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Viridian is a villain contact in the The Tangle neighborhood of Grandville. Viridian's level range is 40-50.
Contact Introduced By
- None, Viridian is an unlockable contact. Viridian can be unlocked by villains who have obtained the Infiltrator Badge, Tracer Badge, Tank Buster Badge, defeated 200 Crey and 200 Council, and are between levels 45 and 50.
New Contact(s)
Viridian is a very dangerous man who works subtle deals that can change the course of world history. The core of his job is influencing other villain groups through manipulation, sabotage, deal brokering, or collaboration, as it suits the needs of Arachnos. There is some rivalry between his organization of manipulators and Shadow Spider's spies, but both know that they can only suceed at their job with the help of the other.
Initial Contact
Incomplete Requirements
Completed Requirements
Here's the deal: I don't normally work with your type. Villains, I mean. Too loud, too unstable. But I have an operation where you could be a major asset. A lot of people fear and respect you. A message delivered by you could carry far more weight to the recipient. And right now, what I need is impact. I don't explain myself, and I don't slow down, and I don't care what you have to say. Take the job or not, that's the only option.
Viridian sells the following items:
- Inspirations
- Level 45 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost
Story Arc
Begin the gathering.
I'll give you the basics of the operation. You deserve that. It's a gathering. Gang bosses, criminal leaders, lots of big bad-guys. And that's the problem. They'll be difficult to wrangle, unless they know we're strong enough to bring them in by force if necessary. That's where you come in. Gather a group of cronies, and deliver the messages I give you to the targets I give you. Most of them won't be willing to listen until you've beaten some sense into them. So be ready. And I again suggest you bring along some more black-masks for this.
Your first target is Sebastian Frost, the head of the Family. He's too smart to resist you, but his thugs won't be. I want him brought in as a message. Oh, and he may be meeting with others. Take some spare invitations. You never know.
Mission Objectives
- Capture Sebastian Frost
- Abduct Sebastian Frost
- Escape with Sebastian Frost
- Abduct Sebastian Frost

These plain white invitations bear a short message, information about the meeting, and signatures from both Viridian and Lord Recluse himself. One is addressed to Sebastian Frost, the head of the Family. The others are left blank.
According to Viridian's info, Frost should be meeting with someone here. You didn't expect it would be the Nemesis Army.
Notable NPC's
Captive: Sebastian Frost
Arch Villain: Nemesis
Sebastian Frost: "No, Lord Nemesis. It's always good to see you."
Nemesis: "Excellent. Now, there are many ties between our organizations, and I think it's time to strengthen them."
Sebastian Frost (to player): "What are you doing here?"
Nemesis: "Providing me some sport. Step aside Sebastian."
Nemesis, huh? That's good and bad. The good is that word will get out about you, and about the message. The bad is Nemesis. He works with plans inside plans inside plans. We have to assume that he knew you'd be there, and wanted to be there himself for a reason. But that's not your concern.
You did okay.

Viridian was straight and to the point. He needed someone as powerful as you to gather together the heads of several of the more tractable villainous organizations for a conference in the Rogue Isles. You went to deliver the first invitation to Sebastian Frost, the head of the Family. When you got there, you found a lot of Nemesis Army troops on the premises. Frost was there, all right, meeting with one of Nemesis's robotic duplicates. You defeated the double and delivered the invitation to Frost. Unfortunately, Nemesis assumed it was extended to him as well.
Mission Name
Mission Objective(s)
