Michael Binocolo
Michael Binocolo | |
![]() Luddite Crusader | |
Zone | Talos Island |
Coordinates | (-357, 224, 6270) |
Level Range | 20-30 |
Introduced By | None |
Introduces | None |
Enemy Groups | |

Signature Story Arc Who Will Die, Episode 2.
Michael Binocolo is a hero contact in the New Troy neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (-357, 224, 6270). His level range is 20-30. He is at the top of the hill north of Vault Reserve. Michael Binocolo is the Signature Arc Contact for the second hero-side Who Will Die Signature Story Arc available on the Paragon Market or free with subscription.
Contact Introduced By
None; Michael Binocolo is introduced by contact popup at the appropriate level.
Contact Introduces
Luddite Crusader
Michael Binocolo is one of the more level-headed members of the Luddites, a group of crusaders based in Cap au Diable. He has travelled to Paragon City in order to speak with the Midnight Squad; he has said that they avoided the entrance in Cap au Diable to ensure Aeon and Arachnos did not know about the deal they were trying to make with the group.
Contact Unlocked
+++ Missing Information +++
Prior to Introduction
Missing Prior to Introduction Dialogue
Initial Contact
Hello Character, My name is Michael Binocolo a recently recruited member of the Luddites. For years the Luddites have rallied against the evils of Dr. Aeon. But now, we seek to become members of the Midnight Squad.
I am here acting as ambassador, to show them that the Luddites would be reliable allies. However, the Midnight Squad have requested that we choose a hero, or group of heroes, to act as our representatives.
They have heard that the Luddites are... difficult to work with. I would like to request you to represent the Luddites in speaking with the Midnighters. Will you accept?
Note: This arc contains elite bosses and may be difficult for certain players to do by themselves.
Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue
Too Busy
Missing Too Busy Dialogue
No More Missions
Missing No More Missions Dialogue
Content Not Purchased
You need to purchase the second episode of the first signature story arc, Who Will Die, or be a VIP in order to play this story arc.
- Inspirations (all)
Story Arc
Forever Bound
Michael Binocolo's Message
Michael Binocolo gave you a piece of paper with the message, 'Be ready', after the experience the two of you had with the Rulu-Shin, the Midnighters, and the Arcanus family. This all happened in an adventure you call...
Forever Bound
It began when Michael Binocolo asked you to represent the Luddites. The group wished to join the Midnighters, but needed someone more famous than Michael to represent them. You agreed and visited the Midnighter Club, only to find it under attack by a mysterious cult! You fought alongside the surviving Midnighters to help save the organization, but the cultists had already escaped with many of the Midnighter's artifacts, including the skull of Tommy Arcanus, father of Numina!
When you returned to Michael Binocolo, he explained that the cultists were called the Rulu-Shin, an organization bent on bringing a being called Rularuu back into the world. He had an idea of where you could find one of the group's gatherings, which was a graveyard within Sharkhead Isle. You visited the site and disrupted one of their rituals while discovering where they were hiding the artifacts.
Michael Binocolo helped you track down the location of the store, which was owned by a man named Harry Stein. You went into the store and used your abilities to find the hidden warehouse of the Rulu-Shin. The majority of the Midnighters artifacts were destroyed, but you could still save Tommy Arcanus. You jumped through several mysterious portals, chasing the Rulu-Shin, until you arrived in the Abyss. There, you did battle with a man called the Zealous One and recovered the skull of Tommy Arcanus.
You're still not too sure why the Rulu-Shin wanted Tommy's skull, but it must have been much more important than the rest of the artifacts they stole. Michael Binocolo was relieved to see the Rulu-Shin stopped. He warned you, however, that this would not be the last you hear of them, and that you must be ready for whatever plot the group might be planning next.
You received word from Numina that she was thankful for her father's return, and explained that his spirit still lingers on in his skull. She said that her father is forever bound to the skull as long as she lives, claiming that he will always look after her, even in death.
Part I: Not Now, Not Ever
Excellent! The first step is to take a visit to the Midnighter's Club. Montague Castanella has said that he has a special entrance set up in Talos for us, and that when we are ready, we can enter it with a sigil that he gave us.
Would you mind going in first? I have some things that I must settle here, but I think if they see a hero such as yourself working as a representative of the Luddites, they will see that we are eager and willing to do what we can to work with them.
Unsolicited Contact:
I'll be there shortly, once I've finished with some paperwork that was given to us.
Mission Objective(s)
You step into the Midnighter Club to find it embroiled in chaos! You'll need to do what you can to turn the tide of the battle!
- Represent the Luddites for the Midnighter Club
- 2 groups of cultists to clear out
Note: The characters enter the Midnighters and need to defeat two groups of Rulu-Shin.
- First Group:
- Rulu-Shin 1: Eager to serve. Day of ascenscion is soon.
- Rulu-Shin 2: Glorious day when our former selves will be raised.
