Westin Phipps

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Westin Phipps
File:Westin Phipps.png
Westin Phipps
Zone Grandville
Coordinates (2447, -464, 2535)[Copy]
Level Range 40-44
Introduced By == Broker ==
Wiggy the Brit
== Level 40-44 ==
Terrence Dobbs
Regent Korol
Introduces == Level 40-44 ==
Arbiter Daos
Terrence Dobbs
Regent Korol
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Westin Phipps is a villain contact in the The Gutter neighborhood of Grandville at coordinates (2447, -464, 2535)[Copy] Westin Phipps is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 40-44.


Contact Introduced By


Level 40-44

Contact Introduces

Multiple contact option

I know a lot of terrible people. And several of them have asked to meet you. Should I make an introduction?

Simgle contact option

Someone very powerful within Arachnos has noticed my reports about your work.
(Note: Arbiter Daos will be introduced, if required, after completing Phipps' last arc.)

Level 40-44

There's a professional exterminator called Terrence Dobbs who deals with the Arachnoid problem in Grandville. He's looking for some help with his work.

Dobbs is a bit rough around the edges, but he's good at his job.

There is this woman—if you can call her that—known as Regent Korol. She is a Tarantula Queen, one of the transformed Fortunatas. She has need of some people to do her bidding.

Regent Korol doesn't think the way most people do. That's not surprising, considering what she has become.

Have you heard of Arbiter Daos? He's one of the highest ranking Arbiters of the Rogue Isles. He's cold, humorless, and efficient, and likely one of the most feared men in Grandville.

Whatever you do, don't get on Arbiter Daos' bad side. His word is law in Grandville, and he has the backing of Lord Recluse to enforce it.


Proprietor of Haven House

Most people look on poor Westin Phipps as an unsung hero of the Rogue Isles, a lone man of principle determined to do what's right and stand up for the weak and the powerless, even in the face of Arachnos.

But you know better.

Westin Phipps is a tool of Arachnos. A ruthless man with a heart of rust, Phipps was planted by Arachnos to take up the role of a crusader for the downtrodden before a real one could show up. Any good he does for the poor of Grandville is offset by all the information he funnels into Arachnos. Would-be heroes, vigilantes, and rebels have all fallen victim to the false safety of Haven House. And Westin Phipps continues his work, ready to lure in more.

Prior to Introduction

Haven House isn't meant for villains like you. Please go. The people here have suffered enough.

Initial Contact

What could you possibly want here, you fiend? You've hurt enough of the good people of these islands with your villainy!

Hold on.

Okay, no one's looking. Sorry for the outburst, but we must keep up appearances. I can't do my job amongst the downtrodden if people don't trust me, you see. The only reason I can stand playing the noble crusader among the poor is that it makes betraying their few miserable hopes all the more satisfying.

I may have to put up this little act again in the future, but I'll make sure that you get any information you need to keep the downtrodden, well, down.


  • Haven House opens it's doors even to you, Character.
  • Character! What brings you here?
  • Did anyone see you come here?

Too Busy

You're a little too active in villainous circles for me to be seen with you right now. Go and finish whatever else it is you're doing and come back then.

No More Missions

You've been coming around too much. People are getting suspicious. I think we'll just have to call our collaboration done.


You're a real monster, aren't you? I like that. Monsters I can deal with, but you're becoming known around here. Take this number, you can reach me more discreetly this way. And if you do drop by in person, check into my store whenever you like.

  • Level 45 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)

You've done a great deal to help keep the people of the Isles down and under the yoke of Arachnos. Good job.

Story Arc

Miss Francine the Freakshow Teacher (40-44)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 5 Reward Merits.


(This souvenir is awarded if you successfully complete the last mission)

A Class Syllabus

The class syllabus is stained by blood and machine oil. You pried it from the mechanical clutches of one of the students of:

Miss Francine the Freakshow teacher

It all started when Westin Phipps, the crooked proprietor of Haven House, had a problem. It seems that members of the Freakshow had changed from all-destroying party machines into altruistic bandits, robbing from Arachnos to give to the poor of Rogue Isles. Phipps asked you to put a stop to it. You barged in when the Freaks were sacking an Arachnos warehouse, and took them down. You also found clues to the source of the problem: A school teacher named Miss Francine Primm.

Westin Phipps used his connections with the poor and downtrodden people of the Isles, betraying their trust to find out where Miss Francine would be. Armed with that information you moved in to capture her. Along the way, you found out that she had received some aid from Longbow. It seems that Paragon's undercover law enforcement division had discovered that some of Miss Francine's students used to hang out with Weaver-1, the genius engineer who had designed much of Arachnos' technology. But your job was to catch Francine Primm, so you just filed that away for later.

It was only a little later that Phipps learned that the heroes Luminary and Blue Steel had broken Francine Primm out of Arachnos detention. Using his sources, he pin-pointed her at an underwater Longbow base, and sent you in to bring her back to Arachnos captivity. Blue Steel was already back in Paragon City, so you just had to fight past Longbow Soldiers, Miss Francine's remaining Freakshow students, and Luminary herself to bring the hapless school teacher in. She had sharp words for you, but you have to give her credit. Even knowing the horrors she was in for in Arachnos' interrogation pits, she was still strong and brave in the end.

You kept this class syllabus afterwards. Each blood-stained page of it is filled with the promise of new chances at the future. Promises you made sure will never come true. You took it as a trophy, but every time you look at it, all you can see are Francine Primm's eyes looking into your own as the Arachnos guards took her away.

(This souvenir is awarded if you fail the last mission)

A Class Syllabus

This brand-new class syllabus in an unmarked package for you from Paragon City lists reading material and subjects to be covered in the following year for the students of:

Miss Francine the Freakshow teacher

It all started when Westin Phipps, the crooked proprietor of Haven House, had a problem. It seems that members of the Freakshow had changed from all-destroying party machines into altruistic bandits, robbing from Arachnos to give to the poor of the Rogue Isles. Phipps asked you to put a stop to it. You barged in when the Freaks were sacking an Arachnos warehouse, and took them down. You also found clues to the source of the problem: A school teacher named Miss Francine Primm.

Westin Phipps used his connections with the poor and downtrodden people of the isles, betraying their trust to find out where Miss Francine would be. Armed with that information you moved in to capture her. Along the way, you found out that she had received some aid from Longbow. It seems that Paragon's undercover law enforcement division had discovered that some of Miss Francine's students used to hang out with Weaver-1, the genius engineer who had designed much of Arachnos' technology. But your job was to catch Francine Primm, so you just filed that away for later.

