Template:StoryArc Scary Monsters

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Scary Monsters (Story Arc)


Levels: 30 - 35

It began with reports of strange activity around a Council base. Galaxy troops had been seen escorting Hydra Men, Freakshow, and Devouring Earth creatures into the base. You investigated and found a Freakshow gangster who had acquired the abilities of the Galaxy. He had been implanted with Nictus fragments, as part of some sick experiments of Arakhn's.

You knew you had to find out more about what Arakhn was doing. A report of more Freakshow activity in a Council base in Brickstown got your attention. You journeyed there and fought several Dark Freaks. You also discovered an unsent e-mail from Arakhn herself! It was to an ally of hers within the Council, but you were unable to determine who that ally might be.

need to grab rest of souvenir info

Missing Mission Title

Scary Monsters
Part: One

StoryArc Scary Monsters

I've been trying to nail down Arakhn's main bases of operation, and I think my informants have finally hit on one. It's located in Brickstown, and there's been heavy traffic reported there for the past few days. But here's the strange part: that traffic isn't all Council. According to my reports, Council members have been seen escorting Freakshow and stranger things into the base. We need to know what's going on there. We need to know now.

We need hard data on Arakhn's plans. I've never known her to do anything without a dark purpose in mind.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a sound. Could it be... techno?

  • Learn Arakhn's plans

Deep within Arakhn's base, you have defeated a gangster with Nictus powers.



Notable NPCs

Notable Dialoge

(before aggro)
Shadow Tank Freak: I feel... funny.

Shadow Tank Freak: Now, this is what I call power!

The Dark Freak

Deep within Arakhn's base, you defeated a creature most foul. The Freakshow gangster you encountered seemed to have the powers of a Galaxy soldier, powers that, as far as you know can only be gained by the infusion of a Nictus fragment into the host.

StoryArc Scary Monsters

A Freak? With Nictus powers? That's strange. Strange and terrifying. With any luck, this base was performing isolated experiments.

Defeat the villains and search for clues

Scary Monsters
Part: Two

StoryArc Scary Monsters

You recall that strange Freakshow gangster you battled in Arakhn's base? The one with the Nictus powers? Well, I was hoping we'd seen the last of them, but it seems that hope was in vain. I've learned that a group of Freakshow are inhabiting a Council base over in Brickstown. I need you to get over there, defeat all the villains you find, and search for clues. We have to find out if Arakhn has any more of these Dark Freaks squirreled away somewhere.

I'd like to assume this is just a lark for Arakhn, an experiment merely for the sake of curiosity. I'd like to, but I can't. I think this is the start of something big.

Mission Objective(s)

A hyena-like laugh echoes off the walls.

  • Defeat all villains in base
    • Seek clues

You defeated the villains and found an interesting e-mail.



Notable Dialog

(before aggro)
Shadow Freak 1: Nictus fragments are like cybernetics for the soul!
Shadow Freak 2: Tell it!

Shadow Freak: We got more than enough power to deal with you!

E-mail from Arakhn

This e-mail doesn't seem to have been sent yet. It reads:

'My friend:
'The initial tests on the Freakshow seem to be going as planned. With your approval, I will be proceeding to Stage Two.

StoryArc Scary Monsters

So, these Nictus-infused Freakshow are part of a larger plan. It seems that Arakhn is content with her efforts thus far, and is ready to push the project forward. I only wish I knew who she was writing that letter to. Whoever her partner in crime is, we'll have to root him out. If he has access to the same Nictus fragments Arakhn is using to enhance the Freakshow, he's as great a threat as she is.

Find out where Arakhn's experiments are taking place

Scary Monsters
Part: Three

StoryArc Scary Monsters

I'm pretty troubled by that e-mail you found. It seems Arakhn's experiments on the Freakshow are just part of a greater plan, and she's ready to move onto the second stage. That means we need information, and we need it fast. We need to know where Arakhn's latest experiments are taking place.

You've got to take to the street and interrogate some of Arakhn's soldiers. You can usually find Council agents in Brickstown.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Interrogate Council agents
    • Defeat 30 Council

On one of the defeated agents, you found some orders.



Council orders

You found orders on one of the council agents you defeated. The read:

'The equipment is to be moved to Arakhn's new base at once, on my authority. Do not question me again.'

There are also a set of coordinates.

Mission Objective(s)

An animal scream echoes up from the depths of these caves.

  • Defeat all villains in base
    • Seek clues

You defeated the Council and found a clue.



Notable Dialog

(before aggro)
Galaxy Adjutant: Arakhn's ambitions have served us well.

Galaxy Adjutant: Strike me down. I dare you.

(before aggro)
Galaxy Adjutant: I must admit I feel more powerful.

Galaxy Adjutant: You will not lay hands on our lady!

Anonymous e-mail

You found this e-mail on a computer in Arakhn's base. It reads:

'My dear: Your successes, as always, are legion. With your ambition and my cunning, I truly believe we can depose that old buffoon and take the Council for ourselves.
I must share a concern, however. The constant attacks of the Peacebringers and Warshades are impacting us greatly. Our numbers are dwindling. You must improve the conversion rate for those implanted with N-Fragments, and quickly.'

Regrettably, there is no signature.

StoryArc Scary Monsters

Well, the plot thickens. I've never seen enemies like the ones you described! And I imagine no one else has either. But what's even more troubling is this alliance Arakhn seems to be building with some unnamed Council rogue. If they're truly planning to take over the Council together, we've got a problem of unparalleled proportions on our hands!

Figure out where Arakn's ally sent the e-mail from

Scary Monsters
Part: Four

StoryArc Scary Monsters

We need to know who Arakhn's ally within the Council is. If she's truly plotting a coup with this person, his identity is essential to thwarting it! I've located a Council communications hub. If you get inside, you may be able to figure out what base Arakhn's ally sent that e-mail from. That'll get us one step closer to fingering him.

There won't be any strange creatures for you to defeat this time. Just get in, get the information, and get out.

Mission Objective(s)

The communications hub is well-staffed, and security is tight. Getting this info won't be easy.

  • Get info about Arakhn's ally
    • Find origin of e-mail

You have the information you came for



The ally's base

After hacking into the computer network at the Council's communications hub, you have uncovered the origin of the e-mail from Arakhn's ally.

StoryArc Scary Monsters

Good work. Now we know where Arakhn's ally sent his e-mail from. I suppose there's only one more thing to do: you've got to go to that base and see who this mysterious ally of hers is.