Mission:Masterpiece (Hero) - Part 2: Behind the Curtain
Part 2: Behind the Curtain
I gotta say, I got a feeling whoever is behind this wants us to catch him, Character. That little stunt he pulled with the Dirge of Chaos is leading us to an obvious place: Johnny Sonata.
You've heard of the guy, right? Everyone's heard of him. He's a famous singer who lives in the Rogue Isles and owns his own casino, the Golden Giza in St. Martial. He's also extremely shady. The FBSA has detailed evidence that he's tied to the Family and Arachnos.
This whole thing makes me wonder if this is some plot by Arachnos. Recluse has always been trying to weaken the Phalanx, and this time it looks like he's going to do it.
- Alright, I need to find Johnny Sonata in the Golden Giza
Yeah, exactly. The FBSA is gonna work together with Longbow to get you into the Isles and inside the Golden Giza. From there, you'll have to find Johnny Sonata and get him to spill everything.
Now, it's not gonna be easy, Character. This Giza place, it's gonna be filled with the Family, and they ain't gonna be too happy to see you.
If the FBSA would let me, I'd tag along with you and melt some of their faces, but then that would add a few more years to my seemingly eternal service that I'm gonna have with the group. So, in other words, good luck.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The longer we wait, the more of a chance Johnny has to change his story to cover up for whoever is behind this.
Mission Objective(s)
You're able to slip by security to get deeper inside the Golden Giza. You're greeted by loud rave music playing in a club down the hall.
- Find Johnny Sonata
- Get up to the second level of the Giza
- Rescue Mercedes Sheldon
- Speak with Mercedes Sheldon
- Confront Johnny Sonata
- Fend off Johnny Sonata's goons
- Rough up Johnny Sonata
- Interrogate Johnny Sonata
You've found out who is behind all of this - Darrin Wade!

Notable NPCs
Character, I'm sure glad to see you here, though I'm wondering just why exactly you are here. No offense, of course, it just seems way too coincidental.
I'm here to see what Johnny knows about some stolen artifacts. The Midnighter Club has been trying to track down any remaining stolen artifacts, ever since we lost the majority of our items from that Rulu-Shin raid.
- I'm here to see what Johnny knows about the Dirge of Chaos.
The Dirge of Chaos? I thought we lost that again in the Rulu-Shin raid. Johnny has that?
- (Explain the situation to Mercedes)
Mercedes hums to herself as you explain the situation.
So... They used Johnny's song to power the Dirge, which forced Sister Psyche to absorb all the negative emotions it was sending out, allowing Malaise to get inside of her head...
It's a complicated plan to be sure, Character. One that I can safely say Johnny Sonata did not come up with. Ugh... but I think I know who did do all of this. It's all starting to add up.
- Who?
Darrin Wade. Ugh, that little... how was I so stupid as to think he was there at the Midnighter Club to HELP defend us against the Rulu-Shin?! He was probably the one who helped them rob us!
Wade has sent some cronies before to rob us, but he wanted a full scale assault this time, something that would weaken us and give him the tools he needs. But, for what? I could never figure out what's going on in that stupidly shaped head of his.
Let's go, Character, you and I are going to find some answers from Johnny Sonata.
- Right, let's go.
Agh! Alright kid, fine, here, take it! This stupid thing is more trouble than it's worth, anyway!
Johnny tosses you an odd looking artifact. It has several faces on it, and seems to have some obvious connections to the Aztec era.
So, you beat me and all my boys, I figure you get to ask me whatever you want. This whole thing ain't my normal gig, you know.
- I just want to know one thing, Johnny. Who gave you all this?
Now, I ain't a rat, Character, I want to get that straight. However, this guy has it comin' to him, as I didn't want to do this in the first place. This guy, though, he forced his way in here with some magic mumbo-jumbo. Name's Darrin Wade.
Guy has some sorta crazy plan, and he ain't even super-powered! That's the real kicker to this whole thing. I saw he had some artifacts that was givin' him his powers, without them, he's just a regular joe, like me. Well, not like me, he doesn't have these pipes like I have.
- What's his plan? Why did he have you sing into the Dirge?
Wade said he needed a powerful song for the Dirge, somethin' about how it was gonna be used against the heroes. Now, I've got no love for you hero folk, you hear? And he made a bargain to give me a powerful artifact and strengthen the seal on the Giza. So, why would I say no to that?
But you wanna know the big picture behind all this. He wants 'em dead, Character. Members of the Phalanx. Oh, this guy was going on about it, me and him had a few drinks after, even think he might've been at the bar downstairs.
He's not gonna kill 'em all, though, just the ones that he needs. Now, you figure a guy is killing the Phalanx, he's got a vendetta against 'em, right?
- Right. What are you trying to get at?
This guy, he's got nothing personal against any of 'em. He even bragged about being the one behind the killing of that Alexis Cole-Duncan. They're all a means to some end for this guy, Wade.
He's going after a big catch, Character. Bigger than you, bigger than me, bigger than the entire Freedom Phalanx. What that is, I got no idea, but if I were you, I'd watch my back.
He's been planning this thing for years, keeping himself underneath the radar, slowly biding his time. He's like a ticking time bomb, you know? He's been countin' down for a long time, and soon, he's gonna explode, and everyone's gonna see it.
Now, unfortunately, I can't tell ya where he's gone off to. You're gonna have to figure that one out on your own, kid.
- Alright, Johnny.
Character! You're back, just in time! But wait, you say what you gotta say first, then I'll say what I've gotta say.
You found out who is behind all of this? Who? Who is it? ....
... Who? I've never heard of this Darrin Wade guy before. Is he supposed to be some sorta big shot? I mean, here I thought it was one of your big names, like Recluse, or Requiem, heck I would've bought into it being someone from the Freakshow if you gave me a few drinks. But Darrin Wade? This guy sounds like a nobody!
But, then again, he clearly is aimin' to be a somebody if he actually is the mastermind behind everything that happened. I'll alert the FBSA and the Phalanx, but right now, you have some bigger issues to handle!