It was only a little later that Phipps learned that the heroes Luminary and Blue Steel had broken Francine Primm out of Arachnos detention. Using his sources, he pin-pointed her at an underwater Longbow base, and sent you in to bring her back to Arachnos captivity. Blue Steel was already back in Paragon City, so you just had to fight past Longbow Soldiers, Miss Francine's remaining Freakshow students, and Luminary herself to bring the hapless school teacher in. And you failed. Surprisingly, Westin Phipps didn't seem that upset. Francine Primm wasn't his problem any more, and he could go back to doing what he loved best: crushing the hopes of the downtrodden.

The new syllabus came in the mail a little later. Looks like Francine Primm started teaching again, this time in Paragon City. They say that miracles can happen there every day, so who knows? Maybe this time there won't be someone like you to crush that dream. You meant to throw it away, but something stopped you. It was a short note written on the back in a formal, but girlish, hand: 'It's never too late', is all it said. And as you read and re-read those four words, you understand what Arachnos was so afraid of. It's never too late.

Stop Freakshow altruism


People in Haven house have been talking about a change among some groups of Freakshow. It seems that a group of them have stopped wreaking havoc, and have started helping people. They're robbing from Arachnos and giving to the poor of the isles. Nothing makes my job betraying the hopes of the hopeless more difficult than altruism, particularly when it's bad people who are the ones setting a good example. They have to be stopped before this spreads, and I would like you to take care of it.

Mission Acceptance

My sources tell me that the Freaks are about to raid an Arachnos base for supplies to give to the needy. Wipe them all out, and that should put a damper on things for the moment. The trouble is, I have no idea why the Freaks are behaving like this. If you can find out why, it might help us clip the wings of this problem before it gets away from us.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Altruistic Freakshow helping out the common people? It makes me sick just to think about it. Make sure none escape.

Mission Objective(s)

Looks like the Freaks have already cleared Arachnos out of here.

  • Defeat all Freaks in base
    • Find clue to Freak behavior

You put an end to the Freakshow's random good deeds.

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

Freakshow Homework

You've found pages of half-finished homework. There are math sections, a few pages of spelling, and a complete 3 paragraph book report. It looks like one of the Freaks was in the middle of working on it when you attacked. It even has the class he was taking written on it, along with the name of his teacher: Miss Francine Primm.

School books

You found a set of school books tucked in a backpack carried by the Freakshow Tank 'T33ch@h'Z p3t'. Inside his binder, there's a list of his classes, his homework, and what days and times he's supposed to attend something called 'Miss Francine's Primm's Secondary School'.

The one really puzzling thing, though, is how could T33ch@h'Z p3t have had such good handwriting? He didn't even have hands! It boggles the mind.


Is it done? Excellent! I can't wait to..

Someone's coming, let me get into character!

You monster! You fiend! How dare you come here to gloat in my face! I'll not cower down to your bullying! Many people were relying on the supplies those brave Freakshow liberated. Why must villains like you stomp on everything good that might happen to...

Are they gone? Good. Sorry about that, must keep up appearances, you know. Well, with the information you found, it sounds like this 'Miss Francine' is the real problem here. I'll ask around.

Stop Miss Francine


Now that I knew what to look for, it was easy to find out what's been going on.. It seems that a young woman has made it her personal mission to rehabilitate some of the unsavory elements around here. There are a number of Freakshow who've grown quite attached to this plucky young school teacher, and I fear that she's rubbing off on them. This Miss Francine is becoming a shining beacon of hope. So, I'm afraid that little light must be snuffed out.

Mission Acceptance

I'm glad you agree. I've had some difficulty pinning down Miss Francine. Her Freakshow friends like to move her around to keep people like you and me from finding her. But she's made a bit of an incautious error. It seems that she's trying to set up a little school, of all things. I told people that I'd like to help her, but I discovered that she's already getting help from an outside source. It seems that school supplies are being funneled to her, and then left in a forgotten warehouse. With the class schedule you found and my own connections, I think I've found out where and when the next pick-up is. I'm told that she eventually plans to turn the place into a school-room! Can you imagine it? 'Miss Francine's school for Freaks'! The very image of Freakshow sitting in rows of desks is hilarious. It would almost be worth letting her continue her work just for that, but no. Your job is to capture her, and find out where those supplies are coming from. No doubt the Freaks she's teaching will try to protect her, but I assure you that Dreck and the other Freakshow who aren't taking classes with that little troublemaker want her out of the picture as much as I do.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Take Miss Francine from the premises. I'll make sure she ends up in the hands of Arachnos.

Mission Objective(s)

Time to catch the source of all the trouble: A good hearted school teacher who wants to help people.

  • Catch Miss Francine
    • 4 clues to find
    • Kidnap Miss Francine
    • Escape with Miss Francine

You captured Miss Francine and found out who was funding her.

Primary Enemies


Notably NPCs

Ambush! Upon capturing Miss Francine you will be ambushed by six waves of Freakshow
We can't let Character take Miss Francine!

A thank you letter

Dear Miss Luminary,
I would like to thank you for all your help getting supplies for my classes. I know that you and Longbow have put a great deal of effort to helping me, and exposed yourselves to some danger in order to get these supplies through, so I wanted to thank you again for all that you've done.

Yes, now that you mention it, I do remember one of my students mentioning a 'Weaver-1'. He was an Arachnos science officer who used to party with them. What I was told, I was told in confidence, so I'm not sure I should relay it. But if Statesman himself is interested, well, it must be important. Let me think on it.

Francine Primm

PS - Your notes on 'L33T' have also helped me a great deal, though most of my students think it's funny when I try to use it. Thank you again.

School Supplies

This crate contains all kinds of school supplies. Books, paper, calculators, even some laptops. As you grab some of the valuable items, you notice that everything here is from the Paragon City Public School District.

Student files

These folders contain the class records of Miss Francine's students. She's charted their improvement, and where they need help. She also has notes about their personal lives here and there. Seems that a number of the Freaks have been very candid with her about their personal problems. You take a moment to skim through some of Miss Francine's earnest notes about the pathetic wasted lives of her students for a good laugh, until you see something that makes your blood run cold:

Some of her Freakshow students used to hang out with a slumming Arachnos technician. Miss Francine learned a lot about Arachnos' inner workings from talking with them. The thing that makes this really interesting is that the Arachnos tech they were slumming with wasn't just any technician. It was Weaver-1, the master designer responsible for much of Arachnos' technology.

That could be some pretty explosive information.


Oh, there will be such sweet anguish when word gets out that little Miss Francine Primm was captured. Serves her right for giving some hope to this trash.

So, she was getting her help from Longbow, was she? Well, Arachnos will lock her away and pry every single shred of what she learned about us from her pretty little head. Whatever's left of her will be dumped on the street.

I'll have to make sure that she makes her way here to Haven House. I'll put her broken little form to work on the staff to show my charity. And when people see what became of her, it will send them further into despair.

That, Character, is what I call job satisfaction.

