Mission:Tip - Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary

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Doc Quantum's Moral Quandary (45-50)

You've been contacted by the notorious Doc Quantum, he presents you with a curious situation.

Salutations, Character,

Please excuse my intrusion, I am sure you are very busy with... whatever... it is what you do. What I am interested in is why you do it. So, you're going to be a volunteer in an experiment of mine. I've arranged an interesting scenario for you. A notorius Rogue Isles' villain, Hollow Point, and his so-called militia have subdued, unmasked and neutralized the powers of a few of Paragon City's more patriotic heroes and have orders to execute them in 1 hour. However, I have just heard word that Hollow Point himself, ever the busy man, has set out on his next scheme to take over a local newspaper to publish anti-governmetn propaganda. What will you do, Character?

Will you save those careless heroes who managed to get themselves captured, and let that insane terrrist Hollow Point go free?

Or will you stop the cause of all this, Hollow Point, and let those patriotic defenders of Paragon City die?

This should be an interesting experiment, thank you for your cooperation.

Hero Acceptance


Mission Acceptance

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++

Notable NPCs

  • +++ Missing Information +++


Vigilante Acceptance


There was a time when Hollow Point was like you. He sought to bring justice to the enemies of Paragon City at all costs. He crossed the line, however, and passed over the point of no return. Hollow point is currently raiding a local news station; with it, he could spout his hateful anti-government propaganda and draw more people to his militia.

Stop Hollow Point from raiding the television station

Scum like Hollow Point have no place in the world, and you'll see to it that he doesen't cause any more problems for this city for awhile. You head off towards the television station to twarth his little plan. You don't care what this all means to Doc Quantum, you just feel fortunate to have an opportunity to put this zealot down for the count.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear orders being barked over the sounds of the screams of panicked office workers. Bingo.

  • Defeat Hollow Point
    • Defeat Hollow Point
    • Help Blast Furnace (Optional)

You've stopped Hollow Point from taking over the local television station

Hollow Point



Notable NPCs


You handled Hollow Point and brought him to justice. He, hopefully, won't be causing any trouble for a while.