Window name (Slash Command)

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Revision as of 07:03, 10 May 2008 by imported>Rugiel (historical) (Refined definition, added related commands)
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Lists all valid window names, including aliases, and applicable adjustments, as follows:

Window Openable Closable Scalable
status     X
health     X
target X X X
tray X X X
power X X X
powers X X X
chat X X X
chat0 X X X
chat1 X X X
chat2 X X X
chat3 X X X
chat4 X X X
powerlist X X X
group X X X
team X X X
compass X X X
nav X X X
map X X X
friend X X X
friends X X X
inspiration X X X
inspirations X X X
insp X X X
insps X X X
supergroup X X X
super X X X
sg X X X
email X X X
compose X X X
contact X X X
contacts X X X
mission X X X
clue X X X
clues X X X
info   X X
help X X X
actions X X X
enhancements X X X
costume X X X
search X X X
badge X X X
salvage X X X
recipes X X X
recipe X X X
options X X X
pet X X X
chansearch X X X
combatnumbers X X X
contactdialog   X X
quit X X X
missionsummary   X X
store   X X
petition X X X
defeat     X
costumeselect X X X
combatmonitor     X
auction   X X
trade     X
tray1 X X X
tray2 X X X
tray3 X X X
tray4 X X X
tray5 X X X
tray6 X X X
tray7 X X X
tray8 X X X
playernote X X X
