Mission:The Emperor's Sword - Part One: Secret Police
Part One: Secret Police
Mission Briefing
The Resistance and Vanguard have managed to take part of Imperial City. We've pushed the forces of the IDF back, and even gained some support from several members of the PPD; most notably from MICIR, the Ministry of Information Criminal Investigation and Research.
As we speak, our forces have surrounded Praetor Sinclair's skyscraper. There's a small army of IDF inside, guarding, and probably destroying, all evidence that is within the building. Unfortunately, Sinclair's assistant, Tami Baker, is nowhere to be found.
We're currently at a stand off and can't risk a push inside. Our forces are too spread out throughout Imperial City.
- So you're asking me to go in to shift the balance.
Exactly. Your presence there can help sway the battle. We need to take this foothold in Imperial City if we're going to push through and take Nova Praetoria.
We can get you to our staging ground. From there, you'll need to recover whatever evidence you can find within Sinclair's tower, then find Sinclair himself. Don't kill him, though. I want that honor for myself.
We'll speak again once the skyscraper is taken. Vetrano out.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Belladonna's line is silent.
Mission Objective(s)
The business atmosphere of Imperial City has been replaced by one of war. Gun fire rings out in the city streets and smoke rises from the skyscrapers.
- Take Control of Sinclair's Skyscraper
- 3 pieces of evidence to find.
- Rescue Provost Marchand
Sinclair is gone, but you discovered what his next plot is; finding the sword, Excalibur!

You found a document detailing the existence of the sword, Excalibur. Sinclair's agents previously believed that there was no point in looking for the sword, as Emperor Cole had enough power as it was. However, recent events have caused Sinclair to open the case back up, stating that Excalibur must be found in order to help push back the 'chaos of Primal Earth'.

You found a file that has information regarding a man who is destined to wield the sword, Excalibur. Sinclair states that a man named Pendragon may be the 'chosen' wielder of the sword. If he could be found, then perhaps he could be persuaded to wield the sword for Emperor Cole.

You were able to locate a dossier on Black Swan, one of Praetor Sinclair's aids. She has been kept out of the public light due to her shadowy nature. She has complete control over a 'shadow realm' and can also exert control over people or items who she is able to link to said realm.
Sinclair believes that Black Swan could be a useful tool in the search for Excalibur and controlling Pendragon. The only issue would be finding Pendragon's location.

Provost Marchand told you what he discovered...
'Sinclair has gone mad. He has left with that witch, Black Swan, in order to revive Shadow Hunter! The 'man' was killed by Hamidon some time ago, but his spirit lingers in the Night Ward. Sinclair believes that Shadow Hunter can be used to track down both Pendragon and the sword, Excalibur.
This is insanity, Character. The once proud state of Praetoria has turned to chasing fairy tales in order to win. I'm... ashamed of it all. You must travel to Night Ward and stop Shadow Hunter from being revived. The reign of insane super-powered individuals must come to an end.
I will meet with the Resistance and see what I can do... there are still a few loose ends I wish to tie up.'
Notable NPCs
- War Walker (Imperial Defense Force Boss)
This is ridiculous, Character. Sinclair and Black Swan are chasing after some sort of magical sword? Does he really believe that an ancient legend will help save Tyrant in these final moments?
I don't believe in such things, but if Sinclair does, then it can only mean he's desperate. Excalibur may or may not exist, but if he and Black Swan revive Shadow Hunter and gain control over Pendragon... it could cause us problems.