Popmenu (Slash Command)

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/popmenu name

This command opens a custom pop-up menu by name at the cursor's location.


Custom pop-up menu files are read from the following directory:


LANGUAGE may be one of the following:

  • ChineseTraditional
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • uk

City of Heroes looks in this directory for MNU files. If none are found, it uses the default file quickchat.mnu. You can place multiple files with the extension .mnu in this directory.


MNU files can be edited in any text editor. Menus have the following general structure:

Menu MenuName
    Title TitleName
    Option OptionName Command
    Title TitleName
    Option OptionName Command
  • Menu defines a group of Options. Menus can be nested, but each sub-menu requires its own pair of curly braces.
    • MenuName is the name of the menu opened by the /popmenu menu name slash command.
    • To create a menu name of more than one word, enclose it in quotes.
  • Option is a selectable command within a menu.
    • One letter in OptionName can be designated as a hotkey by prefixing an ampersand (&).
    • To create an option name of more than one word, enclose it in quotes.
    • Command is one or more slash commands (separated by $$).
  • Title is an optional element.
    • TitleName labels a menu, or a section of a menu. Titles are not selectable.
    • Menus can have more than one Title.
  • Divider places a horizontal line in the menu.


  • IMPORTANT: MNU files must have a blank line at the top.
  • Changes to custom menus require you to exit the client in order for the changes to take effect.
  • Custom menus are accessible by all characters on the same machine. By extension, you can send custom menu files to other people so that they can use them as well.
  • Option and its parameters must be on one line. Otherwise, the menu will not function.
    • Inspiration and power names with spaces can be used in commands by replacing the spaces with an underscore (for example, Catch_a_Breath). They would normally be enclosed in quotes on the client command line, but the MNU files do not recognize nested pairs of quotes.
    • Multiple Commands can be executed by one Option by joining them with $$, just as they would be on the client command line.
  • MNU files allow comments. Use a double forward slash (//) anywhere on a line to force the client to ignore anything between the double slash and the line return.

This article is based on Fleeting_Whisper's excellent player's guide on the forums.