- Rulu-Shin when characters are noticed: Too late to do anything. Rularuu shall rise!
- Second Group:
- Rulu-Shin 1: Items are gathered. Make haste, now.
- Rulu-Shin 2: Understood. Revelation happening soon.
- Rulu-Shin when characters are noticed: : Cannot stop us. We serve Rularuu!
Mission Objective(s)
- Represent the Luddites for the Midnighter Club
- Push forward and rescue Percy Winkley
Note: The characters move further into the Midnighters Club and need to rescue Percy Winkley.
- As the characters approach:
- Rulu-Shin: Magic in this one. Can be useful for the feeding.
Percy Winkley: You guys are REALLY weird. Rularuu? Seriously?!
- Characters are noticed:
- Rulu-Shin: Another arrives. You shall also serve Rularuu!
- Percy Winkley: Hey! HELP!
- Percy is rescued:
- Percy Winkley: Whew, thanks, Character! We've got to regroup with Montague!
Mission Objective(s)
- Represent the Luddites for the Midnighter Club
- Bring Percy to Montague
Note: The characters need to lead Percy to Montague.
- Characters lose Percy: (nothing)
- Characters find Percy after losing him:
- Percy Winkley: T-thanks, I'll get somewhere safe!
- On arrival to Montague with Percy:
- Montague Castanella: You must be more careful, Percy.
Mission Objective(s)
- Represent the Luddites for the Midnighter Club
- get ready...
Note: For a very brief period of time, after leading Percy to Montague, the goal is to prepare for the coming onslaught.
- Montague Castanella: Now, Character, prepare yourself. We make our stand against these creatures here and now!
Mission Objective(s)
- Represent the Luddites for the Midnighter Club
- Fend off the incoming Rulu-Shin!
You've helped the Midnighters fight off the Rulu-Shin, but now Tommy Arcanus' skull is missing!
Note: The Rulu-Shin begin their final assault! Waves of Rulu-Shin will attack. Characters may choose to help fight them, or stay to one side and not engage. Heroes, of course, should be heroic. Darrin Wade will appear and aid the heroes, and at the end Mercedes Sheldon will arrive and give her news.
- Montague Castanella: Here they come! Stick together, the Midnight Squad will NOT fall here!
- Kadabra Kill: Not today, not ever!
- Rulu-Shin: Their bodies will feed the change!
- Montague Castanella: These blasted portals! We have nothing to combat them!
- Kadabra Kill: We're not going to last much longer if we don't shut them down!
- Rulu-Shin: You cannot stop what will change the world!
- Darrin Wade: Looks like you all could... use a hand.
- Montague Castanella: -Wade-! What in the blazes are you doing here?!
- Darrin Wade: Now now, we've had our differences, hrm?
- Darrin Wade: However, if you were all to die here, I'd have no where else to go for priceless artifacts!
- Montague Castanella: We will settle this afterwards, Wade.
- Sigil: Wade...!
- Kadabra Kill: Why you...!
- Darrin Wade: These guys don't know -who- they're dealing with.
- Darrin Wade: You're trying to go up against -Darrin Wade-!
- Rulu-Shin: There are many of us, and few of you. You cannot win.
- Montague Castanella: We're almost through this, they can't have much more!
- Rulu-Shin: You have lost. We have the item.
- Darrin Wade: You're trying to go up against -Darrin Wade-!
- (After all waves are defeated)
- Sigil: We did it...!
- Darrin Wade: Well, it seems like you're all saved, thanks to my help. I'll just be letting myself out the back door now...
- Montague Castanella: Wade, get back here...!
- (Mercedes arrives:)
- Mercedes Sheldon: Montague, we have a problem!
- Mercedes Sheldon: The skull of Tommy Arcanus...
- Mercedes Sheldon: It's gone, the Rulu-Shin stole it!
Notable NPCs:
- Montague Castanella (Hero, ally)
- Sigil (Hero, ally)
- Kadabra Kill (Hero, ally)
- Percy Winkley (Midnighter, hostage)
- Darrin Wade (Ex-Midnighter, Villain, ally)
- Mercedes Sheldon (Midnighter, Rogue, ally)

Mercedes Sheldon ran up to you and the group of Midnighters to deliver some dire information. 'Those insane Rulu-Shin, they took the skull of Tommy Arcanus, and the baseball cap that he's attuned to! I tried to chase after them, but they vanished into some sort of magical portal. I don't know what they're after, but we have to get Tommy back.'
A group called... the Rulu-Shin stole the skull of Tommy Arcanus and attacked the Midnighter Club itself?! This is not good, Character, not good at all.
But, there is something that can be done. Here is some information regarding Tommy Arcanus. I wrote it myself while doing research regarding the Midnighter club.
The Midnighters will be recovering from this attack, meaning that you and I can make a move and try to take back what was lost! It may be fate that I am here now, Character, for I have experience with the Rulu-Shin; it is because of them that I implored the Luddites to ask for the help of the Midnighters.