Mission:Destiny Follows - Part Three: Double Agent

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Part Three: Double Agent

Now that we know that Longbow's involved, we know what kind of budget is backing our friend Baron Zukor. I think an investigation is in order. We know the locations of some nearby Longbow outposts, but...

Ruben flips through a few pages in his notebook. After perusing the pages for a moment, he lets out an exasperated sigh.

The problem I have is that I'm a little low on personnel, lately. The base you hit was only one of many, Character. I've been getting intermittent reports of Destined One attacks all day. I simply don't have the resources to mount an incursion into a Longbow stronghold at the moment.

Now, we could have you go in there and investigate yourself, but that presents a whole slew of new problems.

  • Foremost being, how do I do that without blowing my cover?

Exactly. My recommendation is that you assume the identity of an Arachnos agent. I'll see what I can scrounge up for you to wear.

This way, you'll have at least some freedom to investigate without immediately tipping your hand to Zukor.

Just... try to be discreet, if you can. They probably have an extensive file on you, and the disguise won't mask your powers. Get in, find whatever info you can, and get out.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need to do this fast, Character. There's no telling when you'll get another summons from Zukor.

Mission Objective(s)

Longbow shouldn't see you as anything more than a simple Arachnos agent. ...Hopefully.

  • Investigate Zukor's Connection with Longbow
    • Fend off the Longbow security teams

You infiltrated the Longbow base and learned about the Suggestion Engine

NPC Text

+++ Missing Information +++


Amazing find, Character. Thanks to the info you've gathered, we now have a clear picture of how Zukor is manipulating the Destined Ones.

To be honest, 'Operation Cap d'Ange' doesn't tell me anything new, other than the fact that Longbow is completely devoid of originality. We had already guessed what their plans were in Cap; it's essentially the same plan they implemented in Mercy Island.

This Suggestion Engine, though... it sounds like it's truly a remarkable device. It appears that it's currently calibrated to Zukor's psychic wavelength, so we're not going to be able to charge it ourselves. However, the schematics imply that once the Engine is charged, anyone can use it to 'persuade' their targets.

I think you know where I'm going with this.