Mission:Tip - Wanted: Uqua. Dead: Alive

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Wanted: Uqua. Dead: Alive

Alignment Mission

You find some Rikti writing carved in a nearby wall. It reads...'Wanted: Uqua. Dead: Alive'. Curious, you investigate the situation to see what exactly this is all about.

Rikti Traditionalists have had enough of the woman called Kelly Uqua, claiming she is actually part of the Restructurists movement and a hidden Rikti agent within Crey. With Vanguard's permission, the Tradionalists have put a bounty out on Kelly Uqua, asking for any able-bodied person to step up and bring her to the temporary base set up by the Traditionalists within the Rikti War Zone.
Investigating even further, you find out that this is one of the main Traditionalist bases of the Rikti, set up in a former Restructurist base. They have been stockpiling their supplies there in the hopes that they can somehow convince their fellow aliens to lay down their own arms in the name of peace.

You've heard rumors that Kelly Uqua has angered the Rikti through her actions at Crey - along with the possibility that she herself is actually a Rikti in disguise. It's somewhat interesting, though what's more interesting is this Traditionalist base in the Rikti War Zone. From the information you gathered, they're building up quite a force in there - perhaps with aid from Vanguard. Who knows what sort of useful Rikti technology could be there, just ripe for the picking?

However, that bounty to bring in Kelly Uqua is probably fairly decent - given the possibility that Vanguard is behind it. It could mean just a fat payday, or it could also mean a new set of impervium armor, courtesy of Vanguard.

VILLAIN: Rob and destroy the Traditionalist base!

Briefing: Villain Mission

Traditionalists...Restructurists...does it really matter what name they call the Rikti? Not to you, at least - you look at them and all you see is an opportunity. From what you've discovered, this Traditionalist base will be packed with Rikti technology - and possibly information. Vanguard won't be guarding it, as it's outside of the limits of their influence.

Which means that it's just sitting there...waiting for someone to walk in and take whatever is in that base for themselves.

  • Rob and destroy the Rikti base!

You head off towards the Traditionalist base. Hopefully no one else has gone there before you - if so, you'll just have to... inform them that this base is yours for the picking.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If Vanguard shows up, you'll just show them what happens if they try to get in the way of what you want.

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • Destroy the Traditionalist Base!
    • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++

Notable NPCs

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+++ Missing Information +++


Briefing: Rogue Mission

You've seen Kelly Uqua give several interviews on behalf of Crey. The look in her eyes has always made people uncomfortable - as if she was some sort of alien. It's quite frankly not too surprising to hear that she may actually be a Rikti in disguise - though it is a little disconcerting that the Rikti could disguise themselves as humans.

Regardless, there's a bounty out on her head, and you're not going to let something like the possibility of going through Crey get in your way!

  • Collect the bounty on Kelly Uqua!

You do some investigation to find out where Kelly Uqua should be - within one of Crey's offices, right in the heart of Grandville.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Whenever Crey is involved, you know you're bound to step into something disturbing.

Mission Objective(s)

Crey has this office on full lockdown - it looks like they're well aware that the Traditionalists are out to bring Kelly Uqua in

  • Bring in Kelly Uqua!
    • Defeat Kelly Uqua!



Notable NPCs

This is the true form of Kelly Uqua, a Rikti who had themselves transformed into a human in order to be of use to Crey industries!


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