Chief Interrogator Washington

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Chief Interrogator Washington
Chief Interrogator Washington.jpg
Chief Interrogator for the Ministry of Intelligence
Zone Nova Praetoria
Coordinates (-5194, 47, 296)[Copy]
Level Range 1-10
Introduced By == Level 4 ==
Provost Marchand
Introduces == Level 4-9 ==
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Chief Interrogator Washington is a Praetorian contact in the Ellysian Avenue neighborhood of Nova Praetoria at coordinates (-5194, 47, 296)[Copy] . His level range is 1-10. Chief Interrogator Washington is the first contact in the Loyalist Responsibility Storyline.


Contact Introduced By

Level 4

Even though players will not be introduced to him before Level 4, Chief Interrogator Washington will offer missions to anyone who finds him as soon as Level 1.
  • Resistance aligned players will not be introduced to Chief Interrogator Washington, but may take his missions by speaking to him, if at appropriate level.

Contact Introduces

I've got someone I think you should meet.

I think you should meet with Cleopatra. You know, Praetor White's girlfriend. Don't let her kind words fool you, she's as dangerous as they come. Sharp, sexy, and driven, just like the queen she was named after.

This contact I've introduced you to can probably move you along down the path you've chosen.


Chief Interrogator for the Ministry of Intelligence

The Chief Interrogator works directly for Praetor Sinclair as the liaison between the Ministry of Intelligence and the PPD. Washington has the mind of a jackal in the body of a gorilla, and enjoys nothing more than ferreting out those who are not loyal to Emperor Cole and bringing them in for an unmonitored round of questioning.

Initial Contact

White told me to be expecting you, Character. He said you had some worth to you. Well, we'll be putting that to the test.

We've got a situation here in Nova Praetoria that we've been keeping hushed up, but my men in the PPD have finally gotten some leads, so now the time is right to call in Powers Division for assistance. Which brings us to you.


  • How can the Chief Interrogator help you today?

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

With Monroe and Swift in custody it will only be a matter of time before they crack. Until that time, however, I'm going to be rather busy. It's been a pleasure working this case with you, Character. If... No, I mispoke. When I learn anything new I'll let you know.


Story Arc

Hit List



The Hit List

A pair of expensive and tasteful business cards from Mr. Charles Monroe, CEO of Syfotine Industries and Mrs. Erica Swift, CEO and Founder of Swift Microcomms, reminds you of a nasty affair you've come to remember simply as:

The Hit List

Chief Interrogator Washington recruited you to aid him in looking into a recent string of murders involving powerful corporate CEOs throughout Nova Praetoria. The seers clued you into a disturbance at the Karpo Corporation where you fought off Syndicate gangers and arrested Sigg Bowman, a Syndicate hitman. Unfortunately, Bowman had already assassinated his target, the CEO of Karpo Corporation, Danielle Fields. While Washington was sure that questioning Mr. Bowman would be fruitful, the revelation that Bowman's smart phone contained his hit list was of much greater importance.

Using Bowman's hit list you arrived at Syfotine Industries just as a full fledged shoot out began between apparently rival Syndicate gangs. You rescued Charles Monroe from his Syndicate captors and brought him in for questioning and his own protection. According to Monroe, Erica Swift, his industry rival and CEO of Swift Microcomms, has connections with the Syndicate, and it was by her orders that the hit team was sent.

The Chief Interrogator accompanied you to arrest and question Mrs. Swift who had surrounded herself with Syndicate bodyguards and herself displayed unregistered psychic powers. Apprehended, Mrs. Swift quickly confessed her invovlement with the Syndicate, but also that Charles Monroe was more than just her industry rival, he was her Syndicate rival as well. Monroe had recently left police protection and returned to his office, most likely to destroy evidence and leave town.

Storming Syfotine Industries you confronted Monroe and his loyal Syndicate muscle. Once beaten he explained that a full fledged power struggle was unfolding within the Syndicate ranks. This revelation revealed that the CEOs being murdered were all casualties of a war amongst Praetoria's criminal underground, and consequently, the industrial elite. But the cause for the war is something that neither Monroe nor Swift appeared to be willing to discuss with the Chief Interrogator, yet.

