Bane Spider Ruben

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Bane Spider Ruben
Bane Spider Ruben.jpg
Zone Cap au Diable
Coordinates (-750, 135, 288)[Copy]
Level Range 15-24
Introduced By +++ Missing Information +++
Introduces +++ Missing Information +++
Enemy Groups +++ Missing Information +++
v  d  e

Bane Spider Ruben is a hero contact in Cap au Diable at coordinates (-750, 135, 288)[Copy] . His level range is 15-24.


Contact Introduced By

+++ Missing Information +++

Contact Introduces

+++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++

Initial Contact

We don't have a lot to work with, but my agents have managed to scrounge up some details on where the Destined Ones are being converted. So far, the only info we've been getting has been rumors and word-of-mouth, but I'm fairly sure we've located the place they're calling the Meeting Grounds. It's an old warehouse on the outskirts of the city - we've got some scouts keeping tabs on the place, and it's been seeing a lot of traffic lately.

From the reports I've been getting, it sounds like you'd fit right in with the crowd there. You should be able to get in without having to make up too much of a story. Word's been spreading fast.


Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


+++ Missing Information +++

Story Arc

Destiny Follows


+++ Missing Information +++

Part One: Hi, My Name is Character, and I'm a Villain

Once you're in, keep your head down and do what you think is expected of you. Right now we're just looking to gather some info. Fortunately, I'm guessing that whoever's running the show won't be too concerned about spies. They'll be expecting hostility - they're recruiting Villains, after all - but they're probably confident enough in their conversions that no one will be able to cause trouble.

With the Psychic Damper, you should be mostly immune. If you hear the device starting to buzz a little bit, that means it's absorbing incoming psionic signals. In other words, it means someone's trying to fiddle with your mind. As long as you stay alert, you should be able to act like you've been converted at the appropriate time.

Good luck, Character. If we can get you into their good graces, we'll be able to plan our next move from a much more advantageous position.

  • Leave

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need them to trust you, Character. If you can't achieve that, then this whole operation will fall apart around us.

Mission Objective(s)

It looks like Ruben was right. This place isn't tidy by any means, but it's far less abandoned than its outside appearance suggests.

  • Gather information from other Destined Ones
    • Meet with Baron Zukor
    • Return to the Main Hall

You managed to infiltrate Baron Zukor's cult


Baron Zukor, huh? I haven't heard of him, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's small-time. My operations are mostly confined to Cap.

I'm intrigued by your interactions with the other Destined Ones, Character. Direct mind control is almost a form of puppetry, but it sounds to me like Zukor's followers retain their basic personalities, even after meeting with him. What's more, your Psychic Damper was only active for about a minute, and then all psychic influence ceased.

I'm not aware of any psychic powers capable of that level of mind-control, Character. For him to be able to retain his followers' loyalty, without directly altering their minds or maintaining psychic pressure... well, he's either very good or he's using something other than mind-control.

Part Two: Acceptable Losses

I'll have my agents go through your report, {Character}}. Hopefully we'll be able to get some insight on how Zukor is controlling your peers.

For the time being, you're going to need to remain in Baron Zukor's good graces. You've made good strides toward that goal already, but you're going to need to keep up appearances.

Ruben hands you a folded sheet of paper.

Our agents intercepted this missive just recently. It's from Zukor's cult, and it's addressed to you. They want you to attack a local Arachnos facility.

  • Attack Arachnos? I would never...

Save it, Character. There's no need to play dumb, I know how things work in the Isles.

In this case, we've deemed the operation necessary, to maintain your cover. I've reviewed the personnel roster at the target's location and made a few minor changes - nothing conspicuous, I assure you. I just hate to waste competency. The standing force that remains... well, they would not represent a significant loss to Arachnos's presence in Cap au Diable.

The missive indicates that you'll be paired with another of Zukor's cultists. Make sure you remain convincing, but see if you can discern Zukor's motives in all this. We still don't know what he's up to.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get going, Character. The last thing we need right now is Zukor getting suspicious.

Mission Objective(s)

This is the base Zukor wanted you to hit. As far as 'heroic' jobs go, knocking Arachnos heads isn't so bad. If you're going to go along with this charade, you may as well cut loose.

