Matthew Habashy

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Matthew Habashy
Matthew Habashy.jpg
FBSA Agent
Zone Atlas Park
Coordinates (249, 16, -482)[Copy]
Level Range 1-7
Introduced By None
Introduces == Level 1-7 ==
Officer Fields
Sondra Costel
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Matthew Habashy is a hero contact in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (249, 16, -482)[Copy] . He is standing in front of City Hall, to the left as you face its main doors.


Contact Introduced By

None; Matthew Habashy is the first contact players meet upon completing the Galaxy City tutorial. Heroes who do the Outbreak tutorial will not be directed to him by default, but can contact him if they choose.

Contact Introduces

Level 1-7

Officer Fields is a rookie cop who barely made it out of the Galaxy incident. He's working a beat over in the Promenade. He's sent word that the PPD there need some help on a murder case, one that could quickly turn into a series of murders if it isn't stopped.

Officer Fields is new to this whole thing, but hey, so am I, and we did a good job together, right?

I'll let you know when I've found out more information about Arachnos activity here in Atlas.

Sondra Costel is a doctor who worked for the hospital in Galaxy City. She's trying to help the people in Hyperion Way, but there's a force working against her. She could use your help, Character.

Sondra Costel is doing her best in a bad situation.

I'm sure you can help her change things in Hyperion Way.


FBSA Agent

Matthew Habashy is an agent of the Federal Bureau of Super-powered Affairs.

Before the destruction of Galaxy City, he was just another desk worker in Atlas Park who may have been on track towards a promotion. However, when the disaster hit, the FBSA needed someone to step up, and Habashy was one of the few people who they felt could handle the job.

Initial Contact

Editor's Note:

This initial contact dialogue is only offered if you go through the tutorial. Otherwise, the dialogue starts directly with the mission briefing.

Character, right? My name's Matthew Hobashy. I'm with the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs, or the FBSA.

Are you OK from getting out of Galaxy City?

I just... barely got out myself.

  • Don't worry about me. What's the situation here?
Longbow and the Paragon Police Department have devoted all their resources toward containing the situation.
However... that's left Atlas Park nearly defenseless against other crimes.
  • What's the situation in Atlas?
Atlas Park has seen much better days, Character. All the refugees from Galaxy City are being sent here, either to find... loved ones that they lost, or for support.
However, with the majority of the police force fighting in Galaxy City, Atlas is ripe for the picking.
That's why the FBSA sent me down here, to work with heroes like you to try to take back Atlas Park. Are you ready?
  • Let's do this.
  • I am, but what are we doing to recover it?
Atlas Park has seen much better days, Character. All the refugees from Galaxy City are being sent here, either to find... loved ones that they lost, or for support.
However, with the majority of the police force fighting in Galaxy City, Atlas is ripe for the picking.
That's why the FBSA sent me down here, to work with heroes like you to try to take back Atlas Park. Are you ready?
  • Let's do this.


  • There's a lot to be done before Atlas Park is returned back to normal, Character. Let's get to work.
  • We've got a lot of work ahead of us, Character

Too Busy

Sorry, Character, I can't ask you to help me out more when you're already helping out so many other people.

No More Missions

Both of our jobs are never done, Character. Maybe when we both have a break, we can sit back and talk about things.


Story Arc

What Was Lost

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 3 Reward Merits.


The Oath of Matthew Habashy

Sometimes when you look at city hall, you remember an oath that a man named Matthew Habashy gave you. He swore to do everything he could to help you fight the evils in Atlas Park in order to save the city and his wife. It reminds you of an experience you call...

What Was Lost

You were pointed to Matthew Habashy, who was looking for help in securing Atlas Park against the Hellions. You went into one of the neighborhoods and fought them off, helping the PPD retake the area. However, you discovered something sinister was being planned by the group.

You and Matthew Habashy dug deeper, discovering the Hellions had acquired dangerous magical artifacts from the destroyed MAGI vault in Galaxy and planned to enact something called the Ritual of Souls. Once completed, it would summon a demon from the underworld.

