Template:StoryArc The Nictus Alliance
The Nictus Alliance (Story Arc)
Levels: 35 - 40
Letter from Arakhn
You've kept the hard copy of a letter from Arakhn to Requiem, ordering him to kill his oldest friends. It's a chilling reminder of the time you helped expose:
The Nictus Alliance
It began with an infiltration mission. Although you already knew Requiem and Arakhn were working together, you had no hard evidence. You needed to find something concrete, so you could expose their alliance to the world. You found a list of their assets, but it was well-encrypted.
On a search for the decryption key, you entered another of Requiem's bases. You didn't find the key, but you did find a note from a potential Council defector. He seemed willing to help you tear the Nictus alliance apart.
You went to meet the defector, Adjutant Lanney, but you were too late to save him from his Council brethren. Fortunately, Lanney had the forethought to leave you a note. It explained that he had decided to betray the Council to save the life of Lillian Issan, a bold reporter who had tried to dig too deeply into the Council's affairs. You were appalled. In addition to being a reporter, Lillian also happened to be Shadowstar's daughter!
You went at once to the lab where Lillian was being held, only to discover that she had already been moved. Luckily, she too had left you a message. She had uncovered the Council's latest decryption key, and had left it for you to find. With the key in hand, you were able to translate the entire list of Requiem and Arakhn's assets, which was quite lengthy and detailed.
You were ready to expose the information, but there was one step left. The list revealed one of Requiem's front companies was being used to store various personal documents, including records of his dealings with Arakhn. If you could get your hands on that information, you could unravel many twisted Nictus plots, including, perhaps, the kidnapping of Lillian Issan. You journeyed to the company and found Requiem's troops locked in battle with the loyal servants of the Center. You recovered several incriminating documents, but, alas, Lillian was nowhere to be found. She was in the Center's hands!
The Center had no intention of allowing his failure to control his minions to become public knowledge. He had kidnapped Lillian away from Requiem's men, with the intention of killing her unless you returned all the evidence you had uncovered.
You had no choice but to infiltrate the Center's base and extract Lillian Issan, for you could not make a deal with someone as untrustworthy as the Center. Now, Lillian is safely home with her mother, Shadowstar. The Center is licking his wounds. And Arakhn and Requiem are gearing up for the biggest showdown the Council has seen in quite some time.
When this hits, it's going to be big. You were strongly encouraged to increase your own power to match the threats you'll soon face, and were encouraged to return with you'd been tested at around Stature Level 40.
Expose the Council's greatest secret
The Nictus Alliance
Part: One
Character, you are in a unique position to recognize the grave threat that Requiem and Arakhn represent to this planet. Humans may understand the evil of the Nictus, but I do not believe they truly comprehend their abilities. For a long time, I have hoped that the obvious enmity between the Council's Nictus would keep them from joining forces against us. Now, that hope is gone. According to what we have learned, Requiem and Arakhn are working together, and have been for some time.
We can operate in a vacuum no more. To stop the Nictus from destroying this world, we must have the assistance of all her heroes. We must expose the Council's greatest secret for all the world to see.
Mission Acceptance
I have learned of a Council base where Requiem stores much of his most sensitive information. I hope that there you may find some proof of his relationship to Arakhn.
Unneccesary Solicitation
Need Info
Mission Objective(s)
Requiem runs a tight ship. You can expect to meet a firm resistance
- Search base for information
- Seek Clues
You have the information you seek.
Notable NPCs
Need Info

You found this encrypted list in one of Requiem's bases. It seems to contain a great deal of information, some of which is almost certainly the coordinates of bases loyal to Requiem and Arakhn. Unfortunately, you'll need a decryption key before it's of any use.
It's not much, Character, but it's a start. I commend you. With this list, we're one step closer to exposing the Nictus alliance. Now, if only we had the decryption key!
Find a decryption Key
The Nictus Alliance
Part: Two
Coming Soon
Mission Acceptance
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Unneccesary Solicitation
Coming Soon
Mission Objective(s)
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Notable NPCs
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Coming Soon
Meet with the defector
The Nictus Alliance
Part: Three
Coming Soon
Mission Acceptance
Coming Soon
Unneccesary Solicitation
Coming Soon
Mission Objective(s)
Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
Notable NPCs
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Coming Soon
Get Lillian back
The Nictus Alliance
Part: Four
Coming Soon
Mission Acceptance
Coming Soon
Unneccesary Solicitation
Coming Soon
Mission Objective(s)
Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Notable NPCs
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Coming Soon
Get the data
The Nictus Alliance
Part: Five
Coming Soon
Mission Acceptance
Coming Soon
Unneccesary Solicitation
Coming Soon
Mission Objective(s)
Coming Soon
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- Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Notable NPCs
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Coming Soon
Extract Lillian
The Nictus Alliance
Part: Six
Coming Soon
Mission Acceptance
Coming Soon
Unneccesary Solicitation
Coming Soon
Mission Objective(s)
Coming Soon
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- Coming Soon
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Notable NPCs
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