  • Cripple the Arachnos Base
    • Disable the Arachnos communication array
    • Expose the Arachnos base to detection
    • Bring down the Base's automated defenses
    • Talk to the Longbow Officer

You've managed to subdue the base's defenses... and discovered something interesting in the process

Notable NPCs



I'm aware of their incursions on Fort Darwin, but I didn't think they'd be bold enough to try to take Cap au liable so soon.

This makes sense, Character. For one man to try and turn all of the Destined Ones as a solo operation... that's beyond foolish. It would be suicidal. With Longbow's backing, however, this gambit starts to make sense.

If Baron Zukor has their support, and manages to corral enough Destined Ones, he'd have a potent enough army to march on Aeon City.

For the record, this is why we didn't use the brute force approach. If we play this right, we can cause their whole operation to backfire.

Part Three: Double Agent

Now that we know that Longbow's involved, we know what kind of budget is backing our friend Baron Zukor. I think an investigation is in order. We know the locations of some nearby Longbow outposts, but...

Ruben flips through a few pages in his notebook. After perusing the pages for a moment, he lets out an exasperated sigh.

The problem I have is that I'm a little low on personnel, lately. The base you hit was only one of many, Character. I've been getting intermittent reports of Destined One attacks all day. I simply don't have the resources to mount an incursion into a Longbow stronghold at the moment.

Now, we could have you go in there and investigate yourself, but that presents a whole slew of new problems.

  • Foremost being, how do I do that without blowing my cover?

Exactly. My recommendation is that you assume the identity of an Arachnos agent. I'll see what I can scrounge up for you to wear.

This way, you'll have at least some freedom to investigate without immediately tipping your hand to Zukor.

Just... try to be discreet, if you can. They probably have an extensive file on you, and the disguise won't mask your powers. Get in, find whatever info you can, and get out.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need to do this fast, Character. There's no telling when you'll get another summons from Zukor.

Mission Objective(s)

Longbow shouldn't see you as anything more than a simple Arachnos agent. ...Hopefully.

  • Investigate Zukor's Connection with Longbow
    • Fend off the Longbow security teams

You infiltrated the Longbow base and learned about the Suggestion Engine

Amazing find, Character. Thanks to the info you've gathered, we now have a clear picture of how Zukor is manipulating the Destined Ones.

To be honest, 'Operation Cap d'Ange' doesn't tell me anything new, other than the fact that Longbow is completely devoid of originality. We had already guessed what their plans were in Cap; it's essentially the same plan they implemented in Mercy Island.

This Suggestion Engine, though... it sounds like it's truly a remarkable device. It appears that it's currently calibrated to Zukor's psychic wavelength, so we're not going to be able to charge it ourselves. However, the schematics imply that once the Engine is charged, anyone can use it to 'persuade' their targets.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

Part Four: Man of the People

Now that we're aware of the Suggestion Engine, I think it's time we made our move. Zukor just recently sent out a summons to all of his cultists to return to the Meeting Grounds. I'm guessing he's getting ready to support Longbow in a major push towards Aeon City.

It's the perfect time to strike, Character. Zukor trusts you, thanks to your attack on our outpost, and you're going to need to capitalize on that trust.

See if you can get Zukor alone. If you attack him out in the open, you'll have the entire cult bearing down on you at once. If you can manage to get another private meeting, though...

  • Trust me. I know EXACTLY what to do.

I'm glad we're on the same page, Character.

The Suggestion Engine is focused through a single projector, about the size of a pocketwatch. Zukor will probably be carrying it on him, as he'll want to have the Engine available if he needs to 'convince' anyone on the fly.

Once you've taken down Zukor, see if you can acquire that projector. That will let you influence the rest of the cultists - and that's when Longbow's plan blows up in their faces.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You really can't hang around here, Character. You need to get to the Meeting Grounds, or you may lose your only chance at this.

Mission Objective(s)

Longbow shouldn't see you as anything more than a simple Arachnos agent. ...Hopefully.

  • Doublecross Baron Zukor
    • Fend off the Longbow security teams

You infiltrated the Longbow base and learned about the Suggestion Engine