Matthew helped you investigate where this was taking place, despite the fact that his wife had recently died in the Galaxy City incident. After sneaking into one of the warehouses used by the Hellions, you discovered the office building where they planned on enacting the ritual!

You busted into the building and put a stop to the ritual, but discovered that it was actually Arachnos who had supplied the Hellions with the artifacts! You were also able to talk to Dana Habashy, Matthew's supposedly deceased wife, who revealed that Arachnos kidnapped survivors of Galaxy City and were planning on funding the gangs in Atlas to destabilize it for another invasion!

You and Matthew Habashy swore afterwards to do everything in your power to help the people of Atlas Park, stop Arachnos, and save his wife.

Part One: Demons and Gangsters


Man, as if we didn't have enough problems with Galaxy City, the Hellions are terrorizing a neighborhood nearby!

The majority of the Paragon Police Department are too busy trying to contain the situation in Galaxy, and we've got a ton of refugees in that area trying to take shelter.

We need your help in taking back that neighborhood, Character.

  • Just tell me where to go and I'll help those people.

They're in... ah... one of the...

Matthew Habashy seems distracted for a moment. He shakes his head, gathering himself.

Sorry, they're in a neighborhood to the west of Atlas Plaza. You've got to thin out their numbers, then what remains of the PPD can take control of the situation.

Be careful, Character. These Hellions aren't your run of the mill gangsters. These guys are demon worshippers!

Unnecessary Solicitation

The PPD can swing in once you've given them some breathing room with the Hellions.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take the fight to the Hellions!
    • Defeat 5 Hellions

You've thinned out the Hellions in the area.

Why We Fight

One of the Hellions threatened you after you took him down.

'You all can't stop what's coming! We know what we're going to get. We've been told what's going to happen next!'

'Galaxy was just the first step. Atlas won't be far behind, you'll see!'




Thanks, Character. The PPD are on the scene now and handling the situation.

The Hellions said something about Atlas Park being next to fall? Seriously? Can't we catch a break?

If it's not meteors destroying the city, it's a group of demon worshipping punk cultists saying the end is nigh.

Looks like we're not out of the woods yet...

Part Two: The People's Protector


It sounds like the Hellions are either planning something big, or they know something big is about to happen.

I'll admit, I'm kind of new to the whole business of taking down criminals like this - I was just a guy working behind a desk before the Galaxy incident.

I think I have an idea of what we can do next, however.

  • What are you thinking?

Officer Nelson is taking charge of the PPD's clean up of that neighborhood. He'll know about anything going on with the Hellions - I'd go talk to him.

Oh, yeah, here's my cellphone number. You can call me at any time. This way of communication is much more efficient.

Contacts will give you their cell phone numbers once you've done enough missions for them. You can use this to call them from anywhere in the open world.

Speak with Officer Nelson

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'll work on my end here to see what I can find.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Officer Nelson

Officer Nelson

Character, right? I heard you're responsible for helping us take back this area. We all appreciate it.

You and Matt are already doing a lot of good for this city, it can set an example for those... lazier heroes.

It's a shame that his wife, Dana, died in Galaxy.

But anyway, we could use more of your help here, if you're willing to give it.

  • Yes, can you tell me about any more Hellion activity?
The Hellions are over in Prometheus Park right now. We've got reports they've kidnapped several people and are trying to take others in the Park!
Someone has to stop them, but we just don't have the manpower to keep this neighborhood safe and go after them. It'll be up to you to make that happen, Character.
  • I'm on it, leave it to me
  • Wait, Matthew's wife died in Galaxy?
He didn't tell you? Doesn't surprise me, he's a very focused guy.
I don't know the details; all I know is that he said she didn't make it.
If you want to know more, I'd ask him.
  • Will do. What can you tell me about the Hellions?
The Hellions are over in Prometheus Park right now. We've got reports they've kidnapped several people and are trying to take others in the Park!
Someone has to stop them, but we just don't have the manpower to keep this neighborhood safe and go after them. It'll be up to you to make that happen, Character.
  • I'm on it, leave it to me
Dana Habashy's Fate

Officer Nelson mentioned to you that Matthew Habashy's wife, Dana, died in the Galaxy City attack.

