Talk:Issue 13

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Revision as of 22:24, 24 July 2008 by imported>GuyPerfect (historical) (+Two-Issue Rule)
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The "Two-Issue" Rule for Invention Sets

I've removed the bullet indicating likely Invention sets in Issue 13 given the statement by one of the devs that they would like to avoid having two consecutive issues without new sets. I've heard of this one myself, but I do not have the source, and the bullet didn't cite a source either. While I believe this particular point to be perfectly valid, I took it out due to citation reasons.

If anyone has a link to that post, it'd be appreciated. For everyone: please refrain from posting ANYTHING in this article unless you have a source to link to. --GuyPerfect 22:24, 24 July 2008 (UTC)

Rularuu Weapons

Are we sure about it being until 13? I thought the quote was more along the lines of "no ties to the story of 12" SaintNicster 02:49, 20 March 2008 (UTC)

o,o yups, thats what the quote said. I had to read it twice myself. still, its a bit off, and we have no pics or anything yet anyway (much less the badge list to unlock them), so it can't hurt to just wait a week or so and then move it over once we do have more. --Sleepy Kitty 03:49, 20 March 2008 (UTC)

Rampant Speculation

I have removed the following points from the Possible Content section:

  • New Zones, Costumes, Inventions, Powersets, and/or Enemy groups (this is way too vague, and will apply to every issue)
  • The return of the 5th Column as a major enemy group (the 5th have returned, and I've never seen anything indicating that their return would be as a "major" enemy group)
  • Base Improvements (citation?)
  • A Water Zone (citation?)
  • The Coming Storm revealed (citation?)
  • The addition of Blue Steel as a combative NPC (now you're just making shtuff up)

All of these bullet points strike me as being idle speculation with no basis in anything the developers or community reps have indicated might be in Issue 13.

Please remember that the Paragon Wiki is a source of information that has at least some official relevance, and we really want to avoid turning pages on upcoming issues into player wishlists. If you have a source for any of the above, by all means move it back onto the main page and cite it. If not, please avoid pulling stuff out of the air.

--TonyV 04:21, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

Just to clarify, even if you don't have some official citation or source but you do have some compelling reason to think that this might be added to Issue 13, at least put a note on this talk page indicating that. But please, don't use "players have been asking for it" as a justification. If that were the standard, these upcoming issue pages would be megabytes. I'm just mainly looking for something--anything--to indicate that there's some rationale and people aren't just making stuff up. --TonyV 04:36, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
I think that is a good thing, but what is the difference between the Moon Zone and the Coming Storm? Did I miss something a developer said about a possible moon zone? I'm also pretty sure that there has been mention about base improvements, I'll have to go look for it. I think I recall a developer stating in an interview that the nickname for Issue 13 was "All your base belongs to us". - Snorii 13:27, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
Found the article about base improvements at Added it back to the article. - Snorii 13:36, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
Went ahead and pulled the moon base off. SaintNicster 14:04, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
I didn't add the bullet, but I should point out that Blue Steel does carry a shield while standing around King's Row, thus if they employ shields for Issue 13 there's a fairly good chance of him being added as a combat-based NPC. Not solidly grounded, but there is some logic there. --BustermanZero 14:39, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
The logic makes sense, but does not result in "fairly good chance." That would be speculation, which is why it was removed. --GuyPerfect 18:15, 12 July 2008 (UTC)
I've removed the arch-nemesis bullet from the page as well. Unless someone can present a source for this one, it will remain chained to the wall in my basement and frequently tortured. --GuyPerfect 18:15, 12 July 2008 (UTC)