Mission:Tip - A Broken Nemesis Jaeger
A Broken Nemesis Jaeger (40-50)
You hear a series of clicks and smell the acrid stench of smoke coming form a nearby alley way.
Upon investigation you discover a Nemesis Jaeger robot. It evidently has broken down and is on its last legs. After bashing it open you're able to access its rudimentary computer and find out where it was going. This Jaeger among many others recently recieved a transmitted command to track down and eliminate a list of villains in the Rogue Isles and then store their bodies in a warehouse in Grandville. You're number 3 on this list.
You could teach Nemesis that you're a much bigger threat than number 3 and take out the person behind this scheme.
Alternatively you could check out this warehouse and see if there are any valuables to be pilfered, and it could be good to find out what Nemesis is up to.
Villain Acceptance
Not only has Nemesis significantly underestimated your power and your threat level, but he's also sent out a small army of automatons to kill you. This transgression shall not be forgiven!
- Show Nemesis that you're the real threat.
+++ Missing Information +++
Unnecessary Solicitation
+++ Missing Information +++
Mission Objective(s)
+++ Missing Information +++
- +++ Missing Information +++
- +++ Missing Information +++
- +++ Missing Information +++
+++ Missing Information +++
Notable NPCs
- +++ Missing Information +++
+++ Missing Information +++
Rogue Acceptance
You don't really care how big of a threat you are, in fact you'd prefer to not be on that list at all. It'd be easier to operate undetected in the Rogue Isles that way. What you do care about is what Nemesis is up to, and what valuables might be stashed away in that warehouse.
- Investigate and loot warehouse
If Nemesis has successfully eliminated villains or heroes and brought them back to this warehouse, then perhaps their tools and equipment haven't been picked clean. There might be some incredibly powerful devices or artifacts there. You head off to the coordinates listed in the Jaeger's computer.
Unnecessary Solicitation
+++ Missing Information +++
Mission Objective(s)
This place is as quiet as a grave. While that is ominous, you hope that there are a few bodies to pilfer artifacts and devices from.
- Investigate Nemesis warehouse
- 2 Body bags to investigate
- Defeat Miss Thystle Automaton
- Defeat Doppelganger Automaton
You've survived Nemesis's trap!
Notable NPCs
- Miss Thystle? (Rogues Gallery Boss)
- Doppelganger (Boss)

Inside the body bag you find a deceased villain of the Rogue Isles. You don't recognize the villain. Sadly there is nothing of any value inside.

At first you were wondering what Miss Thystle was doing here, but quickly you realized you were fighting a mechanical copy.

A small tag on the inside of this body bag has your name on it. Evidently Nemesis has reserved a special place for you here.
You didn't recognize any of the fallen heroes or villains; they were probably low on that Nemesis threat list. Unfortunately there was nothing of any value there, and you were lucky to escape with your life as you were assaulted by automato copies of both Miss Thystle and yourself.