Tina Chung

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Tina Chung
Aberrant Science Investigator
Zone Founders' Falls
Coordinates (3823, 0, 493.5)[Copy]
Level Range 30-34
Introduced By Collin Larson

Jenny Firkins
Peter Stemitz

Merisel Valenzuela
Enemy Groups
Badges Badge stature 08.png Corrupter Badge
v  d  e

Tina Chung is a hero contact in the Williams Square neighborhood of Founders' Falls at coordinates (3823, 0, 493.5)[Copy] Tina Chung is a Technology origin contact. Her level range is 30-34.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Aberrant Science Investigator

Tina Chung is the founder of Chung Investigations, a research facility that doubles as a private detective agency. She investigates all manner of unusual technology, though her primary interest is in technology used for criminal purposes. She employs a team of several dozen investigators, each an expert in a different field. Tina has recently been helping heroes investigate and prevent crimes that involve what she calls aberrant technology. She has opened up large investigations into the Freakshow and Nemesis, both of whom use technology in startlingly dangerous ways. She can be a little standoffish and arrogant, but once she comes to trust a person, she becomes a very helpful and resourceful ally.

Initial Contact

Let's see what you have. Don't mess it up.


  • Inspirations

Badge Mission

This mission is offered randomly, but not during the Story Arc, and therefore is usually one of the last from Tina.

Template:Mission Badge Corrupter

Story Arc

Template:Mission StoryArc The Freakshow War


Template:Mission Common Find out who's supplying the Freakshow with the new weapons

Template:Mission Common Go to Portal Corporation and see what their scientists have come up with

Raid a Freakshow hideout and retrieve one of the new implants


This has got to be the weirdest thing I've heard about the Freakshow all year. Apparently, some Freaks are trying to branch out into technomagic. This can't be good. One of my contacts, Josef Keller, heard a rumor that they're trying to magically enhance their implants. If they succeed, they could become even more dangerous. I need you to raid a Freakshow hideout and retrieve one of these 'technomagical' implants. Then take it to Josef; he can help us analyze the threat it poses.

If we let the Freakshow get any stronger, we may find that we'll soon be no match for them.

Mission Objective(s)

Missing Entrance Text

  • Retrieve Freak technomagic
    • Locate Technomagic

You defeated the Freakshow and found a techno-magical cybernetic part.


Technomagic implant

This steel implant, designed to replace a large section of forearm, is inscribed with mystic runes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • See Josef Keller


Ah, yes. These magic runes are used in conjunction ceremonies, when two unlike objects must be united as one. I'm sure the Freaks are trying to enhance the union of their metal parts with their bodies, in order to combine the flexibility of muscle and the strength of steel.

I'm troubled, though, by what you say about that sacrifice. From your description, it sounds almost like a Circle of Thorns ceremony, though a poorly performed one. It seems impossible, but it could make sense of one strange report I've received that the Freakshow have been seen working with the Circle of Thorns. With those dread mystics to teach them, they could easily become ten times as dangerous with magical powers to enhance their considerable might.

I can tell you where the Freakshow and the Circle are rumored to be meeting. I suggest you work to stop them.

Mission Objective(s)

Missing Entrance Text

  • Defeat all Freaks, Circle

You defeated the Freakshow and the Circle of Thorns.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


So, the Circle was teaching magic to the Freakshow, and giving them Spirit thorns? I've heard that those Spirit thorns can be used by the Circle to take over a body. Maybe that was their plan all along? Circle mystics running around in Freakshow bodies. That's a scary thought. I'm glad you were on top of things.

Template:Mission Common Put a stop to the Freakshow torching contest

Template:Mission Common Investigate the mysterious recruiting drive

Rescue the Council base


Believe it or not, I need you to rescue a Council base. There under attack by those strange soldiers who call themselves Nemesis. I need you to get the situation under control before innocent citizens get hurt.

Just don't expect the Council to be too grateful.

Mission Objective(s)

Missing Entrance Text

  • Defeat raid leader & his men

You defeated the villains and found some interesting information.


