PPD Incident Reports

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PPD Incident Reports
Kings Row
Badge tourist 01.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Kings Row
Available to Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


PPD Incident Reports is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Kings Row.


PPD Informant

Exploration Mission

These files contain incident reports and details from recent Kings Row activity that the Paragon Police Department have deemed significant enough to warrant their investigation. Unfortunately, they are often pilfered from officers and end up in the hands of criminals looking to sell them on the black market or leverage as blackmail.

Knowledge is power in this world, and access to this kind of intel helps criminals stay ahead of the law, so the demand for it is quite high.

  • Investigate reported activity in Kings Row.
  • Line these leads up later.

Too Busy

While reviewing the report, you remember the tasks waiting for your attention. Pursuing additional investigations will have to wait.

No More Missions

You cross-reference the information in the report with your own investigation and determine that it no longer warrants any further attention; This case is closed.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Kings Row.




PPD Report #KR0-940.0-41.2977:
Per MAGI assignment, the location in central Industrial Avenue undergoes continual monitoring to confirm no Circle of Thorns activity. Failure to maintain this surveillance could result in a demonic threat if the summoning ritual initiated from this location previously were to be completed.

You are not sure what makes this location significant, but a demonic horde on the loose sounds like bad news for everyone involved. It will be easier to relax once you've confirmed this location is secure.

  • Confirm nothing has been Summoned.

Incidents like this remind you how precarious the veil between our world and the infernal nether beyond can be.

All it would take is a few ambitious mages, the right location, a potent enough catalyst, and our world could be awash with demonic invaders.

The idea is not thrilling.

Mission Objective

  • Check for potential demon summoning
Summoned (-940.5, -42.0, 2977.5)[Copy]

Statesman broke up a ritual by the Circle of Thorn members that would have bolstered their ranks exponentially.



PPD Report #KR0-496.101.768:
Complaints of noise pollution from the landlord of buildings west of Paragon City Monorail station. Recently installed landing pad and helicopter activity frequently reported; records show ownership belonging to Kord Technologies. Verified that license and registration for this vehicle operation is valid.

You have to imagine something as attention-grabbing as a commercial helicopter landing in Kings Row is going to attract criminal activity. You should put this building on your radar.

  • Check out the building that was Upgraded.

With how dangerous Kings Row has recently become with the surge in local villain activity, one has to wonder who would have the confidence to land a helicopter here regularly with the risks such attention involves...

Mission Objective

  • Inspect building frequented by helicopter
Upgraded (-496.0, 101.4, 768.0)[Copy]

Kord Technologies makes its home in this building, and Tony Kord frequently uses his personal helicopter to commute to work.

Mystic King


PPD Report #KR0-376.70.245:
Frequent civilian reports on Circle of Thorns activity atop the roof of apartment buildings west of Architect Entertainment. Volume of reports pertaining to this location are cause for concern; Marked for pending MAGI investigation.

You doubt the Circle of Thorns are frequent visitors of this building because of the real estate value. You suspect there is something else there that has them so interested; It would be best to check this one out.

  • Check out possible Mystic implications.

Despite their problematic demonic rituals, the Circle of Thorns do make for consistent detectors of arcane resonance that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Best to make sure nothing comes from the Circle's efforts though, time to get moving.

Mission Objective

  • Seek rooftop attracting Circle of Thorns
Mystic King / Mystic Queen (-376.0, 70.5, 245.0)[Copy]

Ley Lines are powerful forces of mystical energy that crisscross the planet. Where they meet is called a nexus, and all magic is stronger for miles around.

Keen Sighted


PPD Report #KR0-2175.97.1142:
Another civilian found to have gotten themselves stuck climbing that powerline structure in the Aqueduct district. Misdemeanor citation issued. Despite additional warning notices, civilians continue to trespass; It seems reaching that location is some sort of Manticore fan 'challenge'. Patrols continuing to monitor.

Manticore fan challenge? You had heard some rumors that Manticore's Surviving Eight debut was around this area. Being between tasks right now, and while your opinions on Paragon City's most prominent archer are neither here nor there, you do love a challenge.

  • Make an attempt at being Keen Sighted.

Moving forward and feeling confident about reaching this challenge point without any risk of getting stuck; you would never live it down otherwise, not to mention how the PPD would react.

