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Co-Leader of the Vanguard Shield Division
Zone Rikti War Zone
Coordinates (328, -1188, -2397.5)[Copy]
Level Range 35-50
Introduced By == Level 35-50 ==
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Borea is a hero and villain contact in the Vanguard Compound neighborhood of Rikti War Zone at coordinates (328, -1188, -2397.5)[Copy] . Her level range is 35-50.

Editor's Note:


Contact Introduced By

Level 35-50

Contact Introduces

  • None


Co-Leader of the Vanguard Shield Division

Borea and her twin sister Levantera together lead the Shield, the division of Vanguard tasked with protecting the city and its people from the Rikti. The two sisters are both extremely capable fighters, and are the chosen Champions of the Order of the Four Winds. However, the sisters rarely see eye-to-eye with each other, and often argue over the best methods to accomplish their goals. Borea tends to believe in a protective strategy, concentrating on defending the city and its citizens over aggressive pre-emptive attacks. After all, if your enemy has destroyed what you were protecting, then any victory is meaningless.

Initial Contact

You're really making a name for yourself in Vanguard. Keep it up, and you're gonna go places.

I'm Borea. I lead the Vanguard Shield Division, along with my sister Levantera. The Shield is all about defending the Earth and this city from the Rikti. We're always looking for people to help out. If you're any good, that is.

Too Low Level

You're a little eager. You see that hospital over there? That's what happens when you mess with the Rikti before level 35. Now, go home to your trainer and come back when you're ready.


  • Let's see if we can find something for you to do.
  • The Rikti aren't stopping, and there's a lot to do.
  • There's a lot of city to save. You ready?

Too Busy

Is this some kind of joke to you? Come back when you get some of your other tasks done. I don't need someone who can't concentrate on the mission.


  • Inspirations
  • Level 40 Magic/Mutation Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Mutation/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Technology/Science Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)
  • Level 40 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements (200% base costs)


Prove yourself to Borea


Alright, Character, you want to help the Vanguard? First, here are the rules:

1 - If you do not like the way we run things, then that is too bad. We are sure you can find something else to do.
2 - We are always going to have something for you to do. If you do not like what is available, see rule number 1.
3 - We only reward success. Mama raised us to have a high standard. Unlike Lev.
Oh, and rule number 4 - we work on a tight schedule, so everything but the hunting tasks is going to be timed.

Now that we are clear, if you are still interested, let us see if you've got what it takes.

Good. We will give you an easy one. The Rikti have taken over an abandoned building near the base. Your target is their leader. You have 30 minutes to take him out. Good luck.

You have 30 minutes to complete this mission.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Look, if you don't do this right the first time, you will have to do it again. Now get moving.

Mission Objective(s)

This is the place. Time to get to it.

  • Defeat Rikti Leader (30 minutes)
    • Defeat the target

You have succeeded in your mission. Return to Borea for further instructions.



Notable NPCs

  • Rikti Leader (Boss) (Chief Soldier)


That is a start. Good work, Character.

Now, let's get some more work done.


You failed? Well, not everyone's a quick learner. You can try again when you're ready.

Accept mission to destroy Rikti equipment


It is time we took a strike at the Rikti alien equipment. Doing so will help counter the technological advantage they have over us.

Character, find the alien devices and destroy them. As with anything in battle, time is of the essence. You have 60 minutes to complete this mission.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the soft, alien hum of Rikti equipment in the distance. It's on you to make sure that hum comes to a grinding halt.

  • Destroy Rikti equipment (60 minutes)
    • 3 pieces of Rikti equipment to destroy

Rikti Equipment



Notable NPCs


Nicely done, Character. With the Rikti equipment distroyed, we're one step closer to ending this war.

Fight the Rikti


You joined Vanguard to fight the Rikti, right?

Well, now is your chance to do just that.

We have found an entrance to the Rikti tunnel system under Neighborhood.

We are going to hit the Rikti before they hit us.

And by "we" I mean you, Character.

You have 90 minutes to complete this mission.

Mission Objective(s)

The Rikti forces prepare for battle, but they have not prepared for you.

  • Eliminate Rikti threat under Neighborhood (90 minutes)



Notable NPCs

  • None


Few would have taken this mission, Character. Fewer still would have succeeded at it.

