Vincent Ross
Vincent Ross | |
![]() Former Legacy Chain Researcher | |
Zone | Sharkhead Isle |
Coordinates | (-49, -28, 71) |
Level Range | 20-29 |
Introduced By | None |
Vincent Ross is a villain contact in the Port Recluse neighborhood of Sharkhead Isle at coordinates (-49, -28, 71). He can be found at the end of a pier at the beach below the Hospital. He was first introduced in Issue 19.
Contact Introduced By
Vincent Ross will be automatically unlocked for villains at level 20, and will contact villains himself if they reach level 20 and have not visited him in Sharkhead Isle yet.
Contact Unlocked
A former member of the Legacy Chain is looking for help in exacting his vengeance against the group. It seems he's promising whoever helps him the ability to unlock untold power...
Vincent Ross has been added to your contact list.
Contact Introduces
Former Legacy Chain Researcher
Vincent Ross was once a member of the Legacy Chain, something which is obvious by the outfit that he still wears. It's widely known to the inhabitants of Sharkhead that he and the group had a falling out of sorts, though what exactly happened is not known to many.
Too Low Level
Outlevelled Contact
Initial Contact
Too Busy
No More Missions
Vincent does not sell Inspirations or Enhancements.
Story Arc
Old Friends, New Enemies, and New Opportunities
Part One: The Race for the Blood Coral
The Coralax carrying one of four remaining pieces should be in a cavern near the Pit. This was a place once filled with Scrapyarders, but from what I can tell, the Coralax have taken the cavern for themselves. You should know, however, they the Legacy Chain are most likely making their way there as we speak. It would be best to wipe out the lead collector for the Legacy Chain while you're down there.
Now, regarding aid. It is no secret amongst certain groups in Sharkhead that the Legacy Chain are collecting Blood Coral. I do not believe any of them are privvy to what exactly it is, just that the Legacy Chain are acting as a consistent thorn in their sides. If you were interested in earning some more money or favors on the side, I would speak with specific members of the factions in Sharkhead to see how you can turn their annoyances with the Legacy Chain into your gain.
You can speak with Vince Dubrowski to work with Cage Consortium, and Lorenz Ansaldo to work with the Family. Those who have worked together with Diviner Maros to seek out his aid during these events.
Unsolicited Contact
You need to hurry, Character. If I know those fools in the Legacy Chain, then they will already be inside that cavern as we speak!
Mission Objective(s)
The sound of battle rings in the air, along with magic. Members of the Legacy Chain are here, along with the Coralax.
- Obtain the First Blood Coral Piece
- Retrieve the Blood Coral from the Coral Holder
- Find the Expedition Leader who has the Blood Coral
- Retrieve the Blood Coral from the Coral Holder
The Legacy Chain have made off with the Blood Coral!
What?! The Legacy Chain have already obtained that piece of the Blood Coral?
Vincent's eyes begin to glow yellow as he looks around nervously.
This is bad, how could they have beaten us?! Is it possible we can't defeat the Legacy Chain?! That not even my power with yours is enough to stop them? But why? Why was I turned to this only to fail?
Character, maybe I was wrong to try to go against this fate, to go against the power they wield. Perhaps we were set on this course only to fail in the end. The Legacy Chain have most likely brought the piece they've recovered back to their warehouse and melded it with the chunk they already have. This... this piece that I told you was the only one I knew of. The Legacy Chain, however, have the resources and the manpower to find the others. There is nothing else that we can do!
- Calm down. You know where the main Legacy Chain base is, right? We'll just go there.
Part Two: Bold Plans
Attack their main warehouse? No, Character, that would be suicide. But...
Perhaps not for you. Perhaps... I underestimate your power. You need to understand, the Legacy Chain have that warehouse guarded very well to hold such an object. I was there before I was removed. There are many rituals in place to keep the pulsating power of the coral under control. You see, there is another... small part to the coral that I did not mention. Those who hold Red Coral have commonly felt a foreign presence in their minds, whispering to them. With Blood Coral, it is much more intense, given that enough of it can physically send a person into the Leviathan.
If we were to attack the warehouse... wait... yes... yes, that's it! Yes, if you were to attack the warehouse, I could work from here on overriding the rituals, of making them my own. From there, a simple teleportation spell to a different location will give us our own little base of operations for the Blood Coral. Hah! Brilliant! We can still recover from this!
- Good. Where is this warehouse?