Part One: Serial Killings


Character. Over the last few days Corporate CEOs have been winding up dead. Lots of them. Near as we can tell, these are assassinations, though we have no idea who will be next.

Thanks to the unique murder method; a mono-wire garrote, we know that the assassin is Sigg Bowman, a Syndicate hitman.

We've had the seers scanning for unusual activity, and we think we've got something. That's where you come in. I need you to check this out for me.

Mission Acceptance

The seers detected heightened anxiety levels within the Karpo Corporation and our attempts to make contact with anyone inside the building have failed. This stinks of Bowman's M.O.

I'm sending you over there to find the CEO, Ms. Danielle Fields, and get her safely into PPD custody.

We need answers, not more dead bodies.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the squawk of a portable transmitter and the soft patter of boots hustling over carpet. Someone knows you are here.

  • Investigate The Karpo Corporation
    • Find Ms. Fields
  • Stop Sigg Bowman

You couldn't prevent Sigg Bowman from assassinating his target, but you did bring him down for questioning.

It’s Hot

A welcome wagon of Syndicate go-gangers tells you that this place is hot. Time to find Ms. Fields and get her out of here alive.

Ms. Fields

Unfortunately it looks like Fields was already murdered before you even arrived. Sigg Bowman, the Syndicate hitman, might still be in the building, given that the Syndicate are still hanging around apparently defending the place.

Sigg Bowman

Sigg Bowman is a name well known in the Syndicate underworld. As a high priced hitman, Sigg has always delivered good on his contracts. His calling card is assassination by a mono-wire garrote, an outlawed piece of hardware that uses a mono-filament wire to cut through flesh, bone, and even body armor.

It appears that someone in the Syndicate hired Sigg to execute Ms. Danielle Fields, CEO of The Karpo Corporation, and the other murder victims. Whatever their motives were most likely died with Ms. Fields, but Washington might be able to get some answers out of this scumbag.

Smart Phone

You picked up Sigg's smart phone. From the look of it there are no recent calls in memory. He either erased it, or had it on him for some other purpose. You couldn't prevent Sigg Bowman from assassinating his target, but you did bring him down for questioning.

Notable NPCs



Debriefing I'll begin questioning Mr. Bowman shortly. Until then I notice that you have his smart phone, may I see it a moment?

No calls, no numbers, interesting... Ah ha... very clever.

Mr. Bowman has an application that lists establishments he has checked into recently... a popular pastime amongst citizens. Do you notice anything about the list?

Look at the numbers next to each location. Most of them are restaurants with several visits each, but a handful are the addresses for a number of office buildings around the city. Only one of them has one visit, while the ones with two... those are the ones who have recently had their CEOs assassinated.

Part Two: High Value Target


There's only one person left on Bowman's hit list, Character. Charles Monroe, the CEO of Syfotine Industries. We're not waiting for the seers to report a disturbance, I want you to go in and bring him into our custody now, for his own protection.

Mission Acceptance

Remember, just because the seers haven't detected any disturbances doesn't mean that there isn't a danger. If anything changes the seers will alert you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Syfotine Industries is located in South Aetna. The seers still haven't detected any disturbances, but if the Syndicate are behind these killings, I suspect we won't until it's too late.

Get in there and bring Monroe out. Don't accept any resistance on the matter.

Mission Objective(s)

Everything seems quiet.

  • Bring Monroe into custody
    • Rescue Monroe!
  • Lead Monroe out!

You brought Charles Monroe safely into PPD custody and soundly defeated the Syndicate hit squads sent to kill him. Return to Chief Interrogator Washington for debriefing.

Ambush! After rescuing Charles Monroe, there will be three waves of Syndicate ambushes.

Notable NPCS




Charles Monroe has just entered PPD Headquarters. I spoke with him briefly while he was enroute and it appears that one of his corporate rivals may be responsible for proposing a bounty on Monroe's head to the Syndicate in order to eliminate their competition.

I suppose that is one method to achieve a hostile take over.

