Chance McKnight

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Chance McKnight
Chance McKnight.jpg
Zone Imperial City
Coordinates (474, -55, -295)[Copy]
Level Range 8-15
Introduced By == Level 8 ==
Investigator Whitworth
Introduces None
Enemy Groups None
v  d  e

Chance McKnight is a Praetorian contact in Imperial City at coordinates (474, -55, -295)[Copy] . His level range is 8-15. He is located aproximately 710 yards due West of the People's Park marker.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

  • None


Undercover Ministry of Intelligence operative in the Syndicate

Chance McKnight is one of the most dedicated officers in the Ministry of Intelligence. He's taken on the responsibility of going undercover into the Syndicate, doing questionable acts that go against everything he believes in in order to get a chance to accomplishing something greater; the arrest of the Syndicate's shadowy leaders. For the past six months McKnight has worked his way up the ladder of leadership and is very close to accomplishing his goal.

Prior to Introduction

You tryin' to get me killed?

Initial Contact

Welcome to the gray before the black, Character. You can't judge what we do here, only the results. To do so would compromise everything we are working for and jeopardize us all.

The best thing to do is forget everything you know and just do what it takes to survive. That's the mentality of the people we're infiltrating, they have no greater aspirations than to elevate themselves over others. You will need to embrace that ideology if you hope to get to the top of the Syndicate... or rather, a fragment of what was once the Syndicate.

It's an all out war, and we're in the middle of it. I'm already deep into the organization, but follow my lead and we'll do well together.


  • Anything to report?
  • You got something for me?
  • What's the situation?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

Too Low Level

Missing Too Low Level Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue


Story Arcs

Corp Wars



McKnight's Katana

Chance McKnight gave you a katana. He said it was given to him by Boss Tatsuri, the man who he initially worked for as an operative undercover in the Syndicate. McKnight said that Tatsuri was actually a good man, and when he was assassinated by Sigg Bowman, McKnight almost went undercover for good. Sometimes you take the weapon off of its stand and pull the mirror finished blade free from its black lacquered scabbard and reflect on the massacre in the streets of Imperial City known as:

The Syndicate Corp Wars

It all started when you were assigned to work with an undercover operative named Chance McKnight. McKnight had infiltrated the Syndicate, and was by far the deepest anyone had ever gone in before. He had information that elements of the Syndicate were allying with the Resistance and under those pretenses he had you play the part of a Resistance sympathizer in Powers Division. In order to prove your worth he sent you against Byron Wade, one of Octavian's lieutenants.

With Wade smashed, McKnight sent you to meet with his boss, Mr. Richard Jones. Jones had you attack a lab owned by another rival Syndicate boss by the name of Masamoto.

The attack completely caught Masamoto off guard, and he wrongly believed that it was done by Octavian's men. Taking advantage of the distraction, Jones sent you and Chance McKnight in to capture Masamoto. Armed with mini-guns the two of you made short work of Masamoto's guards.

Jones wasn't the only one impressed with your abilities, he sent you to meet his boss, Mr. Tub Ci Tang. Tang bestowed his plan to use mercy as a way to starve Octavian of supporters and to draw the survivors of the other Syndicate rivals back to the true Syndicate. He then had you show Masamoto just how merciful he was by beating him to within an inch of his life and then offering to welcome him back into the Syndicate.

With Masamoto and his men now back in the fold of the true Syndicate, Mr. Tang called upon you to eliminate the only remaining rival; Octavian. You stormed Octavian's corporation and swept aside his defenders. Squaring off against Octavian proved to be a tough affair, he was a powerful psychic and had rallied many powerful allies to his cause, but in the end you overcame even him.

Broken and defeated you questioned Octavian of what was the cause of the Syndicate Corp Wars and learned that while the line in the sand was about ideology, the true reason the war started was because Penelope Yin, the daughter of the Syndicate's true leader, Wu Yin, had disappeared. Accusations of kidnapping were all it took for blood to start being spilled and paranoia to run rampant. In the end, Yin turned to the Resistance for aid. The move further divided the Syndicate but ultimately, as you can attest, Yin prevailed.

You snap the blade back into the scabbard and place it back on the stand wondering if one day it will be used to draw Syndicate blood again.

