Mission:Abused and Scorned Tho' We May Be - Part Three: Sweet Mercy

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Part Three: Sweet Mercy


Something doesn't quite sit right with me, Character, not after your last sojourn into the tunnels of the Forlorn. The Hetman may have said that his impetus for sending a recon patrol into their territories was to gauge the potential threat of the Forlorn...but your report said the 'recon patrol' had orders to just go in and start shooting. That sounds like a kill team, not reconnaissance, and it doesn't add up. Furthermore, it endangers any chance we have at forming an alliance with the Forlorn.

I need you to speak with the leader of the Forlorn, Demetrios Vasilikos, on my behalf as Palatine of the Compound, and see if some kind of truce can be salvaged from all of this.

  • We need an olive branch. The Forlorn have no real reason to trust the Compound.

You're quite right, my friend, which is why I will deliver to them a Genetic Resequencer if they will agree to a truce. The Forlorn will be able to cure their feral cousins with such a device, and that is something I know Demetrios wants dearly.

Mistress Nadia and some of my Shepherds have managed to contact Dr. Helix, who has agreed to come to First Ward if the Carnival can assure her a measure of protection. We're still working on that part, but the Hetman's watchful eye is making things difficult.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Why did you leave the Forlorn tunnels before your mission was done? You must go back.

Mission Objective(s)


Demetrios is just up ahead. He seems pensive.

  • Strike an accord with the Forlorn
    • Speak with Demetrios
    • 2 outer gates to be sealed remaining
    • Help Noble Savage seal the gates

The Forlorn tunnels have been sealed against further Ghoul incursions, though you detected signs of sabotage on the outer gates by unknown parties.
It's been obvious that the Forlorn feel for their feral brethren, having experienced that same red-soaked madness before they were cured. While he gave no quarter in his fights against the Ghouls, Noble Savage looked guilty every time one was slain.
The Palatine has promised to Demetrios that she will get in contact with Dr. Helix somehow. If Anna can manage that, the Forlorn might gain access to a Genetic Resequencer and grant a semblance of salvation to the Ghouls below First Ward.


The Hetman of the Compound has stepped up his game, I see. You're no ordinary kill team.

  • The Hetman didn't send me, the Palatine did. And I'm here to strike a truce.

The Palatine, eh..? I've heard of her. Is there some discontent in the rulership of the Compound? Some of you want to kill us, others to strike an accord. How nice.

Go back and tell your Palatine that I will have none of it. And tell your Hetman I will eventually wear his neck-veins as a favorite bracelet.

Do you topsiders even know what the Forlorn have done for you? We are keeping the Ghouls back from being able to access the surface! If it weren't for the efforts of my people, your Compound would've been overrun by my feral cousins ages ago!

  • On behalf of the Palatine, I thank you for your efforts. She had no idea.

She can thank us by killing the Hetman.

  • She'd like to thank you by offering you a Genetic Resequencer instead.


If your Palatine can pull that off, she will have the support of the Forlorn. And if you are truly here on her behalf, then there is something else I will demand. The Ghouls have somehow breached this tunnel section's outer containment gates. My second, Noble Savage, is leading the charge to reseal them, but he needs help. Help Savage seal the outer gates and you shall have your accord.

  • It will be done.
Perimeter Key

You retrieved the perimeter key from Demetrios Vasilikos, leader of the Forlorn.

Scheming on a Thing

The controls to the Forlorn's outer gate seals are surprisingly advanced...and certainly too complex for the Ghouls to have activated on their own. Someone else caused the breach. The Palatine is correct. Something doesn't add up.



Notable NPCs


When you sealed those gates, Character, you cemented a measure of trust between the Forlorn and the Compound. Mistress Nadia and the Carnival have already convinced Dr. Helix to come to First Ward and prepared a safehouse to meet with Demetrios.

Your reports of sabotage, however, trouble me. Could it be that the Hetman's recon patrol was sent into the Forlorn tunnels to find some way to overwhelm Demetrios' forces with Ghouls? And if so, for what purpose? I must ponder this.

For all you have done for First Ward and my place in it, Character, I shall always be in your debt.