Council file

You found this file on a Council computer. It details the similarities between the current armies of Nemesis and those that plagued the U.S. During the 1940's and before. According to the file, both groups used similar tactics and weaponry. The evidence may not be conclusive, but it certainly seems likely that the long-forgotten arch-villain is working on a comeback.

Council orders

These orders define the primary mission for the Council base: to investigate the armies of Nemesis. The Council was working hard to determine whether these armies were run by the same arch-villain who called himself Nemesis in the 1940's. The order is signed by the Center himself.


It's hard to believe that the original Nemesis may still be around. He disappeared just before the Rikti War. If the Council's findings are true, we better get ourselves prepared. The last time Nemesis decided to cause trouble, he nearly gassed half the country. I shudder to think what he'd do today.

Defeat Freakshow in Crey's Folly


Crey's Folly is a nightmare. It's abandoned, polluted, and infested with Freakshow. Now, I don't expect you to be able to help with the pollution, but I think I can ask for your help with the Freakshow. Could you help out and fight the Freakshow in Crey's Folly? It's a dangerous place, though, so I suggest you go in force.

Need text

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Freakshow
    • Unknown, probably hunt 35 Freakshow


I've heard rumors that the Freakshow have been setting up forts for themselves out there. I can only wonder how crazy they have to be to even think of that polluted wasteland as a place to hang out.

Hit the streets and defeat a few Freaks


There are so many Freakshow out in the city that it's getting impossible for people to live in any kind of safety. The way they've been talking lately, it sounds like they're starting to think that they really can't be held back any longer. The City's heroes need to defeat a few Freaks to lower their morale.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Unknown, probably hunt Freakshow
    • Unknown, probably hunt 35 Freakshow


The Freakshow don't learn lessons quickly or remember them well, Hero, but maybe they'll get the message someday. I can only thank you for your constant vigilance until then.

Get the Rikti technology away from the Freakshow


The Freakshow got wind of a lab in Paragon City that's keeping Rikti technology for study, and they've raided the facility. Alieen weapons, armor and medicines, all gone. Fortunately, one of my contacts was brave enough to trace the Freakshow back to their hideout. Someone's got to get that Rikti technology away from the Freakshow. As far as I'm concerned, you're the one for the job. You'll have about 90 minutes to prove me right.

If anyone knows how to abuse high tech weaponry, it's the Freakshow. This could turn into a disaster, and fast. There are two ways to control this situation. First, you could just fight and defeat all the Freakshow in that hideout, and let the city handle the clean-up. Or, you could locate all of the stolen alien technology and take it from the Freaks before they can use it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Retrieve Rikti tech from Freaks (Timed, 90 minutes)
    • Defeat all Freaks


  • Retrieve Rikti tech from Freaks (Timed, 90 minutes)
    • Recover X alien technologies



Rikti weapons

These plasma-based assault weapons could level a city block within minutes.

Rikti devices

These small devices would have made perfect implants for the Freakshow. They perform a variety of functions, from estimating a target's defenses to enhacing the wearer's physical strength.

Rikti medicines

These alien medicines are far beyond the best human science has to offer. They can cure grave wounds within minutes, leaving the recipent fully refreshed and ready for battle.


Good work, Hero. I guess the Freaks will have to make do with human science for a while.

Template:Mission Common Keep the Freakshow from getting plutonium

Fight the soldiers of the Nemesis Army


The sudden reappearance of the "Nemesis Army" has a lot of people concerned, Character. I'd like to ask you to start combating them. Confront them, stop whatever plans they may have, and find out what the city may be facing.

If this Nemesis Army is really linked to the original Nemesis, then the threat to the city and to the world may be far greater than a lot of people are thinking. If you need to find them, I'd suggest looking around Eden and Crey's Folly for them, but anywhere you can confront them should be good.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Combat Nemesis menace
    • Defeat 35 Nemesis

Missing Completion Text




Nemesis is a generations old threat, one that a lot of people had hoped was finally gone for good. He's held the entire world in fear several times over his nearly 180-year history of terror. I don't know for sure if this Nemesis Army is the real deal or a bunch of copy-cats, but they'll have to be fought wherever they show themselves.

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