Mission:Tip - Cracked Cell Phone

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Cracked Cell Phone

You find a mostly intact cell phone. On it, you find some startling information.

On the cracked cell phone you discover a ransom note that was sent via text message to the Paragon City authorities. The demands are being made by an Arachnos Operative who is holding a group of British foreign diplomats hostage and is threatening to kill them if their demands aren't met by midnight tonight.

You could rescue the diplomats. By doing so you might allow the Arachnos Operative to escape, but at least the foreign diplomats will be safe.

Alternatively, you could stop this threat here and now and show Arachnos that the heroes of Paragon City don't cooperate with terrorists. This might put the diplomats' lives in jeopardy, but at least the Operative won't get a chance to take hostages again.

Hero Acceptance


Terrorists like this Arachnos Operative have no place in this world, but saving the lives of innocent people is always more important. There will be time to bring this Arachnos Operative to justice later.

The first order of business will be to break into this Arachnos hideout, and then free the foreign diplomats from their captors.

Free the Foreign Diplomats!

You've got a really good hunch where this Operative is hiding out. You hope your intuition leads you down the right path. Time is running out for those foreign diplomats.

Mission Objective(s)

Your hunch proved to be correct. This is definitely the place, you hear the muffled cries of hostages in between orders barked by soldiers.

  • Free the Foreign Diplomats
    • Rescue Overdrive (Optional), 3 Dignitaries to Rescue

You've managed to not only rescue the dignitaries, but also a plot to detonate a chemical weapon in Paragon City.

Overdrive's Suspicions

After saving Overdrive she says to you: 'Thanks for the help. I was in quite the pinch there. Arachnos is up to something, this is obviously just a front for something greater. Arachnos is predictable that way.'

The Arachnos Plot

The foreign dignitary informed you of an Arachnos plot of releasing a chemical weapon somewhere nearby. They also mentioned a powerful Rogue Isles villain being recruited. Hopefully you can inform the authorities before this goes south.

The True Threat

You discovered the Arachnos Operative's computer and uncovered a plot to release a chemical weapon in the area. Arachnos has hired the notorious villain 'Mangle' to ensure that everything goes according to plan. You copy files from the computer outlining the location of the weapon as well as the weapon's specifics and how to disarm it.



Notable NPCs


You freed the foreign dignitary taken by the Arachnos Operative, prevented an international incident by saving the dignitaries and uncovered a plot to detonate a chemical weapon.

Vigilante Acceptance


You're sick and tired of 'saving the day' only to have the same criminals out on the street time and time again. It's time to take the fight to those that threaten the people of your city.

You just intercepted a badly garbled police scanner message from a hero, stating that the Arachnos Operative in question's true goal was to detonate a chemical weapon in the area.

Take out Operative and Disarm Chemical weapon

You take note of the Arachnos Operative's location according to the police band message. It sounds like the bomb is being set in the sewers beneath the city.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Arachnos Operative and Disarm Chemical Weapon


Notable NPCs


Missing Debriefing