Mission:The Anti-Matter Collision - Part Six
Part Six: Search Anti-Matter's orbital lab for information on Project: Deadline
Last time you were in Anti-Matter's orbital lab you accessed some of the computers there, right? We've been going over that intel and it gave us a thread we need to pull on. Anti-Matter referred to his time acceleration experiment as Project: Deadline. We need everything we can get on Project: Deadline from his computers, which will be easier now that we know what we are looking for.
- Search Anti-Matter's orbital lab for information on Project: Deadline
One more thing. Seems that your team JUST missed encountering Anti-Matter himself on that station last time. I'd suggest bringing some allies along with you this time to be safe.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We still don't have much to go on. We need to know more about Anti-Matter!
Mission Objective(s)
The lab's bitter chill reminds you that the vacuum of space is right outside.
- Defeat Anti-Matter & his Clockwork
- Search the computer network
When Anti-Matter disappeared, he left you with a warning.
Notable NPCs

Knowing what to look for in Anti-Matter's computers made things a lot easier. You learn that Project: Deadline is a secret project to use fast time dimensions to quickly assemble a Clockwork invasion force the likes of which no one has ever seen. It takes a very special dimension as well as proprietary technology to make the acceleration happen, but the results can't be argued with.

When Anti-Matter disappeared, he told you "You are FOOLS! You have NO IDEA what you are interferring in!!" This, coupled with the pining you heard earlier possibly means that this is more than a simple invasion.
So, Anti-Matter is using accelerated-time dimensions to quickly assemble his Clockwork armies? A) Why didn't we think of that? And B) This could be incredibly bad. I'll start the search for more Accel-Time dimensions immediately.