Mission:I Lost My Daddy! - Help Doc Delilah
Rescue Mr. Yin
Now that we know where Dad is, the only thing left is to get him. This may be kinda rough, though. You will be careful, right? Or get, like a super-team or something?
- Rescue Mr. Yin
I think it's going to be pretty tough in there. Just, like, be careful, okay? I wouldn't want to be all sad because I got Dad back but you got killed and stuff.
Oh, hey! That's an idea! Give me a second...
Okay, I asked the Clockwork King really nicely, and he's agreed to let you borrow some of the soldiers he has protecting me. It's really big step for him. I mean, he's kinda paranoid, sure, but deep down I think he's an okay guy.
Penelope hands you a fistful of clockwork parts.
You received Clockwork Connection.
Summon Gears
Penelope's strange connection to the Clockwork is enough for them to help you, but only to help her. Call on them, and these Clockwork will come to your aid up to three times.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I know it's tough, but I also know you can do it. I know what you're really like and I believe in you.
Mission Objective(s)
Whatever use this place once had, now it's a vast nest of the Lost. And somewhere inside, Penelope's father Wu Yin is held against his will.
- Rescue Mr. Yin
- Lead Mr. Yin out
You rescued Penelope's father Wu Yin from the Lost.
Notable NPCs
- Slag of Skyway (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Eremite)
- Gruesome of Galaxy (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Rector)
- Blast of Hollows (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Rector)
- Ruffcut of Perez (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Rector)
- Ant of Atlas (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Eremite)
- Blubber of Steel (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Rector)
- Dastard of Fault (Boss) (The Lost Aberrant Rector) (Guarding Mr. Yin)
- Mr. Yin (Captive)
Upon completion of this mission, you receive the Rescuer Badge.
You saved Penelope Yin's father from the Lost, and now a thankful Mr. Yin has re-opened Yin's Market in Faultline. You can now shop there whenever you want.
Dad's home and safe and everything! You saved him, Character! He's already getting the shop open, can you believe it? Oh, that's right, he wanted me to tell you that you can go in any time you want. But that's not important. Dad's home and he's safe, and it's all because of you.
Thank you, Character. Thank you.