Mission:Common - Confiscate the drugs
Confiscate the drugs
I've got a good lead on an abandoned warehouse where the Skulls are storing their stash of Superadine. I need you to get in there and confiscate the drugs. That should put a serious crimp in the Skulls' distribution plans!
Watch out for the Skull they call the Defier. He's sent more than one hero to the hospital.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need you to confiscate that Superadine before it hits the streets!
Mission Objective(s)
Time hasn't been kind to this old building, and the Skulls' willful destruction has completed its ruin.
- Defeat Defier and his crew
- 5 drug stashes to confiscate
You confiscated the Superadine and arrested the Defier.

You confiscated this Superadine from a Skulls' base.
Notable NPCs
- The Defier/Lasher/Strong Man (Skulls Bone Daddy)
- The name of the Skulls leader varies. Possible names include Defier, Lasher, and Strong Man.
Well, that's one load of Superadine that will never see the streets! Excellent work, Character.