Here is the address. They'll have it well guarded, as I said, but I believe you have the power to overwhelm them. When you get to the Blood Coral, you will need to activate runes there for my magic to take effect there. It will take three minutes for it to work. In that time, you will have to fend off the Legacy Chain and activate the runes as my magic empowers them. Once that is all done, I can use my teleportation magic to get that Blood Coral out of there and into our own safe keeping.
Just as a warning, Character, we will need to move fast on recovering the final pieces. My magic will only be able to hold the power of the Blood Coral back for so long. When that breaks... well, let us just say that anyone with any desire for power will swarm our warehouse. Oh, and I suggest for this little operation to leave anyone you're working with out of this. I wouldn't trust them with a secret as big as this.
Those working with Diviner Maros may still speak with their contacts for this mission.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'll need to focus if I'm to properly prepare this ritual, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
The walls of the warehouse almost pulse with the energy of the Blood Coral. The Legacy Chain must have a large amount gathered here.
- Steal the Blood Coral from the Legacy Chain
- Defeat Arcanist Millian
- 3 minutes until Vincent's full magic is ready 3:00
- (Activate runes when requested during the three minutes)
- Defeat Arcanist Millian
You've taken control of the Blood Coral for yourself!

Once Arcanist Millian is defeated, a three minute timer starts. You will need to fend off waves of Legacy Chain during this time and also activate the runes next to the Blood Coral when required.
Brilliant work, Character! The Blood Coral is safe and sound in our own warehouse and the Legacy Chain is battered and beaten! I couldn't ask for anything better. The fools will soon see that the day they exiled me was the day they destroyed themselves! What did you think of the Blood Coral that was formed already? Was it beautiful? Magnificent?
I wish I could see it, truly I do, but... I must ignore the calls that it sends to me, the whispers in my mind. I know what they are a symptom of. If I were to get near the fully formed Blood Coral, I fear I would lose myself entirely. But you, Character, you have not been poisoned as I have. You are immune to the call, which is why you will attain great power all too soon. We just need to simply go after the Coralax lair and recover the last pieces! Then we will have all the Blood Coral needed to control the Leviathan!
Part Three: There's Always a Catch
We have little else to speak about, Character. All that's left is to go into the caves that the Coralax inhabit and recover the three remaining pieces of Blood Coral. When that is done, we can merge them with what we have already and begin our conquest of Sharkhead Isle and the Legacy Chain!
While the prospect of unlimited power may be at your fingertips, there seem to be many odd happenings during your short time with Vincent; the whisper from the Blood Coral, Vincent's possible 'disease', and his fear of getting taken over by the Blood Coral. Many people have been destroyed in the past by not understanding the power they're taking. You'll have to look for more research on this Blood Coral in the Coralax cavern to prevent yourself from meeting the same fate.
- I'll get it handled, make sure the runes remain strong.
I shall, Character. I won't have much to fear from the Legacy Chain for the moment, given the sound beating you just gave them. Hah! What a terrific feeling it is, I only wish I could've seen how much you beat them down! Now, just as a fair warning, these Coralax caves are rumored to hold Shapers. They're considered the figures of authority in the Coralax society, ever since their goddess, Merulina, vanished. They're a little more powerful than your average fish, and I'm betting they'll be holding onto the Blood Coral.
Those who have been working together with other factions should contact the factions representative at this time.
Mission Objective(s)
You traverse nearly a mile of winding caverns before ending up here, somewhere deep beneath the ocean surrounding Sharkhead Isle. You're in the domain of the Coralax now.
- Raid the Coralax Cave
- One piece of research to find
- 3 Shapers to defeat
- Coralax will arrive at the end of the timer 3:00
- One piece of research to find
You've retrieved all the pieces of the Blood Coral and learned that the plan that Vincent Ross had might not go so smoothly after all.
Notable NPCs
- Shapers x 3 Missing Info about Shapers
It's done! The final pieces obtained! CheIubai, we are at the pinnacle of destroying those fools!
It's... not going to control the Leviathan? Is this some cruel joke? That's impossible! It's supposed to control the beast, it's supposed to do what we need it to do! How could I have missed this in my research... I thought I found everything, everything! It must've been those traitors in the Legacy Chain... they knew I was onto something, they hid the research from me! Of course... it all makes sense now. I was blind not to see it before.
Maybe there would be a way for you to gain power through the Leviathan, but what good would it do us if you were taken over? We'd need a way to stop that, but not even the Coralax have found it yet! But... wait... the Midnight Squad. Yes... yes that could be it
Vincent Ross does not offer any missions outside of his main story arc.