Recapture Miss Francine within 90 minutes


Well, something rather extraordinary has occurred. It seems that Paragon City's finest took action to help poor little Francine. Luminary and Blue Steel broke her out of Arachnos custody! These kind of last-minute heroic rescues cannot be tolerated. She has to be recaptured. Blue Steel's been sighted back in Paragon City, so it's probably just Luminary and Longbow protecting her right now. And, luckily for us, some of her friends have unknowingly betrayed her location to me. This will still be difficult. I've heard that Luminary is very powerful, and there will be numerous Longbow guards.

You'll have to move fast. You'll only have 90 minutes before they can get her back to Paragon City.

And you may want to take allies with you. Luminary is no push-over.

Mission Acceptance

There's no time to lose. Now, as I mentioned, Luminary is probably still guarding her, so I'd recommend you bring some cronies along if you don't have them already. We cannot allow Miss Francine to get away. What she knows is too dangerous.

Well, and I do want to see her reduced to a broken wreck for all the trouble she's caused me, but that's purely personal.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Oh, little Miss Francine, I will make certain you pay for the trouble you've caused me. Character, don't be gentle with her. And remember, you only have 90 minutes to get her.

Mission Objective(s)

Part of you has to wonder what grim fate awaits Miss Francine Primm if you catch her.

  • Recapture Miss Francine - 1:30:00
    • Kidnap Miss Francine
    • Escape with Miss Francine

You re-captured Miss Francine, and returned her to the harsh care of Arachnos.



Notable NPCs

Ambush! Upon capturing Miss Francine you will be ambushed simultaneously by four silent waves of Longbow and four silent waves of Freakshow

'They'll torture me, you know.'

As you tossed her into the rough grip of the Arachnos guards in the mini-sub, little Miss Francine Primm looked you straight in the eye and said:

'They'll torture me, you know. I was only in their hands for a short while the first time, but in those hours the things they did were indescribable. This time, I know that it will be worse. It will have to be. They're afraid of me. I was kind to those poor boys in the Freakshow, and their lives started to change. That's what Arachnos is afraid of. Not all of the people in the Isles are psychopaths. Many just never knew another way. And that's why they have to destroy me.

It's funny, but I'm not angry at you or afraid of you. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. I only feel pity for you. I feel sorry for you. You poor, pathetic creature.'

Debriefing - Mission Failed

So, Francine Primm got away, did she? And you come back empty-handed. Well, whatever shall we do? Nothing, really. No use getting upset over it. Much as I wanted to have Miss Primm's broken shell working like a galley slave here in Haven House, the important thing is that her influence on the Freakshow is gone. So, good work for that.

Debriefing-Mission Successful

Oh, poor little Francine Primm. I've got channels in Arachnos, I'm going to get every minute of her destruction recorded. Hmmm... I think I might even leak it out around the isles. Seeing the horrors visited on that girl should crush people's spirits all the more, and keep the next one like her away for some time.

Miss Primm in Arachnos' captivity, the Freakshow back to normal, and even Luminary sent to the repair shop! Oh, I really must thank you, Character! You've made this such a good day!

The Rebels (40-44)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 4 Reward Merits.


(This souvenir is awarded if you successfully complete the last mission)

A feathered mantle

This shoulder-mantle of white feathers belonged to the heroine Swan, until you captured her. She'd foolishly tried to help out a group of renegade Arachnos who might have grown into a real threat. Too bad for them they crossed your path in an escapade you remember simply as:

The Rebels

Westin Phipps had heard a rumor going around among the wretches who frequent Haven House that a group of Rebel Arachnos from Warburg had left Marshal Blitz's service and struck out on their own. According to the word on the street, they were now hiding in Grandville, right under Lord Recluse's feet. Phipps had learned a likely location for one of their leaders, and had come up with a plan to catch the rest. First, he sent you in defeat one of the Rebels, a Fortunata named Amelee, and steal her ID. Once that was done, Phipps could have another Fortunata impersonate her to draw out more of the Rebels and learn who was helping them.

It wasn't long before Fortunata Millia's impersonation of the Captured Amelee paid off. She'd learned who was helping the rebels, but needed your help to get out. It turns out that Rebels were getting assistance from Longbow and Swan of the Warburgtors]] in exchange for information on Weaver-1, Arachnos' chief engineer. You got her out with the information all right, but her fate after that sounded grim. Westin Phipps has no qualms about keeping his secrets.

The remaining rebels tried to make a break for it and hid out with Longbow. Too bad for them Phipps knew where to send you. You made a clean sweep of it. Both of the remaining Rebel leaders, the data, and you even captured the heroine Swan. They let you keep her feathered mantle as a trophy before Arachnos guards took her away.

(This souvenir is awarded if you fail the last mission)

A rebel helmet

This broken helmet once belonged to a member of a group of Arachnos rebels who tried to escape the cold retaliation of the Rogue Isles. Too bad for them that they crossed your path in an escapade you remember simply as

The Rebels

Westin Phipps had heard a rumor going around among the wretches who frequent Haven House that a group of Rebel Arachnos from Warburg had left Marshal Blitz's service and struck out on their own. According to the word on the street, they were now hiding in Grandville, right under Lord Recluse's feet. Phipps had learned a likely location for one of their leaders, and had come up with a plan to catch the rest. First, he sent you in defeat one of the Rebels, a Fortunata named Amelee, and steal her ID. Once that was done, Phipps could have another Fortunata impersonate her to draw out more of the Rebels and learn who was helping them.

It wasn't long before Fortunata Millia's impersonation of the Captured Amelee paid off. She'd learned who was helping the rebels, but needed your help to get out. It turns out that Rebels were getting assistance from Longbow and Swan of the Vindicators in exchange for information on Weaver-1, Arachnos' chief engineer. You got her out with the information all right, but her fate after that sounded grim. Westin Phipps has no qualms about keeping his secrets.

The remaining rebels tried to make a break for it and hid out with Longbow. Too bad for them Phipps knew where to send you. Too bad for you one of them got away. He's out there, somewhere, trying to stir up dissent and rebellion. Or if he's smart, he never stopped running.

Help Phipps in his plan against the Arachnos Rebels


The wretches at Haven House are all twittering about an odd turn of events. Several of the Arachnos Renegades who were formerly serving with Marshal Blitz's Warburg rebels have left his banner and gone into hiding. The rumors on the street is that they're hiding here in Grandville, of all places. Now, I should report this immediately, but there are some things you can find out with treachery that you just can't get with an assault squad. I've got a little plan to find out how these rebels came to be here, and I'd like your help to set it in motion and finish it up. It will be dangerous, so you might want to bring some others along. I should have the budget for it, if I water down the gruel I feed the guests.

