Mission:Ubelmann the Unknown - Rescue the historians from the 5th Column

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Rescue the historians from the Council


Apparently the Council isn't satisfied with stealing World War II documents. Now they're actually stealing World War II historians! Several experts in the era have been reported missing. I need you to rescue those historians from the Council!

Mission Acceptance

Something tells me the Council's interest is more than academic.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've got to get those historians to safety.

Mission Objective(s)

The Council isn't looking into the past out of simple curiosity. There must be something they hope to gain.

  • Save kidnapped WWII historians
    • 5 historians to rescue

You rescued the historians from the Council.

The historian's story

One of the historians you rescued told you:

'After they kidnapped us, a peculiar man arrived to interrogate us. The rest of them all acted like he was in charge. His name was Ubelmann, and he wanted to know everything I knew about the history of the Second World War. He knew a lot, but he had the oddest gaps in his knowledge. For example, when we started talking about the North Africa campaign, he knew who Rommel was, but he didn't know how he died. As I said, very strange.'



Notable NPCs

  • 5 Historians (Hostages)


It looks like that last mission gave us more questions that answers. Who is this Ubelmann, anyway? And what does he have to do with the Council's interest in World War II?