Part One: Stepping Stones

There's a war raging, Character. A war between the mega-corps, a war within the Syndicate.

I have orders that now is the time to strike. We're going to lop the heads off the Syndicate hydra and put an end to the Syndicate once and for all. You, Character, are going to be our sword.

Put and end to the Syndicate

Right now the Syndicate bosses are desperate for an edge against their rivals. Some of them are working with the Resistance and members of Powers Division sympathetic to those terrorists. I want you to go undercover, like me, and take on the role of a Resistance sympathizer in Powers Division. It won't be easy being undercover. You're going to have to do a lot of things you wouldn't normally do, but it's all for the greater good.

Before I can introduce you to my boss you're going to have to prove your worth to him. I need you to enter Wade Industries and do as much damage as you can.

Byron Wade is one of Octavian's top lieutenants, so taking him out will definitely prove your worth.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Get in, and get out quick. Wade is not small time. He will have an army of Syndicate goons to defend him.

Mission Objective(s)

You've been in the building less than a minute and already you've felt the sensation of several psychics mentally scanning you.

  • Attack Wade Industries
    • Eliminate Byron Wade
    • Reinforcements arrive in 5 minutes!
    • Find Mission Exit

You eliminated Byron Wade, landing a telling strike against Octavian's Syndicate forces.




Word is moving fast. Wade has been taken out by an unknown Powers Division member working for the Resistance. My phone has been buzzing like crazy.

Listen, here's my phone number. Call me from now on. I'm worried that Octavian or Masamoto's men might track you back to me and take me out since they can't seem to take you down.

Part Two: The Chain of Command

I told my boss, Richard Jones, that I know who is responsible for that strike, and he wants to meet you.

Talk to Jones and do whatever he asks, even if he orders you to kill me. He's simply testing your loyalty.

Remember that, loyalty and honor are a big deal for the Syndicate, or at least, were. That's partly what this whole schism in their oraganization is about, honor.

Talk to the Richard Jones.

Jones is high up in the Syndicate, as high up as I could make contact at any rate. I have no clue how far from the top he actually is, but trying to find information about anyone above him is like shining a light into a black hole. There's just nothing.

Remember, Character, you're acting as a Resistance sympathizer in Powers Division. Act the part or we'll both end up like Noble.

James Noble went deep undercover into the Resistance. He was easily the best cop on the force, but all his training, skill, and let's face it, luck, didn't matter a lick. Word has it he slipped up with their lingo, totally gave himself away. They never found his body.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Jones is waiting for you. I'm not sure keeping him waiting is a good idea, but maybe you are trying to work another angle. I leave it up to you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Richard Jones

Mission Objective(s)

The facility looks fairly legit, on the surfac

  • Raid Masamoto's Chemical Lab
    • Eliminate Everyone in the Lab

You eliminated all the Syndicate personnel in one of Masamoto's labs. That should put a significant dent in his man-power.


Praetorian Clockwork
  • Anderson (Syndicate Suit)

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return to Richard Jones


Jones called me and let me know that his first impression of you was good. Buzz in the Syndicate ranks say that Masamoto was delivered a crippling blow. I assume that was what Jones had you doing.

Just a heads up, Jones mentioned that I'll soon get my chance at vengeance against Masamoto. I'm not sure if he mentioned it, but Jones brought in most of Tatsuri's men after we were made road ronin by Tatsuri's untimely assassination. It's part of what sparked this whole war in the first place.

I have a feeling I'm going to get tapped by Jones to lead a direct attack on Masamoto himself, you're likely to get called in on that as well.

Part Three: It's Raining Lead

Just got a call from Jones. Masamoto just started an attack on Octavian's forces. Looks like he thinks Octavian betrayed him. Jones told me to get the remnants of Tatsuri's men ready, we're going in to attack Masamoto now.

We're going in with some heavy firepower. Other than Masamoto, Jones wants no survivors.

Attack Masomoto

Character, keep an eye out. There's more going on here than we know. Jones wants Masamoto's forces decimated, but he specifically wants us to take Masamoto alive. I protested this course of action, but he assured me that Masamoto's blood would be on my hands soon enough.

The only reason I could see for this course of action is that Masamoto knows something of critical importance and they need him to talk. The Syndicate leadership sits in a deep shadow, Character, and I can't see who is pulling the strings. I think there is more to this war than just a difference of opinion over whether or not to ally with the Resistance. Something big is going on.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Whenever you're ready, let's storm the place.

