Off-Duty Arachnos

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Off-Duty Arachnos is an NPC in Monster Island. He is not a contact, but an Easter Egg NPC. His coordinates are (-2598, -14, -8412)[Copy] , which is just inside the entrance to the zone.


When clicked, Off-Duty Arachnos will respond with, "Hope you find what you're looking for, Character."

Additionally, he has random chatter:

  • Those Rikti Monkeys are pests. All that hippity hoppity is ruining my fishing experience.
  • Well they DID say if I remained on solitary orders for any length of time, I'd start talking to myself. Guess they were right. Nuts. I need more bait.
  • I tell 'em over and over again about the Devouring Earth. I say, 'They're not easy. Might wanna bring a friend or two.' Do they listen? No. Is my breath wasted? Yes. You'd THINK they'd have some respect for all I do, considering I take the time to get them over here just under the radar of those Heroes. You'd THINK.
  • And so I said, 'You MIGHT want to be careful. Those Devouring Earth are nasty. That's all I'm sayin'.' And they ask more questions. Aren't these Villains supposed to be smart? I mean, they've been around the block a few times. What part of 'That's all I'm sayin' ' is confusing?
  • Solitude, they told me. Secrecy. Easy assignment. Just transport Villains back and forth under the Peregrine Island radar. Not a bad job. They didn't tell me I'd never catch any fish. This sucks.
  • They don't call them 'Devouring' Earth for nothing. Hee hee, little fishie, did you see that guy get all gobbled up by one? I did. It was better than cable.
  • Well the fishing WAS good.