Igneous the Magma Master

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Igneous the Magma Master is the leader of the Minions of Igneous, formerly the explorer Ingelbert Maahs. He is not currently seen in-game, but his journal entries can be found in the Cavern of Transcendence.


The following information was revealed through a Q&A post from the developer Manticore on the City of Heroes Message Boards.

Before everything in his life melted away, Ingelbert Maahs was well on his way to becoming the most famous explorer of his time. His advanced degrees in Geology and Archeology combined with a thirst for adventure to create an adventurer without peer. After leaving school, Maahs used his skill and influence to put together expeditions that uncovered lost treasures; brought to light scientific facts and benefited all those involved. His partner throughout this early success was his best friend, Marcus Janssen. Maahs had a keen eye for his craft but there was one thing that he overlooked...jealousy. Janssen was frustrated by all the credit that Maahs was receiving for their efforts. He began to plan a way to take his colleague out of the picture.

Since he first dreamt of being an explorer, Ingelbert Maahs had a Holy Grail. When he was a young boy he found his first reference to the Cavern of Transcendence. It was vaguely mentioned in a book that Ingelbert found while prowling the library. He searched for information about it his whole life, but few details were available. Over the years he was able to determine that the Cavern was underground and part of a network of tunnels. He also discovered that there would be trials to face when seeking it but there would also be some sort of reward. Of course, Janssen knew of his friends obsession and found a way to capitalize on it. He lured Maahs under Paragon City using rumors of a ‘mystic cavern’. There, he treacherously pushed his comrade into a floe of Magma and fled the tunnels to report the ‘terrible tragedy’. Somehow Ingelbert did not die, however. He was barely able to crawl free after being horribly burned. He was found by the Magmites, part of an underground society of rock people. They managed to heal Maahs but in the process permanently infused his flesh with molten rock. Maahs mind was warped by the betrayal of his partner and the shock of his new appearance. He left behind his humanity and became Igneous the Magma Master.

Since his transformation Igneous has led the Magmites in a slow advance toward the surface world. They have altered and enhanced natural tunnels to suit their purposes and are preparing for a strike on Paragon City. Igneous has come to believe that his new state is the transcendence he dreamed of his whole life. He and his new people guard the Cavern fiercely. Anyone venturing beneath the surface of Paragon City will find a powerful group facing them.

Journal Entries

Within the Cavern of Transcendence there are several journal entries from Ingelbert Maahs detailing his and Janssen's descent to the Cavern of Transcendence.


September 12, 1921

Janssen claims he has found a great cavern under an American City. Can it be, truly, the Cavern of Transcendence? I hardly dare hope, and yet I must journey there and see it for myself.

Ingelbert Maahs

Scattered papers

September 22, 1921

I have arrived in Paragon City. I can hardly wait to set eyes on the Cavern, to see if it is truly contains the portal I have sought for so very long. Janssen shares my enthusiasm. He suggests we get started right away.

Ingelbert Maahs

More papers

September 24, 1921

We have been journeying in these caverns for more than two days now. I am beginning to give up hope that we will ever set eyes upon the portal. But Janssen insists his calculations are correct. In truth, he has grown distant. I am beginning to wonder if my old friend has changed.

Ingelbert Maahs


September 25, 1921

Janssen will not talk. Perhaps he is delirious? When I pointed out that we had only enough provisions for one of us to make the return journey, he shrugged and would not answer.

I am afraid.

Ingelbert Maahs

See Also