Rachel Torres

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Rachel Torres
Rachel Torres.jpg
Gang Unit Detective
Zone Atlas Park
Coordinates (87, -784, -807)[Copy]
Level Range 5-9
Introduced By == Level 5-9 ==
Kip Cantorum
Paula Dempsey
Maurice Feldon
Ron Hughes
Juan Jimenez
Tony Kord
Laurence Mansfield
Samuel Pierce
Paco Sanchez
Genevieve Sanders
Linda Summers
Henry Peter Wong
Introduces == Level 5-9 ==
Kip Cantorum
Paula Dempsey
Maurice Feldon
Ron Hughes
Juan Jimenez
Tony Kord
Laurence Mansfield
Samuel Pierce
Paco Sanchez
Genevieve Sanders
Linda Summers
Henry Peter Wong
== Level 10-14 ==
Lorenzo DiCosta
Wes Schnabel
Willy Starbuck
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Rachel Torres is a hero contact in the ELITE office in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (87, -784, -807)[Copy] Rachel Torres is a Natural origin contact. Her level range is 5-9. After the destruction of Galaxy City in Issue 21, Rachel Torres was "rescued" and relocated to Atlas Park.


Contact Introduced By

Level 5-9

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact options
I have some people I want to meet you.
Single contact option
I want to introduce you to someone, Character.

Level 5-9

There's an engineer named Kip Cantorum who knows a lot about illegal technology. You should go see him; he might have some good leads for you on the Vahzilok zombies. Kip's business is in Galaxy City.

Kip should be able to help you.

Have you ever met Paula Dempsey? She's a real pistol and has a great deal of information on the Clockwork. You'll like her, and I'll bet she'll like you as well. Paula hangs out in Kings Row.

Paula has high standards, but I have no doubt you will live up to them, Character.

You should talk to Maurice Feldon some time. He keeps track of anything that's going on in the science world. He's particularly interested in the Clockwork King. Maurice's company is in Galaxy City so you can usually find him there.

Maurice may be a little reckless, but he is very intelligent and he means well.

I'd like you to meet Ron Hughes. He's a reporter, and lately he's been interested in the Skulls. Ron's magazine is located in Kings Row, so that's where he can be found.

Ron believes that science should be used for the good of all.

Juan Jimenez is a great photographer, and he's always got his ear to the ground. You should talk to him and see if he's following any big stories on the Skulls. Juan is currently covering a story in Kings Row.

Juan is always eager to help, and he knows where the action is.

Tony Kord is a good person to know. He knows what's happening in the city, especially where the Clockwork are concerned, and he'll often suggest solutions. Tony's company is in Atlas Park, so he usually hangs out there.

Deal honestly with Tony if you want his help.

You should consider introducing yourself to Laurence Mansfield. He is one of the more personable county coroners. He can be a very helpful resource on the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. He is located in Atlas Park.

Mansfield has a strange sense of humor sometimes.

You ever been to one of Samuel Pierce's parties? He's an event promoter, and he knows how to put on a good time. He also has a nose for trouble. You should meet him, see if he'll give you a tip on the Vahzilok. Mr. Pierce is promoting a new movie over in Kings Row.

Samuel is somewhat cavalier, but he wants the city cleaned up very badly.

There's an EMT named Paco Sanchez who'd like to meet you. He's not only great at his job, but he also works well with heroes, tipping them off whenever he sees something interesting going on with the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. Paco can be found in Atlas Park.

Paco primarily cares about saving lives.

You should introduce yourself to Genevieve Sanders. She's a pharmacist with a heart of gold who does a lot of community work, and she loves to help heroes against the Hellions and the Circle of Thorns. Genevieve is near the hospital in Kings Row.

She is one of the nicest people I know.

There's a young reporter named Linda Summers who you might enjoy chatting with. She's always pursuing some crime related story, especially stories dealing with the Skulls. Linda's latest scoop has her in Kings Row.

Linda responds well to directness and fair treatment.

Have you heard of Hero Corps? They're a business that matches heroes up with jobs. There's a liaison named Henry Peter Wong there who's taking on new clients. You should chat with him about the Vahzilok menace. Hero Corps has Mr. Wong in Atlas Park.

Wong is pretty gung ho about Hero Corps; there's no denying that he will keep you busy.

Level 10-14

I know a confidential informant named Lorenzo DiCosta. He can provide you with some solid leads on current Council activity. Lorenzo can be found on the streets of Skyway City.

Lorenzo is well placed to provide information; please don't judge him too harshly, Character.

