Warzone Operative Oudot
Warzone Operative Oudot is a villain contact in Bloody Bay.
Contact Introduced By
- None
New Contact(s)
- None
Arachnos Warzone Operative
Operative Outdot coordinates villain activities in the Bloody Bay warzone. Speak with Operative Outdot if you are willing to help with Arachnos efforts in the area.
All missions received from Operative Outdot will bring you into conflict with another players!
Initial contact
You must be Villain -another of Lord Recluse's "destined ones", no doubt. Whatever. If you're talking to me it means you're not scared to mix it up with Paragon City heroes while you help Arachnos achieve objectives here in Bloody Bay. I'll warn you now, the heroes out there are top-notch and will take you down if you turn your back for a second. If that scares you, then maybe you'd best head back home to mama! Otherwise, step up to the plate.
Patrol Bloody Bay
Arachnos needs to be appraised of the current state of affairs. I need someone to perform a recon patrol through Bloody Bay.
PvP mission. This mission will bring you into direct conflict with heroes.
Watch out for heroes from Paragon City. Many of them patrol around Bloody Bay itching to take down an unwary villain.
Mission Objective(s)
- Patrol Bloody Bay
- X points to visit
Excellent! I'll report your findings to Arachnos command at once!
The first time you complete this mission you will be awarded:
Temporary Power
Upon completion of this mission, you will receive the Hyper Stealth temporary power.
Toggle: Self Stealth, +Defense, -Speed
You blend into your environment and can only be seen at extremely close range. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense to melee and ranged attacks. If, however, you attacke while using this power, you will be discovered and will loose your Stealth and some of your Defense bonus. While Stealthy, your movement is Slowed. Hyper Stealth has a total of 30 minutes usage time.
Mission name
Mission Objective(s)
Notable NPCs