Mission Acceptance

Here's what we're going to do: First, I need you to go to one of the Rebels' gathering spots. I've learned that one of their leaders is a Fortunata named Amelee. I want you to defeat her and all the others around her, and take her identification. Return that to me, and I'll have a Fortunata I know ready to take her place.

She'll have a terrible story to tell about how she's being hunted by the villain who wiped out her cohorts. That should give her enough time to find out just who's helping these rebels, and set the rest of them up to fall.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'd best get busy. While you don't have to defeat everyone, you must make sure that no one in the same room as Fortunata Amelee makes it out. Can't have their little tongues wagging with the truth about my imposter, eh?

Mission Objective(s)

Looks like the rebels have set up a little command base in here.

  • Defeat Fortunata Amelee & Crew
    • Find Information

You defeated Amelee and got her id codes.


Rogue Arachnos

Notable NPCs

Partial Dossier

You found this information on one of the computers in the Arachnos Rebel's base. The main part of the file in encrypted, but the unencrypted part of it appears to be a personnel dossier on Weaver-1, Arachnos' master technologist. A short note accompanies the file:

'S -
You'll get all the details later, once you've proven you can deliver on your part. We're ready to strike the blow, but I must re-iterate that we demand proof you can support us and extract us once it's over. We may be sick of what Arachnos has become, but we won't be played for fools.

The 'A' is probably Amelee. But who is 'S'?

Fortunata Amelee's ID

With these transponders, badges, and codes, it shouldn't be too hard for a trained operative to impersonate Fortunata Amelee for a while.


Ah, the ID you got will be just the thing! Now, I'll have my agent begin her infiltration. I'll tell her comrades that she's been hiding from you here at Haven house. With my unimpeachable reputation, they'll have no reason to doubt me.

This information on Weaver-1 is troubling, though. This is the second time he's come up. There may be something larger going on.

'Abduct' Fortunata Amelee a.k.a. Millia


I just got word from my dear Millia. Oh, that's right, you don't know who that is, do you? Well, I'll tell you.

Fortunata Millia is the infiltrator currently disguised as Fortunata Amelee, one of the leaders of the rebels you caught. Now, Millia says that she's found out who's trying to help the rebels. It's time for you to play the bad guy again, Character, and 'abduct' her.

Mission Acceptance

Don't expect much help from Fortunata Millia. She'll have to stay 'in character', as it were, to keep her allies convinced that she's really Fortunata Amelee.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

As long as you can remember that Fortunata Amelee is really Fortunata Millia, this shouldn't be that bad.

  • 'Abduct' Fortunata 'Amelee'
    • Kidnap 'Amelee'
    • Escape with 'Amelee'!

You recovered Fortunata Millia from her infiltration mission.

Primary Enemies

Rogue Arachnos

Notable NPCs

Ambush! After Fortunata 'Amelee' is rescued, there will be an ambush by a small squad of Rogue Arachnos.

Character's got Amelee!
Millia's information

After you rescued her, Fortunata Millia told you:

'I've learned a lot about these rebels. Most of them joined Marshal Blitz's rebellion for foolish ideals. Some hoped to reform Arachnos, others to settle their conscience. When Blitz proved no better, they started listening to spies from Longbow. Right now they're trying to exchange information for armaments to put up some sort of fight. Longbow's asking about information on Weaver-1 in exchange, but I don't know why. These Rebels are barely a threat as a military force, but if Longbow learned all that they know about Weaver-1, it could be very harmful indeed.

For their part, Longbow seems more interested in getting as many Rebels as they can out of the isles. How typically heroic to be concerned with the lives of pawns.


Well, well, well. Fortunata Millia's information has been quite timely. If we can make supporting this little rebel band too costly for Longbow, while simultaneously removing those among them with damaging information, that should wrap things up quite nicely. I'll see what I can arrange for you.

Oh, and don't worry about dear Fortunata Millia. I know that you'd appreciate discretion in our work as much as I do, so I've had her 'volunteered' for envenomation and transformation into a Tarantula Mistress. She's far too inexperienced to survive the process, and even if she did her mind will be shattered beyond measure by the extra treatments I'm having ordered. See? Out of the way and under the rug nice and easily.

I do so enjoy tidying up the loose ends of a plan. It makes things feel complete, wouldn't you agree?

Stop the rebels and recover the data


With all the pressure you've put on the rebels, they've grown desperate. The survivors have halted their plan to attack, and are now trying to get out of the Isles alive. It's just too bad that there are people like you and I dogging their heels. They're about to meet with the one who's been helping them, to exchange information on Weaver-1 for freedom. Well, we can't let that happen, now can we?

Oh, I should warn you. The person helping them is the heroine called Swan. You might want to be careful. Remember those reinforcements I mentioned? Now would be the time to gather them, if you haven't already.

Mission Acceptance

There are some extra restrictions. First, I suspect that the Rebels may try to run if things go badly. You'll have to catch the two remaining leaders, their names are Falks and Morrow. Remember that. If even one of them escapes, then you will have failed, and all of this will be for nothing.
On top of that, you'll most likely need to take information the rebels provided from Swan herself.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

How many of these hidden bases does Longbow have? Anyway, you know the drill here. No one escapes, and Swan's gotta go down.

  • Stop the Rebels
    • Catch Falks
    • Catch Morrow
    • Get Data from Swan

Failure: One of the rebels has escaped, causing you to fail the mission.
Success: You caught the last of the rebels and defeated the Vindicator Swan.


Rogue Arachnos

Notable NPCs

Data on Weaver-1

This disk contains a good deal of data on the work Weaver-1 has done for Arachnos. Lots of technical details, though much of it is encrypted. The Rebels didn't trust Swan and Longbow too much.

Debriefing - Mission Failed Well, that could have gone better. I would have preferred to see those rebels captured so they could all be interrogated as a set. Things like this can end up as legends. The rebels who escaped from one of the mightiest villains and all that. I'll have to go into thorough rumor control, spreading tales about what horrible fates they must have met. You have made my job more difficult, but also a bit more hands-on for a while. And I do enjoy my work. This is the second time Weaver-1's come up in association with Longbow's meddling. You know, Character Name, I think there may be something going on, here.

Debriefing - Mission Successful

All the information is out of the hero's hands, all the leaders of the traitors are undergoing extensive interrogation, and you even managed to capture Swan and the data they took on Weaver-1.

This is the second time Weaver-1's come up in association with Longbow's meddling. You know, Character, I think there may be something going on here.

The Bane of the Heart

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 10 Reward Merits.


