Mission:Maria Jenkins - Prevent Shadowhunter's resurrection
Prevent Shadowhunter's resurrection
A while back we had intel on a Praetorian version of Woodsman called Shadowhunter. It seems that the Praetorian version's fate has caught up to that of his Primal counterpart and he's now dead. Killed by the Devouring Earth that rule the areas outside of Praetoria. Unfortunately this man killed tons of people and left thier bodies strewn throughout the forests, unconsecrated. Because of his nature, these bodies have the ability to ressurect him and he'll be a threat once again. I need you to go to Shadowhunter's former lair and consecrate the bodies strewn about there. Doing this will keep him dead a little while longer. Watch out for the Devouring Earth, they are just as vicious, if not moreso, in Praetoria.
- Go to Shadowhunter's lair and consecrate the bones
This may be a tactical strike, but it's also a mission of mercy. You'll be freeing many trapped and miserable spirits.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need you to get to Shadowhunter's lair and consecrate those bone
Here's a bottle of holy water. Use it sparingly, Character; from what I understand, Shadowhunter has many victims.

This flask of water has been blessed by Father Hanrahan, one of Paragon City's many priests. By sprinkling it over the bones of Shadowhunter's victims, you can weaken the villain's power.
Mission Objective(s)
Shadowhunter dared to live out among the Devouring Earth. It was only a matter of time before he was caught and killed.
- Prevent Shadowhunter's ressurection
- 15 bones to consecrate
You consecrated the bones of Shadowhunter's victims, preventing his ressurection.
Notable NPCs
Good work, Character. We need to do this occassionally to prevent Shadowhunter's resurrection. I will seek out a more permanent solution.