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This the Tier III Empowerment Station, which enables you to make long-duration Buffs that can boost your character's effectiveness. The buffs last one hour each.

This station formerly allowed you to make Base Salvage Components; however, Base Salvage and Component Salvage was retired from the game in Issue 13, in favor of using one or more Invention Salvage per buff.


This Empowerment station enables you to make Tier II Salvage, as well as use that Salvage to make long-duration Buffs that can boost your character's effectiveness.

Additional Information

Base Element Type Empowerment
Crafted at Linear Accelerator
Salvage Required Salvage MercuryCircuits.png 1 Computer Virus Salvage Treatise.png 1 Chemical Formula Salvage RuneboundArmor.png 1 Runebound Armor Salvage SoulboundArmor.png 1 Soulbound Armor Salvage HeadsUpDisplay.png 1 Heads Up Display

Salvage CircuitBoard.png 1 Circuit Board Salvage Notes.png 1 Scientific Law Salvage BoneFragment.png 1 Ancient Bone Salvage CarnivalofShadowsMask.png 1 Carnival of Shadows Mask Salvage SyntheticOrgans.png 1 Military Cybernetic


Salvage TemporalAnalyzer.png 1 Temporal Analyzer Salvage Treatise.png 1 Chaos Theorem Salvage Tissuesample.png 1 Regenerating Flesh Salvage BleedingStone.png 1 Bleeding Stone Salvage RiktiPlasmaRifle.png 1 Photonic Weapon

Allowed "Aux" Items None

Empowerment Buff

Temporary Power Salvage Required Effect
Temporary CryoniteArmor.png Hold Resistance Salvage InanimateCarbonRod.png 1 Inanimate Carbon Rod Salvage Scrolls.png 1 Spell Scroll

Salvage Notes.png 1 Scientific Theory Salvage TsooInk.png 1 Spell Ink


Salvage Notes.png 1 Mathematic Proof Salvage MilitaryIntelligence.png 1 Demonic Threat Report

17.5% res
Temporary CryoniteArmor.png Psionic Resistance Salvage ClockworkWinder.png 1 Clockwork Winder Salvage InanimateCarbonRod.png 1 Inanimate Carbon Rod

Salvage AlchemicalSilver.png 1 Alchemical Silver Salvage Notes.png 1 Scientific Theory


Salvage Ruby.png 1 Ruby Salvage Notes.png 1 Mathematic Proof

5% res

See Also