Temporary Power

Sprays a massive burst of lead at a target. Lots of damage and a bonus to hit, but slow to reload. 30 uses.

Mission Objective(s)

McKnight and what was left of Tatsuri's men have already started fighting.

  • Destroy Masamoto's Forces
    • Capture Masamoto

You captured Masamoto and destroyed his organization.


Notable NPCs

  • Chance McKnight (Ally Boss Pet)

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Richard Jones

Mission Objective(s)

Either you are about to be inducted into the inner circle of a Syndicate family, or you are about to be killed and buried where they'll never find your body.

  • Meet Jones' Boss
    • Talk To Tub Ci Tang
    • Beat Masamoto Senseless
    • Talk To Tub Ci Tang



How can I serve you, Mr. Tang?

Vengeance, and justice, Character.

A very wise man once asked me if I knew the difference between them?

I thought I did, but his wisdom was profound. Shall I tell you what he told me?

If it pleases you, Mr. Tang.

Justice is given, vengeance is earned.

Some people are worthy of neither, but only the most exceptional individuals are worthy of both.

Do you understand this?

I believe so, Mr. Tang.


There is a dog in the next room. To your eyes he may appear to be a man, but in your heart you will see him as an animal. I say this because he is the honorless dog that betrayed and killed Tatsuri.

What do you wish me to do?

Show him vengeance, show him justice, and then show him the most powerful act of all... mercy.

As you wish.



I have done as you said, Mr. Tang.

Do you know why I had you show Masamoto mercy, Character?

I admit, I am unsure.

I was once shown mercy when I was deserving of only vengeance.

My master made sure that I would remember well his lesson of mercy, and so he took my eye.

But he gave me so much more in return.

Mr. Tang?

My master's profound insight unlocked within me my true potential. His act of mercy indebted me to his most righteous path and I have served him since that day.

When it came time for him to exact justice against those who wished him dead, he gave them one last chance to avert their doom, just as he had me. Thus was born the Syndicate

Those that refused... They were not deserving of mercy.

Why are you telling me this, Mr. Tang?

This war is barbaric. Some believe we have lost our way by joining forces with the Resistance. But the decision was not their choice to make.

It is my duty to bring order back to the Syndicate. To do that, I must fight from the moral high ground of honor and compassion. We must show our enemies mercy, and hope that justice can be served without the dirty business of vengeance.

You are indeed a wise man.

My wisdom is not as profound as my Master's, but his lessons have not gone unheard. The true threat to the Syndicate is not the Resistance or the emperor, it is the blind selfishness that festers in the heart of men like Octavian.

We have no choice but to prune the bansai of its rotten leaves and what remains shall once more be pure.

Octavian must die, so that the Syndicate may live.

What do you wish me to do?

Report back to Richard Jones. Inform him that Masamoto has confirmed that Octavian shall receive no mercy for what he has done.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Report back to Jones

You met with Tub Ci Tang, Mr. Richard Jones' boss. You are now one step removed from the head of the Syndicate, but the shadows still conceal his identity.


What did you learn? Who is Jones' boss?

Tub Ci Tang? But that man has been dead for years!

Character, we're moving into very dangerous waters here. Octavian is the only obstacle that remains keeping the Syndicate divided. If we are to destroy this beast then we will have to find out who the leader of the Syndicate is and eliminate him, Tub Ci Tang, and Octavian all within a very small window of time. Once the Syndicate has been reconstituted I'm afraid that the leader of the Syndicate may fade back into the shadows once more.

I'll have the Ministry dig up everything they can on Tub Ci Tang and see if we can find out how we didn't know he's been alive these past ten years.

Finale: There Can Be Only One.

Jones wants you to report back to him. He's got orders for you, probably from Tub Ci Tang.

Report to Jones

Everything we've dug up about Tang says that he was the leader of the Tsoo, the asian gang that absorbed the remnants of both the Triad and Yakuza after the Hamidon Wars.

Tang and the Tsoo were, reportedly, completely obliterated fifteen years ago. All reports said that Tang had died in the fighting, but if he's resurfaced in the Syndicate, then there is no telling how many of his old comrades might have found solace there as well.

