Boris the Russian
Boris the Russian is a villain contact in Cap Au Diable.
Contact Introduced By
- None (Boris is a broker for the Cap Au Diable zone.)
New Contact(s)
I'd like to introduce you to Dr. Dmitri Krylov. He was a metahuman researcher in the Soviet Union before it collapsed. He came to the Rogue Isles in order to continue his work. Some of his connections can still get him Technology and Science Enhancements.
He's a brillant researcher with flexible morals. All in all, a valuable contact.
Have you met Dr. Shelly Percey? Technically, she's not a real doc, since she got kicked out of medical school for, shall we say, unorthodox techniques. But she's been using that title since she's been here. She's deeply interested in super powers, both natural and artificially created. She can give you some good tips on the Goldbrickers. She's got a lot of connections in the medical community, which get her Mutation and Science Enhancements.
Shelly's a bit strange. Scary, even. Sometimes I think her thirst for knowledge has made her a little insane.
Have you met Peter Themari yet? Well, you should count yourself lucky. Themari's the nastiest old soul Cap au Diable has ever known; even being in his presence is a little sickening. Still, he knows a lot. He could give a boost to your career. And he can get his hands on Mutant and Magic Enhancements, if that's what you need.
Boris was a high-ranking KGB officer in the old Soviet Empire. Rumor is that after the Cold War he joined up with Arachnos. If that's true, he must have displeased Lord Recluse because he now works the streets of Cap au Diable.
Initial contact
I am Boris. From Siberia. People call me 'the Russian' but I am Siberian, not Russian. Stupid people. You do not seem strong, but I vill give you chance. When I hear of heists I vill put message in paper. You come to Boris and ve vill discuss split. Da?
Rob Kings Row bank
Ready to cause some mayhem in Paragon City? Go to Kings Row and hit one of the banks there. Once you hit Kings Row you'll have 15 minutes to rob the bank and escape.
This is a Mayhem Mission. You can earn extra time by destroying property and creating diversions away from the bank itself.
Each type of item rewards a single time bonus after you destroy a certain ammount of that item. For each person on your team, you will need to destroy more of that particular item to get the time bonus.
Two random side missions can be found on this map. Keys (found by defeating certain enemies) are needed to unlock these side missions. Each completed side mission also rewards a time bonus.
Every character that is at least level 10 receives a special temporary power the first time they successfully complete this mission.
Expect some resistance from Longbow. They've been monitoring the activities of villains in the Rogue Isles for quite some time.
Mission Objective(s)
You are met in Independence Port by an Arachnos operative and from there make your way into Kings Row via the sewer system. Rob the bank and cause some destruction!
- Rob Kings Row bank - 15:00
- Steal money from vault
- Defeat hero to escape!
Excellent work, Villain! You have spread mayhem in Kings Row!
Possible Heroes
Side Missions
Keys for side missions can be found by defeating groups of Clockwork.
Need clue
Bust (name) out of jail
Need clue
Kidnap Mr. Thompson
Notable NPCs
- Mr Thompson (Hostage)
- PPD Captain
Raid Skulls base
- Enemy: Skulls
Need clue
Smash & Grab
Need clue
Temporary Power
Upon successful completion of this mission for the first time, a villain over level 10 will earn the Jump Pack temporary power.

Toggle: Self Long Jump
The Jump Pack allows you to leap great distances and heights, easily jumping over buildings and from rooftop to rooftop! The Jump Pack will last for a total of 2 hours usage time. You can only carry 1 Jump at a time.
Excellent work, Villain! You have spread mayhem in Kings Row!
Removed Missions
Get the loot
You want to make some fast cash, you? Heh. You and me both. I've got a gig we can pull on a bank, but it's got to be done fast. Watch yourself: they're in a rough area of town.
This may be a tough one. So I've planted a man on the inside. He'll help you out.
- Get the loot
- Defeat security to escape
Good haul, you. Enough to pay for your time, anyway, huh?