Fight off the Hellions in Prometheus Park

Unnecessary Solicitation

The Hellions are in Prometheus? Man, those guys just don't give up. Why can't they just go work behind a desk or something and leave us all alone?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Fight off the Hellions in Prometheus Park
    • 0 out of 4 civilians rescued

You've rescued the Civilians, but it looks like there's something happening with the Hellions!


Cursed Caverns

One of the victims you rescued spoke to you about the caverns beneath Prometheus Park...

'You have to do something! The Hellions have made a home for themselves in those caverns.'

'They said something about using it as a place to store some artifacts until they were told to move on them. Please, I don't want what happened to Galaxy to happen to Atlas...!'

Get to the Hellion's underground caverns

Unnecessary Solicitation

They're holding artifacts beneath Prometheus? This is starting to get pretty heavy, Character. Be careful...!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Retrieve the stolen artifact in the caverns
    • Find Information on the Hellions

You've recovered the Hellion artifact!

  • (Leave)



Notable NPCs

  • Cursed Artifact (Object)
Cursed Artifact

You find an artifact that exudes dark magic. It seems the Hellions are using this to perform some sort of dark magic in the caves beneath Prometheus Park!

You notice a small label on the side of the artifact, reading, 'PROPERTY OF MAGI'.

The Hellion Artifact

You found an artifact belonging to the Hellions in their caverns. It seems to pulse with dark magic, waiting to be released.

There's a tag on the side of the artifact, 'PROPERTY OF MAGI'.

Call Matthew Habashy

Mission Objective(s)

  • Call Matthew Habashy


Matthew here. Oh, Character, good to hear from you.

Whats going on with the Hellion situation?

  • I found an artifact they had, it looks like it belongs to MAGI.

Great. I mean that to be sarcastic, by the way.

The MAGI VAULT in Galaxy City was destroyed during the incident. There's probably hundreds of dangerous artifacts floating around Paragon now.

At least we've got one of them. We're getting reports, however, of more missing people. Probably the Hellions' work.

  • Cursed artifacts, crazy cultists, missing people - never a good sign.

You're right on that one, Character. We need to find out where the Hellions are keeping all of these people.

Did you find anything else?

  • No, that's all. What's next?
Well, I think I have an idea on what we could do next. It's... a little crazy, but I think it might just work.
  • What happened to your wife? If you don't mind me asking?
My wife? ... Nelson told you, I'm guessing.
I...we were in Galaxy, Dana and I, when the incident happened. We were trying to get out when a bunch of those... monsters seperated us. I distracted them to give her the chance to run. We were split, but I thought she would make it to the evac point.
When I arrived... she wasn't there. I tried to wait for her, but Longbow and Vanguard reported there were no survivors and then took us all away.
... When I got out of Galaxy, the FBSA put me straight to work on helping Atlas. All I can do now is try to push forward and fix things here. There'll be time for mourning later. Right?
  • I suppose so. What's next?
Dana Habashy's Fate - Matthew's Story

Matthew Habashy told you that his wife, Dana, was killed by the Shivan monsters in Galaxy while they were trying to escape. He hasn't had time to give her a proper funeral since then, as the FBSA has put him to work on all of the issues happening in Atlas.

Well, I think I have an idea on what we could do next. It's... a little crazy, but I think it might just work.
  • What do you have in mind?

Part Three: Incognito


We need to find one of the Hellion's bases and get information on what they're planning and where they're holding those hostages, without them knowing about it.

Which means you'll need to get yourself some information and a disguise.

  • You've got an idea on where to get both?

I just might. We're getting reports about Hellions loitering around one of the tunnels nearby. An eyewitness said that it looked like they might be guarding a possible supply cache.

If you take down Hellion Informants, you can find out where their cache is. After that, you can disguise yourself as the Informant to get in there and find some information.

If we go incognito, we might be able to catch them off guard! And by we I mean you. ... Sorry.