From what you've told me, he appears to have gained immense personal insight from his master. That means his psychic potential was unlocked by the mysterious master of the Syndicate. Whoever his master is, they must be an immensely powerful psychic... and the fact that Praetor Tilman has not discovered them worries me, frankly. I don't know if the Seers will be able to shield you from such a person's attempts to read your mind.

Be very careful.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Jones said it was important.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Richard Jones


Master Tang has informed me that you will have the honor of slaying Octavian.

Tang has offered Octavian a chance to die with honor, but the coward refused, and instead has chosen to sacrifice more of his men by hiding behind them. Finish Octavian off yourself, he will not be given the honor to die at the hands of Master Tang.

Members of the Resistance working undercover for Calvin Scott should inform him of what is happening.

Mission Objective(s)

The Syndicate are ready for you. Octavian is nowhere to be seen.

  • Restore the Syndicate
    • Defeat Octavian

You eliminated Octavian and discovered not only the reason for the Syndicate Corp Wars, but also who the leader of the Syndicate really is.



Notable NPCs

  • Octavian

I... I underestimated... him.

Tang offerred you the chance to die with honor, why did you refuse?

There was more at stake than my honor. I was fighting for the beliefs that the Syndicate was founded on. The beliefs that were cast aside when Yin threw his lot in with your kind!


Octavian laughs at the unexpected revelation.

So you didn't even know who you were truly working for. Priceless. Well done Master Yin, well done.

Mr. Tin is the head of the Syndicate!?

Is it so hard to believe, Character, that the CEO of Yin Corp, the largest mega corporation in the world is also the head of the world spanning Syndicate crime organization?

Unfortunately the Syndicate's days are numbered. Now that Yin has won the Syndicate will be torn down in the war between Cole and the Resistance.

What are you talking about?

Yin has allied the Syndicate with the Resistance. That's why I aligned myself against Yin.

Why did Yin ally with the Resistance if it caused so much strife?

For his daughter.

For his daughter? Penelope Yin? What about her?

She's what started this whole war in the first place. Well, she didn't do it specifically.

She disappeared, Character, and when that happened everyone started pointing fingers. Even Yin was convinced that one of us had taken his daughter.

The other bosses, like myself, knew it was only a matter of time before Yin accused us of the heinous crime, so we split off.

Then Yin turned to the Resistance for aid, and that changed everything.

So Penelope is still missing?

I don't know if she ever actually was, to be honest.

All I know is that the Syndicate as we built it has been destroyed, and all that remains is the Yin family and his few remaining allies.

For my part I wish I had kidnapped Ms. Yin... at least then I'd know before I die that she is safe.

"Good bye Octavian." (Finish him!)

You render Octavian unconscious.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Report back to Jones


Octavian is dead, order has been restored and the Syndicate is once more whole again.

As an outsider to our organization, Character, you may not be able to fully appreciate what you have done, but Master Tang sends you his heartfelt thanks for the assistance you and the Resistance have provided us thus far.

Soon it will be time for the Syndicate to repay our debt to you.


Mr. Wu Yin...

The CEO of the largest mega corp in the world. A global spanning economic super power. Of course, it all makes perfect sense.

If Yin plans on uniting the Syndicate with the Resistance then we have very little time to act, Character. Before Yin can consolidate his strength after this conflict we will have to strike.

Talk to me when you are ready to move against him.

One Weakness


Finale: Penny For Your Thoughts

I've got a few men on standby, but this is our bust, Kerian, I'm not letting some flatfoot recruit get the credit for taking down Wu Yin.

Are you ready to arrest the head of the Syndicate?

Raid Yin Corp

Alright, I'll head up the north end of the tower, you take the south. I've got a bunch of backup on standby, but they aren't exactly sure who we're after. Nobody is going to steal this moment of glory from me. We've got to move fast before the Syndicate consolidates its scattered forces.

For players who want a tougher fight you can call off the PPD Reinforcements by accessing a computer inside.

Members of the Resistance working undercover for Calvin Scott should inform him of what is happening.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Remember, I'm going up the north side, you take the south.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear the sound of someone speaking over the building's internal sound system...

  • Raid Yin Corp (Single Player)
    • Call off PPD reinforcements (Optional)
    • Bring in Wu Yin