you through twisting caverns to this ancient place.

  • Defeat Infernal

You defeated Infernal and found some vital information.


These scraps of biased Oranbegan history are new, and will be exposed as lies on further research. However, the important information is about this 'Lilitu.' She is clearly an enemy of the descendants of Mu and an ally of the Circle. Even the vigilantes of Paragon City know of her and the threat she represents. The Circle's plans must be uncovered. I am in particular disturbed by Infernal's concern that this may be part of a Circle attempt to finish the slaughter their spiritual forebears began in that ancient war.

Rescue Mu Mystics from Circle


I have learned the location of two of our mystics held by the foul Circle of Thorns. I believe now that his capture was part of the Circle's plot. If these mystics seek to bind the demoness Lilitu to their power as their spiritual forebears did once before, proof that we have revived the greatness of Mu would go a long way. Recover this brother of the blood of Mu, and see what he has learned.

You must find and bring both mystics back alive, or forfeit your full payment. They may have valuable information that could lead us to the heart of this Circle plot, and possibly Lilitu herself.

Stop the dark summonings of the Circle of Thorns


I must task you with an urgent mission! The foul Circle of Thorns are even now preparing a dread ritual upon Thorn Isle! They seek to bring a fell beast from the netherworld forth as a weapon against the people of Mu! I would task you to stop them, and see that the beast, this Baphomet, does not escape into our world!

Gather a strong gang of cronies about you. If and when Baphomet should appear, you will need all the power you can muster. And what is more, this ritual nears completiong! You shall have less than 2 hours to stop the dark summonings of the Circle of Thorns!

Defeat all Devouring Earth in ruins


To even mention this base and sacriligious event leaves a sick taste on my tongue, but speak of it I must, so that it can be solves. The vile and filthy Devouring Earth have infested a Mu excavation site. The noxious beasts have driven out my researchers and even now slither through the glorious halls of the ancients. I will not allow this! VillainName! I charge you to eradicate this infestation! Wipe out the foul creatures of the Devouring Earth and cleanse the ruins of Mu!

Mission Acceptance

The task is simple: Eradicate the Devouring Earth to the last rotting branch, the last slimy toad, the last cursed rock and crystal. Destroy them all and cleanse the sacred ruins of Mu.


The exploration of the dig may continue once more, and the ancient wisdom and lore of the Mu will come to light once more. I shall pass word of this success to my superiors. Well done.

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