Mission:Trilogy - The Final Book: Chapter 7
The Final Book: Chapter 7
Mission Briefing
(The third book of Trilogy opens to a random page) Character was beginning to miss Mercenary's company, even as gruff as he was. He / She missed the jokes, the constant movie references, but he / she knew that Mercenary had some things to deal with that were best dealt with on his own. Mercenary promised to be back and soon, but that didn't make the separation any easier. Character's thoughts turned to Epoch as he / she ventured on the road back to the valley. Epoch had taught him / her many things, but dealing with loss would be the final lesson he would teach.
- Turn the page of chapter 7 in the final book.
Character's eyes never looked up from the road he / she tread upon back to the valley. His / Her first indication of any trouble was the scent of burning wood. He / She lifted his / her eyes to see columns of smoke rising up from his childhood home. His / Her first thought was not his own homestead, but Epoch's home on the hill. He / She noted it was fully engulfed in flames. Whatever secrets it held were being lost to the fire. He / She saw some robots located just outside the house. If Infinity was after anything of value, these robots would likely still be carrying it.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Character's eyes never looked up from the road he / she tread upon back to the valley. His / Her first indication of any trouble was the scent of burning wood. He / She lifted his / her eyes to see columns of smoke rising up from his childhood home. His / Her first thought was not his own homestead, but Epoch's home on the hill. He / She noted it was fully engulfed in flames. Whatever secrets it held were being lost to the fire. He / She saw some robots located just outside the house. If Infinity was after anything of value, these robots would likely still be carrying it.
Mission Objective(s)
Still reeling from the loss of Epoch, our hero was about to be in for an even bigger surprise.
- Defeat the robots to recover whatever they found
- Determine the robot's Plan
With the book recovered from the robots, Character had something more to go on.
Notable NPCs
- 01000010011011110110111101101011 (Clockwork Boss)

This book seems to be ancient. The text is unreadable, in a language that Character couldn't understand. The cover was held on by the barest of threads. Either it was well read of the robots were not very careful in extracting it.
With the valley in flames, Character was shaken into action. He / She now possessed the book that the robots were taking from Epoch's home, but reading it was something else entirely. What secrets lie within? Why would Infinity want this tome? All of these questions and more raced through Character's head, and little did he / she realize that the answers were soon to come.