A picture inside Haven House

This old picture shows two poor kids, eyes bright and smiles wide as they hold each other inside Haven House. You know their names are Gally Ido and Hugo Figures, and those smiling fools in the picture have no idea what's about to happen to them. Not their betrayal by Westin Phipps, nor the fighting, nor the transformations, and certainly nothing about you, or as you remember this whole escapade:

The Bane of the Heart

When this all started, Westin Phipps was in a bind. One of the occupants of Haven house had been a Wyvern spy who had sheltered there while preparing to raid an Arachnos data center. The spy had already been caught, but when Phipps talked to you he'd learned that Longbow was going to mount a rescue attempt. Whoever got him, Westin's involvement was sure to be revealed, and that would leave him compromised. Phipps hired you to kidnap the agent before Longbow could rescue him or Arachnos could interrogate him. Afterwards, Phipps' people discovered that the Wyvern agent was there to steal personnel files on Bane Spiders.

More digging revealed that Longbow was targeting Bane Spiders for capture. You went to stop one such capture mission and found out that Longbow Agent Gally Ido, the one in charge of the operation, was searching for a particular Bane Spider named Hugo Figures. Phipps remembered the names. Gally Ido and Hugo Figures were two psychically gifted youths he'd tried to catch for Arachnos, but Gally had escaped. Now that she had come back for her long-lost boyfriend, Westin Phipps wanted to make sure she wouldn't get away.

Shortly afterwards, Longbow stopped capturing Bane Spiders. Things almost went quiet, until a sudden Longbow attack on a Crey research facility caught your attention. You crashed the attack, and learned that Longbow was after a mental probe built by a Dr. Nova. Dr. Nova himself told you that the problem with the device was that it worked too well, and if the subject was in the midst of a strong emotional reaction, instead of merely bypassing mental conditioning, it allowed a subject to completely re-write their own mind. Dr. Nova also explained how the Bane Spiders worked, that they had their own mental powers turned inward so that they mind controlled themselves, then linked them to the rest. Dr. Nova barely had to mention what would happen if the device was used on even one of them under the right stimulus.

Of course, Longbow did it. Reports started coming of Bane Spiders deserting, and even attacking other Arachnos troops. Arachnos themselves didn't know what was going on. But you did. You investigated one of the reports, and from what the Bane Spiders and a Fortunata survivor said, it was certain that Agent Ido had used Dr. Nova's device on Hugo. Now it would only be a matter of time before all the Bane Spiders in Grandville were in rebellion.

Westin would have taken too long to come up with a cover story that would let you warn Arachnos and save your own necks, so it was up to you to put an end to this. The first target had to be Hugo. Take him out and the Bane Spider rebellion would end. Though Hugo was powerful, you were able to take him down.

That left Agent Gally Ido and whoever was backing her within Longbow. When you fought your way through her troops, Agent Ido was already planning to rescue her love, but you put an end to that. She was also writing an apology to her mentor, none other than Manticore. You fought Manticore himself in a Longbow spy-ship, and defeated him. It's too bad he escaped, along with Hugo and Gally, but you did your part. And it was kind of nice to see Phipps all disappointed about the escape after all the trouble he'd gotten you into.

Kidnap Wyvern Spy from Arachnos before Longbow can liberate him


I've had the most shocking reversal. It seems that my Haven House unknowingly harbored a Wyvern operative! I don't know what the sneaky little fellow was doing, but he's been caught. However, my misinformed but well meaning charges have heard whispers that Longbow plans to come to the man's aid. All of this puts me in a bad situation. If this spy was here to investigate me, and Longbow gets him back, well, then I'll be useless to Arachnos once my true allegiance is out. And if he was after something else and Arachnos learns that I sheltered him in Haven House without knowing it, well, it's hardly likely they'll keep me around. So, I need someone to take this spy away from Arachnos before Longbow rescues him or Arachnos gets him to talk.

Mission Acceptance

Once you get this fellow out, then I can have some people I know pull the information out of him by hook or by crook. Well, probably by hook, mostly, but I won't bore you with details.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

This should be the place they're holding the spy Phipps is so worried about. Looks like you got here before Longbow made their move.

  • Kidnap Wyvern Spy
    • Kidnap the Spy
    • Take Spy to Door

You captured the Wyvern Spy.



Notable NPCs


Well, those people I know got what I needed from that Wyvern agent. He wasn't here for me, which is nice. But he was here for something. He was sent to steal the personnel files on a number of new Bane Spiders. I can only wonder why. Still, this may bear further investigation. Something is in the air here that could be very dangerous to all of us.

Stop Bane spider recruit capture


I knew that Wyvern agent was part of something larger! I've just learned that Longbow agents have made an emphasis on taking Bane Spiders prisoner. They've even staged special missions just to capture Bane Spider recruits! Oh, we are in a pickle now. If Arachnos realizes that the Wyvern Agent we kidnapped might have been part of this operation, they'll be very cross with the both of us. We need to look into this ourselves. I need you to buy some time by stopping one of these raids before they get away with their target.

Mission Acceptance

You must get the Bane Spider Longbow is trying to catch out safely. The other Bane Spiders will know if he perishes. This all makes little sense. I know a bit about Bane Spiders. They're all linked in a strange fashion. Why, taking one prisoner would be foolish, since he could tell any other Bane Spider where he is at any time. So what are they up to? While you're busy, take out the Longbow team leader. You might find some information.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'll need to get the Captured Bane Spider to safety, and take out the leader of the Longbow capture team. That might help shed some light on what's going on.

Mission Objective(s)

Longbow, Bane Spiders, and all this weirdness. What has Phipps gotten you into?

  • Protect Bane spider recruit
    • Defeat Capture Leader
    • Rescue Bane Spider
    • Lead Bane Spider out

Mission Success: You protected the Bane Spider from Longbow.
Mission Failure: The Bane Spider was defeated before capture.



Notable NPCs

A list and a dossier

You found these documents on a Longbow officer. There's a list of potential targets, all of them Bane Spiders. All of them were inducted into Arachnos within the same week several years ago, are about the same age, and listed as natives of the Rogue Isles. The list and the orders to capture each target are signed by an Agent G. Ido.

There's also a picture of a young man and a girl, taken several years ago. The girl's face is blurred out, and under the boy's face is the text: 'Figures, Hugo. Male. Caucasian. Picture taken 7 years ago, prior to Arachnos indoctrination.' From the background, it looks like the picture was taken near Haven House.

Debriefing: Mission Success

The information was very interesting. Hugo Figures... I know that name...

Now, I remember! Oh, my, my, my. Hugo Figures. And I would be willing to bet that Agent 'G. Ido' would have to be his little girlfriend Gally Ido. Oh, I remember them. It's a sad little story I made happen.

Hugo Figures and Gally Ido were both gifted children. Psionically, I mean. They'd found their way to each other, then to Haven House, and were on their way to escape the Isles. As soon as I realized their true capacity, I told Arachnos at once. Psychic children are quite a resource, you see. Lord Recluse has placed quite a bounty on them. I managed to catch Hugo Figures, but Gally Ido got away. Could she have come back for Hugo? Oh, how tender! We must make sure that she fails.

