Mission:Praetoria's Last Gasp - Finale: New Earth

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Finale: New Earth


You've got to hurry, Character, Vanguard is going to close the portal to Last Bastion!

The forces there are being overrun, but if you can get in there, you could do something! Just... just you need to know one thing before you go in...

  • What is it?

The portal will not take you back once you go in. The only way to get back is if you can get the area secured. But... The only way to do that is to somehow get a message back to here.

That's where I come in! I'll be splitting a part of myself to monitor your activities. If things go well, I'll send the message to reactivate the portal. If they don't... well, then you're going to become really good friends with a part of me!

The reports we received from Serpent Drummer indicate that the force that's attacking is massive. You'll have to give it everything you've got to repel them!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Doctor Orts is concentrating on maintaining a connection for you.

Mission Objective(s)


You're flung through the portal, which promptly shuts off.
This is going to be a one-way trip unless you can clear the Hamidon's forces

  • Face Hamidon's Fury
    • Speak with Serpent Drummer
    • 6 machines to reboot
    • 4 groups of Devouring Earth to defeat
    • Defeat the Hamidon Seeds
    • Return to prepare for battle
    • Defeat incoming ambushes
    • Speak with Serpent Drummer
    • Defeat the Avatars of Hamidon
    • Speak with Serpent Drummer
    • Confront Reese


Devouring Earth
The Infested

Notable NPCs


Character. It looks like we're in this together. I had a feeling the portal will close. I'm sure we'll get through this.

This would normally be when one of us would say we've been through worse. However, being trapped on a planet with an entity that controls all of the Earth that is trying to consume my life is, coincidentally, the worst situation I believe I've been in.

  • Understood. What's the situation?

We've got groups of Devouring Earth swarming outside of the building. However, Reese was able to take down a number of them before being forced to retreat. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop them from shutting down the Lambda turrets.

If you can activate those turrets, they'll blast the Seed of Hamidon away. You'll also need to clear the Devouring Earth and the Hamidon seeds from outside.

That should give us some breathing room, but we won't be out of the woods just yet. We'll stay in here to monitor your progress, good luck.

  • Alright.

Ambush! After defeating the Devouring Earth groups and reactivating the turrets, you are ambushed by six waves of Devouring Earth.


We've got reports that there are three Avatars of Hamidon scaling the city's walls, Character.

We've never seen three of them together like this. Three IDF soldiers who were hurt in the initial attack are feeling confident enough that they can provide you support, if you need it.

Our engineers are almost done powering up the sonic fences. Once they're on, we're safe... but only if you can take care of those Avatars.

  • Alright, tell the soldiers to follow my lead.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Tell the soldiers to stay behind, I'll handle this.
Are you sure, Character? Three Avatars of Hamidon are incredibly powerful, and should not be handled lightly.
  • On second thought, tell them to gear up, they're with me.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • I'm positive.

Character, you've done it! The sonic fences are back on and the city is cleared of the Devouring Earth. Lady Grey is working on re-activating the portal as we speak. The people here have set up a large hologram to remember you for all the work you've done.

I'm still amazed that you took on all the Avatars on your own... That is quite an impressive feat! It seems like there's still someone who wants to dispute that, however.

Reese wants to face you one more time in combat.

  • ... Great.

You think you're the new Top Dog around here, Character? Let me tell you something. My name is Reese, and I am the Top Dog here, I am the last hope of Praetoria, NOT you! Not just some random Incarnate who walked in and thinks they can just do what they want!

I challenge you, here and now, to a fight, to prove who Praetoria's final Top Dog is!

  • (Fight Reese)
  • No, Reese. No more fighting, we're done.


You are awarded the Avatar Smasher Badge if you defeated the three Avatars of Hamidon without any help from the IDF.


You are awarded the Civilization's Savior Badge upon completing the mission.


You held the line in the last bastion for civilization in Praetoria. You're considered a hero now to these people, who can now establish the beginnings of a new civilization in Praetoria.


You held the line in the last bastion for civilization in Praetoria. You're considered a hero now to these people, who can now establish the beginnings of a new civilization in Praetoria. All according to your plan, of course.


{{Character}], I'm amazed! You did it!

We've got reports that Metronome is in Anti-Matter's space station now. He's going to be providing support from there against the Hamidon while we rebuild what's left of Last Bastion.

It's going to take a long time for anything significant to happen, but we have a beacon of hope now in Praetoria, and that's something to be proud of. The people are always going to remember you as their savior, Character, it's something you deserve. You ARE the reason why they made it.

You said that Hamidon mentioned thinking he was better than humanity, right? That we're all flawed? I was thinking about it while you were gone. Maybe he's right. We are all flawed, you know? But I think, that's what makes us strong. Hamidon, at the end of the day, is alone with everything. But with all our flaws, we know that we have to band together to do things, to make a life!

We'll show the Hamidon that there is hope in humanity, and that we can even see his dream fulfilled of keeping the Earth a beautiful place - but not at the cost of human lives.

Thank you, Character, for everything. Let's grab some coffee one day and see if we can chat about some tech stuff!

It looks like the day is saved