Template:StoryArc The Clockwork Captive

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The Clean out the Clockwork warehouse mission and the Hit the streets and take down some Clockwork minions mission can occur in either order. Template:Souvenir An Etched Clockwork Piece

Clean out the Clockwork warehouse


We've uncovered another nest of Clockwork in an abandoned warehouse. I need a hero to get in there and clean out the Clockwork warehouse. If we don't move fast, these metal monstrosities will take over our city.

Mission Acceptance

As always, look for clues about the locations of other nests.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I have reports that the Clockwork nest is still in operation.

Mission Objective(s)

The sharp, chemical scent of machine oil cuts through the musty odor of old dust.

  • Defeat all Clockwork, Search for clues
    • Seek clues

You defeated the Clockwork and found a clue.

Bulletin board note

You found this note on a bulletin board in a Clockwork nest. It reads:

'The prisoner will cooperate, or he will suffer the consequences. All must serve the mighty purpose of the Clockwork King!'




This note you found certainly does make it seem like someone is being forced to help the Clockwork King. I will get the word out on the street. Maybe we can find this man before it's too late.

Hit the streets and take down some Clockwork minions


These Clockwork are becoming a serious problem. There is another nest somewhere in this city, but we are having a hard time finding its exact location. Maybe you could hit the streets and take down some Clockwork minions. You might be able to get a sense of where they're coming from.

Mission Acceptance

Good luck, and try to figure out where they are coming from!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those Clockwork are still menacing the civilians. Get to work!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Locate Clockwork nest
    • Defeat 10 Clockwork

Something catches your eye in the rubble of Clockwork pieces.


An etched Clockwork piece

This is a piece of a Clockwork robot. The words 'help me' are clearly scratched into the metal.


Look at this! It looks like someone is being imprisoned by the Clockwork!


The following text is also shown in the debriefing of the second mission of the two interchangeable starting missions:

The note on the bulletin board, the engraved clockwork robot. They both point to the same conclusion: someone is being forced to work for the Clockwork. It's up to you to do something about it.

Rescue the kidnapping victim before the Clockwork can move him


According to the leads from your last two Clockwork missions, someone is being held captive by the Clockwork. I've had all my heroes working on the case, and I have a lead on the place where this guy is being held. It's and old abandoned warehouse. You better rescue that kidnapping victim before the Clockwork can move him again!

Mission Acceptance

Finding this man may do more than save his life; it may clue us in to the King's next big plot!

Unnecessary Solicitation

If he's not there, maybe he left a clue to his new location.

Mission Objective(s)

The systematic scavenging of metal from the door frames shows that the Clockwork have found a use for this old office.

  • Look for kidnapping victim

You found a garbled note. Perhaps your contact can decipher it.

A note found in a locker

This note looks hastily written; the only words you can read are 'CVX-1701 junction RVB-0070.'



Notable NPCs


The kidnapped man wasn't there? They must have moved him! I hope this note you found can lead us to his new location.

This note looks like it could be an address, or an intersection of some sort. It must be a clue to the victim's location; we just need to figure it out!

Take the note to the city representative


It's too bad you didn't get to the warehouse in time to save that kidnapping victim. But at least he was clever enough to leave us a note. Will you take the note over to the city representative? I'm hoping she can tell us if it refers to some location inside the city.

Mission Acceptance

Hurry back; we probably don't have much time.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Please deliver the note to someone in the city representative's office.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take note to city representative


Your friend was right. This is an intersection, though not of two streets. It's an old annex to the sewer system, off the main lines. Here, take this map back to your contact and see if you can come up with a plan.

Sewer junction map

This map is of an unused annex of the sewer system. It is labeled 'CVX-1701 junction RVB-0070.'


Aha, so the note did give us an address! Now that we have a map to his new location, we should be able to find the kidnapped man quickly.

Find the man the Clockwork are holding hostage


The Clockwork don't know the man they kidnapped managed to leave you a clue to his location. So they won't be expecting trouble. You should enter the sewers at this point. I hope you can find the man the Clockwork are holding hostage.

Mission Acceptance

Good luck, Character. I don't think I have to tell you how important this mission is.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hurry up and check out that sewer annex!

Mission Objective(s)

Ah, the sewers of Paragon City. Will you ever be able to forget this smell?

  • Defeat all Clockwork in sewers
    • Rescue Clockwork hostage

You rescued Lou, the mechanic forced to work for the Clockwork.



Notable NPCs

Conversation with Lou

When you rescued him, Lou said:

'You! You must have gotten all the clues I left. Oh, thank heavens! They forced me to help them with their insane designs. None of those designs should have worked at all, but somehow they did.

'I'm grateful for my freedom, but the Clockwork still have my wife and daughter! They are holding them hostage; I don't know where. Please save Eunice and Caroline for me! Please!'


I never doubted you'd rescue that mechanic from the Clockwork. I still can't believe his family's been kidnapped too. It's just so horrible! How could any sane person do such a thing?

So Lou was being forced to help the Clockwork King, even though he couldn't understand the engineering behind any of the King's designs? Strange. Where is the logic behind this crime?

Find a clue that will lead you to Lou's missing wife and daughter


You did good work rescuing that mechanic from the Clockwork, but your job isn't over yet. We still need to find a clue that will lead us to Lou's missing wife and daughter. I need you to head over to Lou's shop and look for a lead.

Mission Acceptance

Lou said he usually keeps the back room locked. You may have to look around for a key.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to check out Lou's shop.

Mission Objective(s)

You saw a Clockwork minion entering Lou's shop. It was carrying a bag of groceries, obviously not for itself. You deduce that the Clockwork King has been keeping Lou's family here all along.

  • Check out Lou's shop
    • Unlock back room

You rescued Lou's family!

Lou's key

This key hangs from a chain reading 'Lou's Garage: No Job Too Big, No Job Too Small.'

Lou's shop


  • Even though unlocking back room is a mission objective, the mission can be completed without doing so.



Notable NPCs

  • Crackhammer (Clockwork Cannon Prince)
  • Eunice, Lou's wife (Non-Escort Hostage)
  • Caroline, Lou's daughter (Non-Escort Hostage)


Lou called. His wife and kid are back home with him, and he's eternally grateful to you. Character, I'm proud to have worked with you on this.

You did a great thing today, Character. Lou and his family are safe at home, and the Clockwork King is short a few more minions. I really wonder what he expected to get out of Lou. According to Lou, the Clockwork are mechanically impossible, yet they work nevertheless. This is going to require further investigation.