Debriefing: Mission Failure

Don't worry about the apparent failure. It will just keep everyone confused, and I had some people of mine gathering information as well. They've found some interesting things. Such as, that Longbow is looking for someone specific, a Bane Spider who was once a boy named Hugo Figures on the orders of an Agent 'G. Ido'. I remember them. It's a sad little story I made happen.

Hugo Figures and Gally Ido were both gifted children. Psionically, I mean. They'd found their way to each other, then to Haven House, and were on their way to escape the Isles. As soon as I realized their true capacity, I told Arachnos at once. Psychic children are quite a resource, you see. Lord Recluse has placed quite a bounty on them. I managed to catch Hugo Figures, but Gally Ido got away. Could she have come back for Hugo? Oh, how tender! We must make sure that she fails.

Check out Longbow attack on Crey Facility


Longbow's stopped their capturing for the moment. Either they found Hugo, or they're confused by your interference. But I've learned that they've just attacked a Crey research facility. I think that it may be related, and want you to check it out.

Mission Acceptance

Your best bet is to find the head of research, a Dr. Nova. He might know what Longbow was after. Also, look for any notes Dr. Nova might have around. That might tell us even more than the Doctor himself.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

Crey and Longbow are still fighting. Chances are they won't be willing to share Dr. Nova's data.

  • Search Dr. Nova's lab
    • 2 pieces of research
    • Find Dr. Nova

You learned what Longbow was after.



Notable NPCs

  • Dr. Nova (Captive)
'Their powers are remade...'

Dr. Nova's unhinged ranting still echoes through your thoughts:

'It was only a matter of time until something like this would happen. Recluse was ingenious. He's had Arachnos gathering psychic children for years, and built two great forces, each army part of his strategy to fully control the forces that destroy all conquerors. The Fortunatas are his front line troops in a war against fate itself, and the Bane Spiders the shock soldiers in a war on human free will. The children, their powers are remade. The girls have their sight adjusted into the future, but the boys, their powers are forced inward. They mind-control themselves, then link themselves to the other Bane Spiders. They are a vast network of self oppression, designed to enforce its own loyalty. But what happens when a key is turned in a lock, and these barriers are unmade? What sort of beast might then arise as the fire of personal transformation leapt from mind to mind?'

Dr. Nova's notes

These seem to be some of Dr. Nova's notes about the device Longbow wanted:

'The device is nearly complete. They wanted a tool that could bypass mental barriers and overcome indoctrination in order to better extract information during interrogation, but I think I may have overdone it. Early tests went fine, until one of the subjects had a major emotional reaction to something during the procedure. The resulting change was astonishing. It's as if the subject's entire sense of self was opened up, and he was allowed to re-write his own consciousness. The implications are staggering. I must conduct more tests.'

Dr. Nova's further notes

These seem to be some of Dr. Nova's notes about the device Longbow wanted:

'I doubt that anyone truly understands what I have created here. Its subtlety astounds even me. With the proper emotional trigger, I can do more than merely bypass a few mental blocks. I can open the consciousness itself, allowing the mind to edit its own personality. Imagine all the damage that could be undone. Conditioning wiped away, prejudices annihilated. Or possibly, the ultimate form of self-destruction as a mind re-builds itself without mercy or compassion. All it would take is the right emotional trigger to begin the transformation...'


At a guess, I'd say that Longbow is trying to break Bane spider conditioning using Dr. Nova's device. I think Gally is trying to bring her boyfriend back. How adorable. But what Dr. Nova said about 'emotional triggers' and change sweeping like wildfire worry me greatly. And unfortunately, we still have to keep Arachnos from knowing about this, lest they know about our part in all this. We just have to figure out what their next move is.

Find out what's happening to the Bane Spiders


There have been many reports of Bane Spiders acting very strangely. Congregating away from Arachnos bases, even attacking other Arachnos soldiers. One of the vagrants who frequents Haven House saw a squad of Fortunatas going to confront some of them. I think we need to make ourselves part of this situation.

Mission Acceptance

There have only been a few reports of strange activity so far, but it has me rather worried. See if you can find any of the Fortunatas who were sent in to break up the Bane Spider meeting. Oh, and if there is a particular Bane Spider leading them, eliminate him.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

You have to wonder why anyone would bother to gather down here.

  • Break up Bane Spider gathering
    • Defeat Bane Leader

You defeated the leader, and learned some valuable information.



Notable NPCs

The Fortunata's mission

The last Fortunata told you an interesting tale:

'There have been several reports of Bane Spiders deserting their posts. Normally, we would have a Tarantula Queen or one of our sisters look into their mind-web, but they fought back. We were sent down here to bring these Bane Spiders in, and when we tried to bring them to heel, they attacked us.

They have a leader, a Bane Spider called Zapan, but even he was rambling about another Bane Spider called Hugo.'

Zapan's words

After you defeated him, the Bane Spider called 'Zapan' told you:

'Nothing can stop us. We were in such pain for so long, but when Hugo awoke, he began to unchain us. A few at first, but every new one freed will make us stronger. The Fortunatas hunt us, the Tarantula Queens seek to snare our renegade free thoughts before they can spread, but with Hugo, we cannot be stopped!'


All this talk of Freedom is giving me hives! From the sound of things, I would guess that Agent Gally Ido got her Longbow bosses to try Dr. Nova's device on Hugo, and I think it may have worked a bit too well. So, if all the Bane Spiders really are connected, that could lead to a veritable cascade! By the time I could get all those above me mobilized and prepare a cover story, it could be too late, and all the Bane Spiders might be in revolt. Character, we have to put a stop to this ourselves.

Deal with Bane Spider Hugo


We're in rather a pressing bind here, Character. By the time I can alert Arachnos and provide suitable cover stories for myself, er, for us, I mean; it will be too late and the Bane Spiders will all be in rebellion. But I have an idea. From what you've told me, all the Bane Spiders who have been affected are still relying on Hugo, aren't they? So, all you need to do is find Hugo, and deal with him.

Mission Acceptance

I've asked a few people I can trust to follow deserting Bane Spiders, and I think they're gathering at a central location underground. I've got a feeling you'll find Hugo there. He's your target. Defeat him and the other Bane Spiders nearby him, those are likely the worst infected.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

The caves are quiet, but you can almost hear something like a sound humming from all the minds below.

  • Stop Hugo and all nearby him
    • Defeat Hugo

You found a letter on Hugo after you defeated him.
You defeated Hugo and all the most infected Bane Spiders.