We thank you for your strength and cunning in battle.

Go after the Rikti leader regrouping his forces


Character, Vanguard intel suggests that a Rikti Leader is regrouping his contingent under Neighborhood. We need you to get down there and stop him before he has a chance to rally another assault.

This Rikti Leader will have his forces rejoin the assault on Neighborhood within the hour. You have to stop him before then. The Vanguard is depending on you, Hero. We ask that you not let us down.

You have 60 minutes to complete this mission.

Mission Objective(s)

You enter the Rikti chambers only to find them rested and ready for battle.

Oh well, if it was easy, they wouldn't have asked you to do it.

  • Defeat the Rikti Leader before he attacks (60 minutes)
    • Defeat Rikti Leader

You have succeeded in your mission.



Notable NPCs

  • Rikti Leader (Boss) (Chief Soldier)

Cannot continue: Exhausting battle.
Anger: Birth Body Presence: Defeat It.


If every Vanguard member was as effective as you, humanity could sleep easy. Well... easier.

Agree to rescue captured soldier


One of our soldiers has been captured. Your orders are to rescue him.

Find our man and bring him back to us, Character. We do not have time to waste.

Mission Objective(s)

The screams of agony that fill your ears are all too human. Find the captured Vanguard soldier and get him home

  • Rescue captured soldier (60 minutes)
    • 1 Vanguard soldier to lead out

Vanguard Soldier



Notable NPCs

  • Rikti Leader (Boss) (Guarding the Vanguard Soldier)

Little Threat: Fighting Human Soldiers

This is what I call a rescue!


You've brought home our soldier. We look onto you with great thanks.

Take down some Arachnos in the Rikti War Zone


I do not know if you have seen them around, but Arachnos are here. We do not trust them but we do not have time to fully deal with them either. We need you to take care of this problem, Character.

Arachnos are like a plague. We want you to stop them from spreading. Take their numbers down a notch and they should move on to somewhere else. We will deal with them after we have handled this second Rikti invasion.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Arachnos
    • Defeat 50 Arachnos




It looks as if Arachnos have withdrawn for the time being. Good work, Character.

Stop Crey from scavenging the Rikti War Zone


We have gotten reports that Crey are trying to collect Rikti weapons and equipment from the War Zone. This is neither the time nor the place for scavengers. We need someone to make sure they go someplace else for their research.

Crey are always looking at turning any hardship into a profit. This invasion is no different. Seek them out and teach them that there is a time and a place for such activities and this is not it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Crey
    • Defeat 50 Crey




Crey have decided to wait when it comes to researching their new technology inside the War Zone. Thank you, Character.

Follow Borea's instructions and thin Rikti's numbers


Listen up, Hero. You've got work to do.

The Rikti numbers are out of control. We need you to get out there and cut them down to size. Think you can handle it?

We are grateful for your assistance, Character. This mission is a simple one: fight Rikti.

Those aliens are growing in number faster than we can track them.

We're charging you with making them wish they never set foot on this planet.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Rikti
    • Defeat 50 Rikti




Well done, Character. Keep it up and we just might win this thing.

Face Nemesis' forces in the Rikti War Zone


An old threat has reemerged, Character.

Nemesis is up to something, he is pouring his forces into the area. Take them out before he can enact his nefarious plan.

Are you up for facing his forces?

Nemesis is not an enemy we wish to face at this time. The Rikti are more than enough for us.

Those units he has in the area are up to something. We don't have time to figure out what, just take them out and do it quickly.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Nemesis
    • Defeat 50 Nemesis




Well done, Character. You have driven Nemesis' forces back, allowing us to focus once again on the Rikti threat. Thank you.

Run off the Malta Group from the Rikti War Zone


The Malta Group is lurking around the Rikti War Zone. We think that they are looking for something, Character. We want you to make sure they never find it.

Does this sound like something you would be interested in?

Get out there and run the Malta Group off. We have bigger issues to worry about or else we would really look into what they are doing in this part of the city.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat the Malta Group
    • Defeat 50 Malta Operatives


Malta Operatives


It looks as if the Malta Group has turned tail and run. Well done, Character.