Special Agent Jenni Adair

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Revision as of 20:18, 24 April 2010 by imported>Eabrace (historical) (filling in initial contact, no more missions, image caption, info)
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Special Agent
Jenni Adair
Special Agent Jenni Adair.jpg
Superpowered Activities Monitoring Special Agent
Zone Talos Island
Coordinates (-3111, 112, 9002)[Copy]
Level Range 20-29
Introduced By Field Agent Keith Nance
Introduces Missing info
Enemy Groups Missing Info
Badges Badge I11HeroStoryArc2Complete.png Singular Vision
v  d  e

Special Agent Jenni Adair is a hero contact in the Argo Highway neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (-3111, 112, 9002)[Copy] . She is in the southeast corner of the zone near Eliza Thorpe.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

Missing info


Special Agent Jenni Adair works for S.A.M., a supposed branch of the FBSA responsible for monitoring superpowered activities throughout the nation. It's a very rare thing to see one of these agents in the field; usually it means they're performing some type of high level investigation.

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

Contact Unlocked

Missing info

Initial Contact

Hello Character. Agent Nance may or may not have introduced you to me. But let's make it official, shall we?

I am Agent Jenni Adair. I believe I have you to thank for my timely rescue by your double.

Let's get down to business. The events that transpired between you and your evil double had made me curious about a theory I have.

The presence of 5th Column technology only proved to further support my theory. I believe I know who is behind all of this.

  • What is your theory?
I believe we're dealing with a man named Anton Jaeger, aka Protean. He is a shapeshifter who once fought against the Freedom Phalanx. He also did some work with the 5th Column in the past.
Protean was believed to be killed by Manticore. I never believed that, of course, as I have a mind of my own.
Someone like Protean doesn't simply get shot with an arrow and die. I believe that he has been biding his time...and is now on the move. He is notorious for trying to ruin the reputations of heroes in Paragon City. It looks like you were to be his next target, Character.
However...something still doesn't add up.
  • What's the issue?
Who exactly you were fighting all this time. Protean shouldn't be able to copy your powers...which means that he has help now. This is what concerns me.
Our assignment is to find out everything we can about what Protean is doing here and put a stop to him, once and for all. We'll begin our investigation once you're ready, Character.
Just so you know, you'll be working together with someone you may be familiar with. Your other self.
  • Understood, Agent Adair.


Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

We still haven't been able to track down any new information from the report you brought us, Character. Until that time, please continue defending the good people of our nation. If anything turns up, we'll be in touch.


Missing Store Unlock Dialogue

Story Arc


Story Arc (20-29)


Souvenir Name

Souvenir text missing.

Mission Acceptance Text


Missing briefing text

Unnecessary solicitation:

Missing unnecessary solicitation text

Mission Objective(s)

Missing entrance text

  • Missing primary objective
    • Missing secondary objective

Missing additional objectives Missing completion text

Clue Name

Clue text

Notable NPCs

  • NPC ([[faction#type|faction type]])


Template:Enemy Faction


Missing debriefing text


The Singular Vision Badge is awarded upon completion of this mission.


You've prevented Protean from carrying out his plot for a Praetorian invasion, but not without a heavy cost - the death of your alternate self.