Find a Hellion Informant who has the plans

Unnecessary Solicitation

I know this is a sort of crazy plan, Character, but I think it might just work.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find a Hellion Informant who has the plans
    • Defeat Hellion Informants to find the plans

You found out where the Hellions are hiding!


Go into the Hellion warehouse

Unnecessary Solicitation

You found the location of the warehouse? Great! Now, you just need to sneak in there and see what you can find.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go into the Hellion warehouse
    • Get to the warehouse!

Look for evidence about the Hellions' next move

Unnecessary Solicitation

There has to be something there, Character. Be careful!

Mission Objective(s)

  • Look for evidence about the Hellions' next move
    • Find information on the Hellions

You found information regarding the Ritual of Souls!

Editor's Note:

Male characters receive a random Blood Brother costume disguise, female characters receive a Girlfriend from Hell costume disguise. All powers, abilities, and attacks are disabled inside the warehouse.

Cardboard Box

You sift through various items belonging to the Hellions and find documents detailing something called the Ritual of Souls.

There are details here on where the ritual will be taking place, that it requires four 'pure' souls, and that it will summon a powerful demon to cause chaos and destruction in Atlas!

There's also mention that an outside source gave the Hellions the components to perform this ritual...

  • (Take the information and leave)
Leave the warehouse

Unnecessary Solicitation

You found the location of the warehouse? Great! Now, you just need to sneak in there and see what you can find.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Leave the warehouse
    • Leave the warehouse


Great work, Character.

You found information about something called the Ritual of Souls? That... doesn't sound good at all. But at least we know where they're going to be performing this ritual.

What worries me is who exactly gave this ritual to the Hellions. We can worry about that later, however, we have some more pressing matters to deal with...!

Finale: Is Now Found


There's no time to lose, Character. We know where the Hellions are preparing this Ritual of Souls. You need to get in there and put a stop to them, once and for all.

The most important thing is to stop that ritual and rescue the citizens who were kidnapped. There's one other thing I'd like you to look into.

  • What is it?

I'd like you to see if you can find out who gave them the ritual. If someone's supplying the Hellions with something this dangerous, who knows who else they could be helping.

That's all assuming you can stop the ritual. If not, well, we'll have bigger problems on our hands than who is giving these guys rituals!

Stop the Ritual of Souls

Unnecessary Solicitation

There's no time to lose, Character!

Mission Objective(s)


he air in this part of the office building is filled with smoke and magic. There's no time to lose, you need to save those people!

  • Stop the Ritual of Souls
    • Rescue the hostages
    • Check the nearby computer

You saved the hostages and found out who was funding the Hellions!



Notable NPCs

Advanced Computer

Is anyone there? Please, I don't have much time, they're going to find me at any moment!

I'm here with other survivors, please, someone needs to hear this!

  • I'm here, my name is Character. Who is this?

Character! Oh, it's so good to hear someone else! My name is Dana Habashy!

  • Dana Habashy? Matthew's wife?

Matthew? He's safe? He got out of Galaxy City?

  • He is, hold on, let me get him on the communicator!

You get your communicator and radio in Matthew Habashy.

  • (Listen)
Call or speak to Matthew Habashy

Well... we saved the day, Character. Those people you saved will be safe, and the Hellions' plan is stopped.

I just wish... that there was some answer for my wife, that we knew where she was!

If only I was able to go back and find her, none of this would've happened in the first place, she'd be safe!

  • You wife's alive, Matthew. It's not too late to save her.

You're right. I still have a chance. Not everyone can say that, right?

But we also need to make sure Atlas is safe. I'll work on my end to see what I can find regarding Arachnos: what they're doing, what they're planning, and where they're holding my wife and the other prisoners.

I know some people who could use your help right now. They're fighting the good fight in Atlas, but they're... well, they're losing.

  • Who are these people?

One of the people who need your help is a man named Officer Fields, a rookie cop who was part of the Galaxy City PD, and other is a woman named Sondra Costel. You'll only have time to help one of them, but don't worry. There's another hero who was inspired by your actions with the Hellions who is going to help whoever you can't get to.