Homecoming Wiki talk:Article Guidelines

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Revision as of 00:58, 9 April 2012 by imported>Aggelakis (historical) (→‎Undisclosed/NDA material)
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Wow, this is fantastic, much better than what I would have come up with! --TonyV 10:10, 26 August 2007 (EDT)

I have to credit StarGeek for doing most of the legwork, much of what I did was reshaping what he had done over on Help:References. :) -- Sekoia 11:28, 26 August 2007 (EDT)


Would this be the appropriate place to put a Category section that briefly describes how to use categories?

For example, what is the difference between these two? (pulled from {{petcommands}})

  1. [[Category:Slash Command Templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]
  2. [[Category:Standardized Text Templates]]

I suspect when used on a template it actually makes the template show up in the category list... but I don't know. Help! refrains from using {{helpme}} Smilies wink.gif--Konoko 17:28, 11 December 2008 (UTC)

  1. [[Category:Slash Command Templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]
  2. [[Category:Standardized Text Templates]]

-- Agge (talk) 18:04, 11 December 2008 (UTC)

User Pages

I'm assuming that it's verboten to fix up grammar and spelling on User pages. If this is the case, you might want to mention it. If not, you might want to mention that too. →Torin23 14:54, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Generally we don't make a practice of modifying anyone's User Page. On rare occasion we might help fix something like a broken link or an error that was introduced by a change made elsewhere (i.e. in a template that was being used on that User Page). In any case where content that isn't appropriate anywhere on Paragon Wiki is placed on a User Page, it's best to contact an admin and let us handle the situation. But for something like grammar or spelling errors, we leave User Pages alone. --Eabrace 18:06, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Changing the target of a redirected link.

Would it not be preferred, in the examples given, to choose example 3 in preference to examples 1 or 2 (presuming you're already going through the trouble of editing the link). Mrudat 06:41, 25 February 2012 (UTC)

reference links broken

The links all fail in the references section, probably due to last year's wiki move? Searching... no luck yet. Taosin 07:21, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

Internet Wayback machine gets me some of some of these (lost?) references, not all, as it won't go to the second and later pages of long threads. The first ref dates back to Sep 2007. is there an archive anywhere of 5.25" disks? <grin> Taosin 07:38, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
Ah yes. The old forums. The domain name for those forums expired around October 2010, at which time Tony archived their content to oldforums.paragonwiki.com (discussed here). You'll note, however, that clicking on that site currently brings up the message that the site is under maintenance. I want to say I remember a later conversation on the forums about retiring those old boards for good, but haven't been able to dig anything up in that regard. For the most accurate account, it would probably be best to poke Tony with a PM and see what he says. --Eabrace Healthbar notify phone.png 20:31, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
I want to say I remember something about that conversation, too, but I can't recall specifically when it was. I also remember checking my link to the old forums around the same time as the recent security problems, and thought that they had been taken down to scrub them like the COH Faces site was. *shrug* -- Blondeshell 21:00, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
I can confirm that as of November 2011, Tony was planning to leave the old Paragon Wiki forums site down. -- Sekoia 17:39, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

Undisclosed/NDA material

We need to add a section to these guidelines explaining our policy regarding content that has not yet been publicly acknowledged by the devs. I don't feel well enough versed in this arena to draft it up though. -- Sekoia 18:18, 8 April 2012 (UTC)

As you said on Rigel's talk page, this area is decidedly murky. For instance, when the CoH Website got accidental updates, we immediately had that info on the PWiki... even though it was clear that the info was not meant to be public yet. Somehow, people have been getting power names and Powerset names, and that has made others feel more comfortable giving additional information. Yet, in this case, there seems to be no information that can be tracked to a legitimate public source. To me, that is the dividing line between postable on the Wiki and not:
  • Is the source of this information available to the CoH community at large?
  • If yes, is it likely to be fixed and/or removed?
    • If no, then it is totally fine
    • If yes, then it depends on how 'public' it was... the official website being about as public as you can get.
Just my thoughts. —Thirty7 Talk-Icon.jpg 23:32, 8 April 2012 (UTC)
First answer's yes: any VIP with beta client will be bombarded with this information. Grinding Magi and probing for unannounced new powers is pretty much all anyone's doing on beta. Second question's a call for speculation.
Once information is in the open, suppressing it just begs for the Streisand effect. Heavy moderation on the official forums is already generating buzz in live server global chat; everyone's asking what the big secret is!
Better to present the information in a fair and forthcoming manner, no secrets, no hype. Nothing like a good boring encyclopedia article to cool things down. Sans Streisand effect, this time next week, there'll be something new for people to buzz about.
Of course, NDA situations could be different, but that's not an issue this time. Rigel Kent 00:34, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
Mod post removals.
Over the past few issues, I've been watching posts that pop up and get removed on the CoH beta forums by the mods. there are two that stick out in my mind.
  • First, my own discovery of a bug in the tailor that allowed a player to use female model costume parts on male/huge, male/huge parts on each other and female models. When I posted it, I included an image of the female model using the male bare chest leather strap and nipple piercings and another which was a man in lacy white drag with a woman's head (irresponsibly file named as SoGae.png)These were removed within 24 hours as inappropriate for viewing, both on grounds of content (The female model was anatomically correct appearing and the nipple piercings looked ow... ), and file name being inappropriate.
  • Second would be some recently shown images of power descriptions from power links provided by another player. They showed powers from upcoming unreleased and unannounced sets as well as unannounced unreleased AT that was being worked on. This post was visible for approximately an hour and a half before being removed entirely from the fortum by the mods.

-Sayaki 17:45 8 April (PST)

If it has not been announced in open beta, on the website, on the forums, or at a physical meetup (Pummit, Con, etc), then it does not belong on the wiki. That has been our stance in the past, and I should hope that will continue to be our stance. When it comes to forthcoming content or powers or whatever, the wiki is for official information, and if it's not available from an official announcement, it isn't official information. I don't want to get in trouble by the devs/mods/whatever for hosting "misbegotten" information. ~ User:Aggelakis/Sig1 00:57, 9 April 2012 (UTC)