Notable NPCs

Hugo's Letter

You found this letter on the body of the Bane Spider named Hugo. It's written in a shaky hand, and several lines have been crossed out and re-written. It reads:

'My love,
I'm sorry I fled. But it was all so much at once. The first time I've felt my mind soar freely in years, and your face, fully grown and so beautiful, and still in the background the war-like din from all the minds of the other Bane Spiders. I want to come back to you. I missed you so much, Gally, and I didn't even know it. Every day was an empty agony, and I didn't know why. I know that Mr. Manticore can help me, and I thank him for giving me back the me that loved you and still loves you so much. But I can't turn my back on them, Gally. I can't turn my back on all of my brother-selves.

All the others are just like I was. They're still trapped, still have their minds caged and turned in on themselves, still in an agony they don't even understand. And I can help them. I've got to help them.

I love you, Gally Ido. I love you more than life itself. And I will come back to you, come back with you to Paragon City just like we always dreamed. But first, I have to do this. I have to try and save the others, just like you saved me.

I love you, Gally. And I'll be with you again soon.



The number of mysterious Bane Spider desertions has fallen off dramatically. Oh, but we're not done yet. Little Gally Ido has hurt me twice now, first by escaping and now by coming back. We must make sure that the dear little girl doesn't get away a second time.

My, have you looked at that letter poor Hugo wrote? So over-wrought, so full of love. It's all so sweet I think I'm getting a stomach ache. Dear, dear, dear.

Capture Gally Ido and discover her benefactor

Catch Agent Gally Ido


There's only two things left to do: You have to catch Gally Ido while she's still here in the Isles, and you'll have to catch whoever has been helping her. You see, Character, I have a theory. I think that much of the grouble we've had has sprung from a common source. Miss Francine's school for Freaks, the Arachnos Rebels, and now this whole Bane Spider issue. It's as if one organizing agent behind the scenes has been trying to re-shape the Isles by reforming our wicked ways. I think that whoever this is, they're the one who helped Agent Gally Ido get this far. And I want that person caught!

But be warned, this is probably someone quite powerful. You may want to bring some allies along when you go to confront them.

Mission Acceptance

It's fortunate for me that so many deluded fools think I'm on their side. I've been able to piece together Agent Ido's location through all the rumors I've heard. Now, once you're there, catch little Gally, and see if you can find some information about the location or identity of her benefactor. As I said, this will be difficult. You should really get several other black masks if you haven't already.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Same as mission acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

According to Phipps' sources, Gally Ido and her Longbow buddies should be here.

  • Catch Agent Gally Ido
    • Defeat Agent Gally Ido

You found a message on Agent Gally Ido
You defeated Agent Gally Ido and discovered the identity of her benefactor.



Notable NPCs

Agent Ido's report

You found a rough draft of Agent Gally Ido's report to her superiors on her when you defeated her. The details of the whole operation are pretty mundane, and pan out about how you'd figured.

The plan was to test out the theory that the Bane Spiders could be subverted, and it was an area she'd been studying for a while, no doubt with Hugo in mind. She'd heard about Dr. Nova's new technique, and had used his device on Hugo after she'd found him. The rest of the report is her apology for letting this all get too personal, and possibly endangering Longbow's other operations. But the most important thing is who this was addressed to: Manticore, the crimson bowman of the Freedom Phalanx.

In fact, it looks like this project was one of several he's had going. There's a mention in the report about your capture of Miss Francine the Freakshow teacher and her subsequent fate, and about your part in the end of the Arachnos rebels. You're mentioned by name several times. The best thing, though, is that there's a note on the report, reminding her to send her report to Manticore's current location, hidden in a cargo ship at sea.

Defeat Manticore

Unnecessary Solicitation

Manticore! Of course! Well, I almost feel honored. Now, I've had a submersible prepped for you, so don't waste any time. Just make sure you have enough rogues with you. I doubt one of the Freedom Phalanx will fall easily.

Mission Objective(s)

This is it. Manticore himself is somewhere in here waiting for you.

  • Defeat Manticore
    • Defeat Manticore

You did it. You defeated Manticore!
You defeated Manticore!

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

An organizational Chart

You found this after you defeated Manticore. It shows the interconnections between dozens of hero groups, do-good organizations, and vigilante forces, all operating to undermine the corrupt underpinnings of the Rogue Isles through reform. Sabotaging the entire Arachnos system by improving people's lives and spreading honesty, justice, and freedom. It's ingenious. And all of it is connected back to one man: Manticore.


I scarcely believe it! You defeated Manticore! And what's more, the organizational chart you discovered validated my paranoia. The heroes of Paragon City really ARE out to get us by covertly reforming us from below. How disrespectful! Well, at least we've put an end to several of their plots now. And with Gally Ido and Hugo in Arachnos custody, too! Ah, that's one little love story that will have a truly wretched finish, thanks to you. There is nothing I like more than crushing what should have been a happy ending into dust. I'll have to make sure they let Gally watch as they vivisect Hugo's brain to find out...

Excuse me, that's my phone.

Yes, I did ask to be informed. Yes. Yes. What!? But how? Blue Steel in disguise! I see. I see. Thank you.

Such incompetence! Manticore has escaped, and taken Hugo and Gally with him! Not only am I disappointed in Arachnos security, but I also find myself rather exposed. I need to re-enforce my cover, and quickly. We're done with this investigation, Character. I suppose, sometimes evil doesn't win, no matter how hard we try.


Destroy school books


Ah, Character, we have so much to do. I'm afraid that we're on the verge of an epidemic of hope and progress throughout the Rogue Isles. The problems that would cause Arachnos are too numerous to state. Now, where to begin?

I know just the thing. Some well meaning souls from Paragon City have recently donated a shipment of school books to the poor of the isles. These books are a problem for two reasons. Firstly, they contradict the official truth as told by Arachnos. Secondly, it's in the best interest of the isles to keep the poor uneducated, and thus easily manipulated. So, those books will all just need to go.

Mission Acceptance

Delightful. Now, the books are being guarded by volunteers from the sickeningly well meaning Paragon Police, but they're really not targets, they're just in the way. Oh, you'll have to excuse me, someone's coming. Must play the part, you know.


Character, you monster! How could you even contemplate such a thing? The children of the Isles need those books if they're to have any chance in life! And then to come here and torment us with this. I'll call the police, I will. I mean it! Now, get out of Haven House!

Unnecessary Solicitation

I thought I told you to leave this place, you monster! The children of the isles need those books if they're going to have a future. How dare you come here and gloat about destroying them!

Mission Objective(s)

Look at all these Paragon Police volunteers who came all this way to risk their lives protecting some books. Haven't they learned there are easier ways to make a living?

  • Destroy school books
    • 6 book shipments to destroy

You destroyed all the book shipments


Paragon Police Department

Notable NPCs

  • 6x Donated School Books (Destructible Object)


I've heard all about it. People have been coming into haven house absolutely despondent all day, full with news of your work and blather about their broken hopes and dreams. Excellent work. I think I'm going to like working with you.