As for the Syndicate fighting amongst one another, it's likely that there is competition for the bounty. Either that or someone in the Syndicate doesn't want Monroe dead, which could be very interesting.

Part Three: Corporate Rivalry


Charles Monroe has indicated that Erica Swift, the CEO of Swift Microcomms, is most likely behind the attempt on his life.

From what I know of Mrs. Swift, she doesn't seem like the type to hire Syndicate to kill a corporate rival, but then again, the Syndicate are notoriously difficult to spot without serious investigation.

I want you to accompany me as I pay Mrs. Swift a little visit.

Mission Acceptance

I have a sense of these things, Character. Mrs. Swift's background is too clean, and that means she's hiding something.

Just follow my lead and we'll have her singing in no time.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Make your way over to Swift Microcomms, I'll meet you there.

Mission Objective(s)

Nothing seems too out of the ordinary here, though, arriving with the Chief Interrogator certainly has caught everyone's attention.

  • Question Mrs. Swift
    • Arrest Erica Swift

You arrested Erica Swift, CEO of Swift Telecommunications and secret member of the Syndicate.

Chief Interrogator Washington

The Chief Interrogator rarely does field work anymore, so when he makes an appearance people stand up and take notice. It also helps that the man is probably the next most intimidating thing to Praetor White, just beating out a great white shark.

Ambush! On the way to the objective there will be at least two Syndicate ambushes.

Ambush! When Erica Swift gets to half of her hit points, an ambushed lead by named boss Stevens will spawn.



Notable NPCS


Mrs. Swift is in custody and the entire building is on lockdown as we investigate everyone for connections to the Syndicate.

We're getting some disturbing reports, but I'll get to those in a moment.

You did well in there, Character, I can see why Michael put in a good word for you with me.

Finale: Wolf in a Wool Suit


Mrs. Swift has taken her interrogation very well, she's already provided me with some intriguing information, namely that she isn't the only member of the Syndicate in this curious case.

It appears that Charles Monroe and every other CEO on Mr. Bowman's hit list were high ranking Syndicate members, and it just so happens that Mr. Monroe has returned to his office, no doubt to destroy any and all evidence of his involvement. I need you to stop him.

Mission Acceptance

This isn't some corporate scandal we've stumbled onto, Character, this is a Syndicate gang war unfolding right under our noses.

Something's happened in the Syndicate and the blood is spilling into the streets. We need to put a stop to it, but in order to do that, we need to bring Monroe back into custody, or you can be sure that another hit will be ordered and that will endanger innocent lives.

Players who originally chose Resistance now have the opportunity to call up Calvin Scott to inform him of current events. Messages such as this will appear in missions where this is possible. If you originally did not choose to be in the Resistance, you can not do undercover Resistance work in Loyalist missions; you can do undercover work against the Resistance in their missions. Players who change their faction can still do undercover work for the side they originally chose.

Mission Objective(s)

It looks like Monroe has left a welcoming party just in case you showed up.

  • Bring Down Charles Monroe
    • Arrest Monroe

You arrested Charles Monroe, a powerful member of the Syndicate. Return to Chief Interrogator Washington for debriefing.



Notable NPCs

  • Charles Monroe (Syndicate, Enemy)
Charles Monroe is the CEO of Syfotine Industries, but he is much more than that, he's also a powerful member of the shadowy criminal organization known only as the Syndicate. With his secret affiliations revealed, Monroe has no need to hide his powerful psychic abilities any longer.
Charles Monroe

Character, I apologize for my deception... you must think me a wolf in sheep's clothing...

You're as much a wolf as any other man.

We are all wolves, aren't we? Struggling to survive.

I knew there was something different about you.

You're right, I am different. I can't be bought and sold

So be it.



Amazing work my friend. You've managed to cage two high ranking members of the Syndicate.

Unfortunately there is still a burning question, and one which I fear may take time to learn the answer to. What has caused The Syndicate to turn on itself?

I trust that Mr. Monroe and Mrs. Swift will provide the answers in time, until then, I believe the bloodshed may have only just begun.

There aren't a lot of people I can trust, Character. Oh, it's as much a personal thing as a symptom of the job. You, however, I feel like I trust.