Mission:I Lost My Daddy! - Hit the streets to get info from the Lost

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Hit the streets to get info from the Lost


What Doc Delilah found out was that those smelly guys with the weird minds, the Lost? Well, she's talked to some of them, and she asked about what happened to my dad. They told her that they went after Dad and me on purpose. One of their big chiefs wanted us captured for something weird, I'm sure. Anyway, the guy they ordered to do it was one of their own named 'Muxley.' Doc said that Muxley's still in Faultline, but she doesn't know where. If you can find him, that's sure to lead to my Dad, right?

  • Hit the streets to get info from the Lost

Thank you sooooo much! You are totally the best! I think the way you do this kind of thing is by 'Hitting the streets,' right?

This would be so much easier if those Lost guys were normal. But then, if there weren't so many of those weirdos around Dad, I could just talk to him. It's driving me crazy! I can talk to my friend Imani in Kenya, and my friend Yuki in Japan, and we can all hear each other fine, but my Dad's somewhere in the city and I can't talk to him because those Lost guys mess everything up with their crazy! It's so unfair!

Defeat Lost for Info

Unnecessary Solicitation

Like, I'm not a Hero or anything, but my guess is if you put some pressure on those Lost guys around here, they'll crack. Call it a hunch.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Lost for Info
    • Defeat 10 Lost

One of the Lost you were fighting cracked, and told you where to find Muxley.

Muxley's location

One of the defeated Lost told you the location of Muxley, one of their leaders. He's hiding out in an abandoned floor of an old office building. He didn't know the address, but you can figure out where to go.

Find Muxley

Unnecessary Solicitation

I really hope my dad's there, or at least that this Muxley guy knows where Dad is.

Mission Objective(s)

This building will probably be destroyed soon, but in the meantime strange things fester in the ruins.

  • Find Muxley
    • Defeat Muxley

You learned where to find Mr. Yin!


The Lost

Notable NPCs

After you defeated Muxley, you learned where they were holding Mr. Yin, and more.

'Then it called to us...'

After you defeated Muxley, he told you where you might be able to find Mr. Yin. He also told you why the Lost had tried to abduct the Yins in the first place:

'We came to the ruins first because the time is near, and we feel it in the waters here. But then it called to us. It wants to be used again. The ones marked by the Spider-Lord seek it for their master, and for their own desires. The pirates of the air seek it only because they know it is valuable. And we seek it to help bring about the new world. And when it comes to light, it will need a new master, a new source of power. The old man is only for control over the girl. There is a reason the Brain-in-Brass protects her.'


Yes! You found Muxley! Well, I know Dad wasn't there, but he did tell where to find him right?

Don't worry, Daddy, Character is gonna bring you home soon!

You're the coolest! Hey, do you need a side-kick? No, forget it. My Dad would totally flip out.