Eradicate nearby Arachnoids


I've got a rather nasty problem growing around here. It seems that a nest of Arachnoids has sprung up near Haven house, and it's causing all sorts of trouble. I really don't care about their eating the odd person, but it's starting to drive people away, and that makes it harder to gather information. So, I need you to eradicate this particular Arachnoid nest so I can get back to my job informing for Arachnos.

Mission Acceptance

Very good. Those freakish little beasts are quite problematic. Get rid of all of them, and that should do it.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get rid of those freakish beasts! They're driving people away from here!

Mission Objective(s)

This place smells like cobwebs and rotting meat.

  • Eradicate Arachnoid nest

You cleared out the Arachnoids near Haven House.

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

A picture

You found this old photograph clasped in the claw of the Arachnoid leader. The picture shows what looks like a poor family in the interior of Haven House during the holidays. Despite their obvious poverty, they all seem quite happy, and the children are hugging Westin Phipps' leg. On the back, it says:

'Mr. Phipps was so kind. He even promised to find me a job. This is the first day of a new life for my family!'


Well, good to hear that's been taken care of. Now people should start returning. I'll have to keep your part quiet, of course. I need people to fear you so that they'll ignore me.

Poison and destroy food for the needy


The nerve of some people! I was approached today by some sanctimonious do-gooders from some Paragon City charity. Apparently there was a big food drive for the poor of the Rogue Isles, and now the shipment is in. The donations are being stored in a warehouse here in Grandville until they can be distributed. But I want the poor to be hungry. It keeps them more miserable and desperate for my help. So I want you to destroy and poison those donations. But watch out. There's a group of super-powered do-gooders guarding the shipment. I'd suggest you bring some other rogues along.

Mission Acceptance

Along with some foolish volunteers from the Paragon Police, the shipment is guarded by a group of heroes called the 'Civic Squad', of all things. Poison and destroy the food, but make sure you take them down as well. Can't have people setting a good example.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get to it. I can't wait to hear the mewling of these desperate sops.

Mission Objective(s)

This is grim work, but at least you'll get to fight some heroes

  • Ruin food donation
    • 4 food crates to poison
    • Defeat the Civic Squad
    • 4 food crates to destroy

You poisoned and destroyed the food and defeated the Civic Squad.

Primary Enemies

Paragon Police Department

Notable NPCs


Desperation, deprivation and despair are floating through the halls of Haven House now that everyone has heard about what you've done. I had a young mother bring her little children to me in tears.

'Oh, Mr. Phipps! My little Elsie and Sophia ate some of the food Character poisoned, and now they've gone blind! What will we do?'

Oh, I tell you, it took all the control I had to stop myself from laughing. But I put on my most sorrowful and sympathetic face for them, and took them all in. You've made this dreary charity case a simply delightful situation.

Now, whatever will I do with a desperate mother and her blind twin daughters? Hmmm...

Eliminate the returned home-town hero


People here at Haven House have something to be happy about, and that makes me angry. It seems that a young man who left the Isles as a boy has come back, only now he's gotten himself super-powers. He's been working with Longbow agents, helping them get the lay of the land. He's also become a light of hope to the people here, showing them that they just might be able to improve their lot. That can't be allowed. I want him eliminated.

Mission Acceptance

The hero in question is called, if you can believe it, 'The Quest'. I've heard word that he's helping a Longbow squad set up a hidden base. Eliminate him, and that should do it.

Seriously, 'The Quest'! What kind of a name is that? I cannot comprehend the minds of these self-sacrificing fools who..

Sorry, someone's coming. Have to get into character.


You fiend! You monster! Well, you won't win this time! Now that Jimmy Blenkenship has returned as The Quest, he'll put an end to your evil ways! This is the last time you'll be taunting me and hurting the poor people of the Rogue Isles!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Need text

Mission Objective(s)

Time to put 'The Quest' to rest.

  • Defeat 'The Quest'
    • Defeat 'The Quest'

You defeated 'The Quest'

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

A locket with a note in it

This heart-shaped locket contains two pictures and a note. The pictures show two teenagers, a boy who looks like a younger version of 'The Quest', and a girl. The note reads:

'I wish I'd been brave enough to escape with you. Now they're going to turn me into a monster. I'm so afraid, Jimmy. You've got to help me!

Looks like her help is never going to show up now, thanks to you.


Poor Jimmy Blenkenship. I spent all that time grooming him to trust and believe me, and he has to go get himself in all sorts of trouble. Well, at least all that bother is over now.

Kidnap Amanda Vines' Family


The saucy types who like to say that the only bad publicity is no publicity are quite incorrect. I've learned that I'm to be the target of a very unflattering investigative report by Miss Amanda Vines of WSPDR. Now, I could ask for official back-up to suppress the story, but that might give the whole thing away. If, instead, I were able to apply some pressure to Ms. Vines through the expedient of a villainous threat to her family, well, that might persuade her to change her story.

Mission Acceptance

I'm so glad you understand. Now, Ms. Vines has to understand that her parents and siblings may end up in danger, and has sought to protect them. Clever girl that she is, she's put them in Arachnos care. Arachnos has to do their best to protect her family, or else Lord Recluse will have to admit all the dirty little connections. And that's where you come in as an agent of deniability. An Arachnos base is a small price to pay if it keeps Ms. Vines quiet.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Ms. Vines' parents and her brother are currently being watched over by Arachnos. They couldn't deny the request without giving too much away. Unfortunate for the agents in your way, but that's just how it goes sometimes.

Mission Objective(s)

This story is about to get really personal for that reporter and her family.

  • Kidnap Amanda Vines' Family
    • 3 people to kidnap

You kidnapped reporter Amanda Vines' family.

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

Ambush! After capturing each hostage, you will be ambushed by Arachnos

Barton Vines has been abducted! We should probably recover him!
Mrs. Vines has been abducted! We must recover her!
Mr. Vines has been abducted! We must recover him!


I spent all morning burning copies of Ms. Vines scandalous little report. I'm quite exhausted, but satisfied. Why, I even made sure that all the family is back together, and without a hair on their heads out of place. Well, I suppose there's a warning on them, and Ms. Vines must know that there can also be a target on those precious heads should she ever cross me again.


The Japanese manga series Gunnm (available in the US as Battle Angel Alita) details the adventures of Gally (Alita in the US version), a cyborg girl and martial arts master; Doc Ido, a scientist and bounty hunter who rescues her (just her head, actually) from a scrap heap; Hugo, Gally's sometime boyfriend; and Dr. Desty Nova, who is out to discover the secret of the city that floats over the scrapyard, extending into the sky. Be advised that the violence is quite graphic.

External Links