Void Hunters

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The Void Hunters are a special mercenarie group created by the Council of Nictis to combat the growing Peacbringer/Warshade threat curently growing an earth. They have been hiring them out to other groups to help deal with their Kheldian enemies, as well as turn a slight profit. For thoughs who dont want to deal with the Councils mercenaries, they sell Quantum Aray Gruns, thus creating the "Quantum Faction" to each villain group.

Void Hunters

Void Hunters have received special training, Nictis fragment implants, and weapons that are, particularly effective against Kheldians. The Nictis fragment implants give them high resistance to Kheldian energy blast. Higher ranked Voids have been implanted with so many Nictis fragments that they can even absorb both energy and negative blast. They are a threat to both Kheldians and non-Kheldians alike. However their weapons use a special quantum wavelength, designed specifically to disrupt the energys that make up a Keldian. This forcibly rips Kheldians and their host apart. The damage can be heald over time, but to much of this can rip a Peacebringer or Warshade apart; killing them. This is a Void Hunters goal.

Villain Types


Void Seeker

Void Seekers are the lowest rank among the deadly Void Hunter ercenaries, serving mostly as scouts to detect possible Kheldian activity. They carry a powerful Quantum Array Gun specially designed to damage and disrupt Kheldian energy signatures, and have special Nictus fragment implants that protect them from energy attacks.


UmbralAura Absorption.png Absorbsion Auto: Self +Resistance (Energies)
Void Hunters naturally absorb energy and negative energy and are resistant to such damage.

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and movement rate have been Slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl (Melee, Smash/Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and movement rate have been Slowed by a Lurid Strike.

UmbralAura GravityShield.png Umbral Shield  ???
This Shield Protects the Void Hunter from all damage types except Psionics.


Void Stalker

Void Stalkers are drawn from the ranks of Void Seekers who have proven their cunning and viciousness in battle. Extra training, more powerful Quantum Array weaponry, and additional Nictus fragment implants transform them into something dangerous to most heroes and deadly to Kheldians.


UmbralAura Absorption.png Absorbsion Auto: Self +Resistance (Energies)
Void Hunters naturally absorb energy and negative energy and are resistant to such damage.

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and movement rate have been Slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl (Melee, Smash/Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and movement rate have been Slowed by a Lurid Strike.

UmbralAura GravityShield.png Umbral Shield  ???
This Shield Protects the Void Hunter from all damage types except Psionics.


Void Slayer

Void Slayers are the deadliest operatives the Void Hunter mercenaries have at their disposal. They carry the most powerful Quantum Array weapons available and have dozens of Nictus fragment implants, allowing them to destroy a Kheldian with little risk to themselves.


UmbralAura Absorption.png Absorbsion Auto: Self +Resistance (Energies)
Void Hunters naturally absorb energy and negative energy and are resistant to such damage.

AssaultWeapons ShotgunBuckShot.png Quantum Array Gun (Ranged, Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and movement rate have been Slowed by the Quantum Array Gun.

Inherent Brawl.png Brawl (Melee, Smash/Negative) Foe -Recharge, -Speed
Your attack and movement rate have been Slowed by a Lurid Strike.

UmbralAura GravityShield.png Umbral Shield  ???
This Shield Protects the Void Hunter from all damage types except Psionics.