The Clockwork Paladin

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Revision as of 14:38, 13 August 2020 by Aberrant (historical) (talk) (Added correct Issue)
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The Clockwork Paladin is a Zone Event found in the High Park neighborhood of Kings Row. The Paladin is on the loose, and seemingly impervious to damage! Defeating Psionic Brass Conduits makes the Paladin vulnerable to attack, and the Shining Stars can be freed from their captors to aid in the fight.

This event replaced the previous Paladin Construction zone event in Issue 24.




Notable NPCs

Zone Event Details

Paladin Rampage!

  • Property DamageDamangeMisspelling ($) 0/10000
  • Psionic Brass Conduits defeated: 0/12

Defeat the Psionic Brass Network to make the Paladin vulnerable to attack!

  • (Optional) Prevent the Paladin from dealing $10,000 worth of property damage!

Throughout the High Park neighborhood there are 12 Psionic Brass Conduit Boss Class Clockwork applying a shield to the Paladin making him invulnerable. The Paladin will be rampaging destroying objects around the neighborhood. Nothing appears to happen if the Property Damage bar is filled, does this disqualify for the temp power?

Editor's Note:

The Psionic Brass Conduits can sometimes be found by following the lightning effect that links them to the Paladin. This effect is dependent on range and so does not always appear. The Conduits seem to spawn in the same places each time, so need a list of spawn coordinates via demorecord.

Shining Star Showdown

  • Paladin's Health 100/100
  • Defeat the Paladin!
  • (Optional) Free the Shining Stars!

Shining Stars members (Elite Bosses) are held by 5 Knight-Errant Elite Boss Clockwork outside the Bank. Freeing them allows them to help defeat the Paladin.

Bug! The event does not seem to correctly track the Paladin's Health, staying at 100 throughout the event. It also does not acknowledge the Paladin's defeat.

Bug! The event does not properly reset after the Paladin is defeated and may only restart with a mapserver refresh of the zone. Any surviving Shining Stars will remain outside the bank for some time.


Defeating the Paladin awards 6 Reward Merits, 5 charges of the Knight Errant temporary power and the Knight Errant Badge. *Is this defeat credit of the Paladin, zone event participation, or zone wide? Does the temp power require any of the optional objectives, or is it always awarded?

Bug! The Knight Errant temp power: The Knight-Errant model does not correctly render, leaving just floating effects. (move me to the Knight Errant temp power page when created)



You have helped defeat the Clockwork Paladin, a diabolical invention of the Clockwork King.