Paco Sanchez
Paco Sanchez is a hero contact in the Cygnus Medical Center neighborhood of Galaxy City Paco Sanchez is a Magic origin contact. His level range is 5-9.
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
Template:New Contact Hugo Redding
Emergency Medical Technician
Paco Sanchez is an emergency medical technician and a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Part of him yearns for the life of a costume-clad hero, fighting crime with fists and super powers, but he is utterly committed to his job, and he takes pride in saving lives every day. Still, he's eager to help those who do have super powers, and he's proven himself a valuable contact. He sees a great deal, and he's constantly asking questions of his friends on the police force and in the medical community. When he gets interesting answers, he's happy to pass along what he has learned.
Initial Contact
Let's try and prevent some injuries.
Paco sells inspirations and some level 10 training enhancements.
- Inspirations
- Training Enhancements, Power 10 only
Template:Mission Intro Talk to the Steel Canyon Security Chief Template:Mission Common Recover the stolen jewel from the Circle of Thorns Template:Mission Common Arrest Hell Storm
Go to Kings Row and stop the Circle kidnappings
There is an increase in Circle of Thorns activity in Kings Row. They are kidnapping citizens off the streets for use in their dark rituals. I need a hero who can get to Kings Row and stop the Circle kidnappings. The Circle's rituals are performed only at night, and usually in secluded spots like building rooftops to avoid unwanted attention, so start your search there.
If I were you, I'd start looking for mystics in the Gish, or maybe High Park. The Circle prefers the seclusion of rooftops and back alleys for their rituals.
Mission Objective(s)
- Combat Circle in Kings Row
- Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns
You have put a stop to the Circle's kidnappings in Kings Row.
I've got a number of heroes following up those missing person cases; by putting a stop to the kidnappings, you've made their jobs a whole lot easier.
Hit the streets and wrest some artifacts from the Hellions
The Hellions have been found with a lot of stolen artifacts lately. Some of the things they're carrying are quite powerful and corrupting; they shouldn't be in the hands of the wisest men on Earth, let alone a bunch of thugs. I want you to hit the streets and see if you can wrest some of these artifacts from the Hellions.
If I were you I'd start in Galaxy City or Perez Park.
Mission Objective(s)
- Retrieve dangerous artifacts
- Defeat 10 Hellions
You have recovered several artifacts from the Hellions

While defeating some Hellions, you recovered three dangerous artifacts: the Helm of Lim'phur, a necklace given to Ann Boleyn by King Henry VIII, and a strange seashell that emits a haunting melody when held to your ear.
Good job. These artifacts will be much better off in the MAGI vaults.
Hit the streets and interrogate as many Circle mystics as you can find
I'm working on a number of outstanding missing person cases, and I think I know who's responsible for them: the Circle of Thorns. If we only knew the location of more Circle bases, I'm sure we could find a lot of the people who have gone missing. I need you to hit the streets and interrogate as many Circle mystics as you can find. I need the locations of those bases!
You should probably start searching rooftops in Kings Row, or inside the woods in Perez Park.
Mission Objective(s)
- Learn Circle's base locations
- Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns

After interrogating several Circle mystics, you learned the locations of several of their bases. This information should help your contact resolve several outstanding missing person cases.
Thanks. I'll send some heroes to check out these bases right away.