I know a private eye named Wes Schnabel who wants to talk to you about the Council. He's always looking for new contacts and good heroes to work with. He usually takes cases in Steel Canyon.

Schnabel is a good, old-fashioned gumshoe.

You ever meet Willy Starbuck? He's a small time hustler, but he knows a lot about the Council, and he's willing to talk. You should stop by and introduce yourself. Willy grifts over in Steel Canyon.

Willy has the kind of mind that can lead you right to the heart of trouble.


Gang Unit Detective

Detective Rachel Torres has only been a cop for a few years, but police in Paragon City have plenty of opportunities to advance quickly. Torres has done just that. She's now part of the Gang Unit, a tough assignment with high turnover, since everyone either gets promoted or put in the hospital. So far the detective has avoided both, but she has managed to put some big time gang bosses behind bars. She also has more than a passing interest in The Lost. Her vendetta against that villain group dates back to her first week on the job, when they crippled her partner and almost killed her.

Prior to Introduction

I'm way too busy right now. But Active Contact has a real tough case.

Initial Contact

The Lost are spreading, too far and too fast. I want you to help me bring 'em down.


  • I need your help on some cases.
  • Good day to catch bad guys.

Too Busy

Character, you need to finish some of the work you've started.

Too Low Level

I need utmost security on my next case. See me when you reach Security Level 5 / 9.

No More Missions

I've got no more cases for you to dig into. Check with your other contacts.


I am glad to be working with you, Character. I have access to some new Enhancements that I think you might be able to use. Radio in if you get into trouble.

I wish I could have you assigned to my unit permanently, Character. Let me suit you up with all the supplies you'll need.

Missions (Level 5+)

Talk to Lt. David Wincott


Have you heard about the Hollows, Character? Ever since the Trolls moved into Eastgate, the Paragon PD has been fighting a losing battle against them. If you're willing, I'd like you to go talk to Lt. David Wincott of the Trolls Task Force. He could really use your help in reclaiming the Hollows. Of course, we can really use your help here, too. Wherever you'd like to lend a hand, you'll be welcome.

Mission Acceptance

The Trolls are the worse problem in the Hollows, but they aren't the only one. I'll let Lt. Wincott fill you in.

Here's a briefing I wrote up for you. It'll help you understand what Wincott's up against out there.

Hollows Briefing

Eastgate used to be a nice residential neighborhood with a view of the ocean. Before Trolls moved in, that is. On a quest for more territory, a group of Trolls headed into the sewers under Eastgate with the intent of blasting open a large area. What they didn't know that that there was already an extensive cave warren beneath the area. Their blasts destabilized the ground and collapsed a large section of the zone. When the dust settled, the surviving Trolls realized that they had found an excellent area for expansion. This event became known as the Hollowing. Since the Hollowing, other groups have moved into the area, including the Outcasts, the Circle of Thorns, and the strange rock-like creatures known as Pumicites. The Paragon City Police Department has its hands full trying to expel these threats so that reconstruction on the Hollows can begin.
You might want to bring some friends, The Hollows is no place to be by yourself.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Wincott's a good man who's had a hard time recently. Do right by him, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

Template:Mission Common Find the missing homeless people Template:Mission Common Hit the streets and defeat a few Lost Template:Mission Common Go to Kings Row and stop the Lost rampage

Missions (Level 7+)

See Perez Park Security Chief (7-9)

Talk to Security Chief


The Security Chief for Perez Park asked for you by name. You should take that as a compliment. Go talk to him. He's located in Atlas Park near the gates to Perez Park.

Mission Acceptance

Perez Park is a dangerous place these days. Clearly the Chief thinks you can handle it, but take a couple of friends with you, just in case.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Don't let the Perez Park Security Chief down, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Security Chief


Take this briefing seriously. I need you to deal with some of the Circle of Thorns mystics that have been plaguing the area. Try looking for them in Bettis Hills.

Perez Park briefing

Perez Park used to be a beautiful place to take your family for an afternoon picnic. Now, no one in his right mind wanders in there. Most of the area has been abandoned, largely due to the rumors of unholy Circle of Thorns rites taking place deep within the forest. The park is entirely overgrown, a perfect place for those strange mystics to summon up a demon or two. This zone is so deadly that even heroes shouldn't go in there in groups of fewer than three.

Keep the peace in Perez Park

Unnecessary Solicitation

Deal with the Circle in Perez Park!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Keep the peace in Perez Park
    • Defeat 10 Circle of Thorns

You have defeated 10 Circle of Thorns mystics.


Circle of Thorns


I guess the Chief's confidence in you was well placed. Fantastic job, Character.

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