Mission:Mu'Vorkan - One of the Faceless Many

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One of the Faceless Many


Mu'Vorkan had a problem, a conflict of interests. He was just one of many in the ranks of the Mu within Arachnos. He hoped that his connection to Scirocco would elevate him to the likes of Magus Mu'Drakhan. It wasn't fair that he, someone who had powerful Mu blood running through his veins, was cast to be another nameless face in an army.

Mu'Vorkan believed that he was friends with Scirocco, but he felt his pulse quicken when he heard Scirocco and Ice Mistral might be killed. Would that give him the chance to become higher in rank? He was already an extremely powerful Mu mystic, one of the best within the employ of Arachnos. If Scirocco was gone, perhaps he could become a new patron and earn the honor of showing his face.

That chance may still come, as Scirocco has refused to return to Grandville with Mu'Vorkan. Now, Mu'Vorkan must return to Grandville with his report of what happened in Dark Astoria.

This is a non-combat, personal story mission. In this mission, you will assume the role of your contact. This is a solo mission.

  • (Play Mu'Vorkan's Personal Story)

Mission Acceptance

Mu'Vorkan knew how to easily get back to Grandville. Arachnos had stolen several Nemesis mole machines and had one waiting to be used within the sewers of Dark Astoria.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Mu'Vorkan must return to Grandville and deliver his reports to Arbiter Daos.

Mission Objective(s)

Mu'Vorkan finally arrived at Grandville tower, the Arachnos drill machine having delivered him to an Arachnos flyer off the coast of Paragon City.

  • Speak with Arbiter Daos
    • Speak with Mu'Drakhan
    • Speak with Lord Recluse

Mu'Vorkan has entered into a dangerous deal. If he can kill Scirocco, Ice Mistral and Mu'Drakhan and find a suitable second in command, then he can become a new patron within the organization of Arachnos!


Mu'Vorkan. Tell me what happened in Dark Astoria. Where are Scirocco and Ice Mistral?

  • (Explain what happened in Dark Astoria.)
Hrm. Lord Recluse will not be pleased to hear that Scirocco went off on his own. However, this may still serve our interests. Ice Mistral is a valuable asset to the organization; if she were lost, we would be weakened, there is no question about that.
If Scirocco recovers her, then both of them will return stronger than ever. If he fails and we lose both of them, it could mean that we have a large power vacuum within Arachnos. Hrm...
I will have to think over what to do about this, Mu'Vorkan. Report to Magus Mu'Drakhan for now. He will decide what to do with you next.
  • Very well, Arbiter Daos.

Mu'Vorkan, you return from Dark Astoria. I have already heard of Scirocco and Ice Mistral being lost to us. It is to be expected; Scirocco does not have the same blood that you and I have flowing through us.

We may soon find the Mu united, Mu'Vorkan, if Scirocco does not return. I shall make sure I have the ear of Lord Recluse during this time.

Should Scirocco prove to be too weak to return, then I shall step forward in his place. You have been loyal to both Scirocco and myself, Mu'Vorkan, and I will not forget that.

  • What plans do you have for me, should you become a patron?
You will be part of my elite council of Mu, Mu'Vorkan.
You know as well as I do that there are still many divisions amongst us. We must be united under my direction, but I cannot do it alone. You, like myself, have seen the spirits, fought our ancient enemies, the Oranbegans. I have not forgotten your role in our research regarding Lilitu, who still remains trapped within our spirit gem.
Mu'Vorkan did not want to simply settle for being part of Mu'Drakhan's elite council. He wanted more, he wanted to be higher. The top rank in an elite council would still make him lesser than the patrons, than Mu'Drakhan. Mu'Vorkan wanted to have a face, to be unique amongst the crowd of Mu.
Perhaps, Mu'Vorkan thought, if he could get the ear of Lord Recluse first, he might be able to prove himself. He would have to hurry, however, and hope that Lord Recluse was both alone and in a charitable mood to not strike Mu'Vorkan down.
  • Very well, Mu'Drakhan. I must be going.

Hrm. A Mu. Why do you speak to me, Mu? This is highly irregular, though I must commend your bravery for coming here.

You are the one who was with Scirocco and Ice Mistral in Dark Astoria, were you not?

  • I was, Lord Recluse. I come here to make a request.
A request. Go on, Mu, but do not tempt my patience.
Mu'Vorkan begins to explain his plan to Lord Recluse. He goes into great detail about the events that happened in Dark Astoria, how Scirocco has gone off on his own, and how Character influenced events. Mu'Vorkan eventually proposes that he, out of all the Mu, should rise to power, should Scirocco fail.
You're a bold one, Mu'Vorkan. Most would stay where they have been assigned, but you have a burning desire to rise beyond your rank. I will make a bargain with you.
  • What is the bargain, my lord?
If Scirocco does not return, then you shall have your status raised to patronage if you can prove yourself better than Mu'Drakhan.
Should Scirocco make it back... then whichever one of you manages to bring me his head and the head of your competitor will gain patronage. You should know, however, that this means you will have to kill Ice Mistral.
If you can kill Scirocco, Ice Mistral, Mu'Drakhan, and find yourself a powerful second in command, then you will have proven yourself to me and to the other patrons, for now.
If you fail, of course, you will be killed by any one of those who you have chosen as your opponent; be aware, Mu'Vorkan, that you are not the first, nor will you be the last, to try this. Scirocco, Ice Mistral, and Mu'Drakhan have fought many who would seek their positions of power. You will either be a nameless face amongst those who have dared to rise above their rank, or the one who will succeed and take hold of true power.
  • I will succeed, my Lord Recluse, you will see!

You played through Mu'Vorkan's personal story, witnessing the event where his quest to become a patron of Arachnos began.