Mission:Ubelmann the Unknown - Investigate the base

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Revision as of 19:29, 3 January 2021 by Aberrant (historical) (talk) (Updated to 5th Column.)
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Investigate the base


Those signed orders you found on the 5th Column place this Lt. Ubelmann at one of their underground bases. The place will be well defended, but you may be able to find some answers there, if you can fight your way through to them. Will you investigate the base?

Mission Acceptance

Make no mistake, this is going to be dangerous.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I have the feeling we're close. We just need to know more about this Ubelmann!

Mission Objective(s)

You're a lot more interested in Ubelmann than his underlings, but you know you'll have to fight through them to get to him.

  • Investigate 5th Column base
    • Locate Ubelmann, Learn about Ubelmann

You discovered Ubelmann's location and found a clue to his real origins.


This book, written in German in the last days of World War II, appears to be about early time travel experiments. One section has been highlighted heavily, and notes are scribbled along the margin in English. The notes are about the abysmal failure rates of the program, and about the test subjects used in the experiments. The identity of the last test subject jumps off the page at you: an intelligence officer named Wolfgang Ubelmann.

Anonymous e-mail

You found the following message on a computer in a 5th Column base:

It is good that you found the orders I had planted. I have been pleased with your ability to follow the anonymous tips I've left for you so far. Unfortunately, Lt. Wolfgang Ubelmann left this base shortly before you arrived. While I am sorry to see so many of my comrades captured, it was a risk worth taking.
Lt. Wolfgang Ubelmann must be stopped. Now that he has gathered much of the information he sought, he will soon attempt to complete the purpose he was sent here for. Even now his is likely attempting to jury rig a device to return him to his original point of origin. This cannot be allowed.
I have provided you with coordinates for your next target. Stop Ubelmann.


5th Column


All the interest in the Second World War, the way he acted like he knew 'Thunderhead' Bartlett, the tech thefts, and the mention of his name in that book. I hate to think it, I hate to say it, but it would explain so much. Wolfgang Ubelmann may be a time traveler from the 1940's. A man from the past sent to observe the future. With the information he now has, he could change his future, our present. It would explain everything. Everything, that is, except why that 5th Column informant is trying help us stop him.