Imagine: a Archetype of your caliber... stuck on a powerline! That certainly will not be happening.

Mission Objective

  • Experience Manticore's vantage point
Keen Sighted (-2176.0, 97.0, 1143.0)[Copy]

Manticore, one of the Surviving Eight, was first sighted at this location after keeping to the shadows for months.



PPD Report #KR0-3042.0-41.0-1357:
Local pedestrian claims seeing smoke rising from the direction of the King Garment smokestacks at the Royal Refinery. That facility is currently suspended from active manufacturing, as work is being undertaken to reduce carbon emissions. This report is pending investigation.

More than likely the smoke is just a couple of Skulls who are up to no good over in that neighborhood. However, with 'King Garment Works' being the area's namesake... There is value in seeing one of their factories for yourself.

  • Check on what is Smokey.

Tucked away in the east side of the map, this factory was dubbed the 'Royal Refinery' and is one of the largest manufacturing facilities in Kings Row.

Looks like they are in the process of going green; kudos to them for making efforts to change!

Mission Objective

  • Investigate reports of smoke from Royal Refinery
Smokey (-3042.5, -42.0, -1357.5)[Copy]

King Garment Works dominated the Kings Row economy for years. These smoke stacks were part of their manufacturing facility.

Wentworth History Buff


PPD Report #KR0-1089.0-42.896:
Wentworth's Consignment manager reporting frequent Clockwork activity observed at the empty lot north of their auction house. Unlikely to be related to the property dispute claims; Will assign patrols to that area to watch for any Clockwork.

The location mentioned would be prime real estate for Wentworth's if they were looking to expand. Many have wondered how there was undeveloped land in the heart of Kings Row. Time to check it out, maybe break some Clockwork while you are there.

  • Become a Wentworth History Buff.

Wentworth's has certainly become a power player in Paragon City since their debut. Offering their consignment services to the super-powered populace has boosted the economy substantially.

One has to wonder what entity could possibly be matching Wentworth's to contest the ownership of this property for so long.

Mission Objective

  • Inspect the lot north of Wentworth's
Wentworth History Buff (-1089.0, -41.9, 896.5)[Copy]

This area was slated to be the original site for the Wentworth's Consignments in Kings Row. Unfortunately, constant debates over who actually owns the site, as well as the neighborhood's concern over increased traffic, halted construction.



PPD Report #KR474.0-42.0-2685:
Complaints continue from various High Park residents on the intentional disrepair of the pawn shop sign. Litigation is still on-going relating to the viability of the claims regarding the sign being a beacon for Freakshow. Additional patrols have been assigned to monitor the situation and record any criminal behavior observed to be due to the sign.

You are not sure what this report is referring to, but it drives you crazy with curiosity. Given the Freakshow seem to love whatever it is, you guess it is likely dumb, but decide to go see it anyway.

  • Check what has been Pwned.

Freakshow normally are seldom ever seen in Kings Row, so there is likely some merit to the claims of drawing unusual attention to the area if they have recently been popping-up since this sign thing started.

Either way, time to go see the infamous sign for yourself.

Mission Objective

  • Find the source of the pwnage
Pwned (474.5, -42.0, -2684.5)[Copy]

Locals in High Park have complained to the Pawn Store owner about fixing his sign, saying that it tends to draw the Freakshow to the neighborhood for laughs. The owner adamantly refuses to change the sign, insisting that it is "hilarious." He can be seen speaking with the residents in High Park while wearing a shirt with the words, "LOLCOPTER" on it.

Man of Vengeance


PPD Report #KR573.0-42.704: We continue to receive reports on the wreckage from the warehouse incident involving Blue Steel. Despite our numerous statements that the culprits responsible were Family criminals, public opinion continues to exaggerate Blue Steel's strength; Recent rumors have been escalating to hyperbolic absurdity.

Blue Steel is one of Kings Row's definitive claims to fame. The shield-wielding hero has become a big cultural icon over the years. It is hard not to be curious about this report of local wreckage, was the Family really to blame?

  • See the aftermath of Vengeance.

There have been some rather ridiculous-sounding rumors going around lately regarding Blue Steel. Things like: "If you can see Blue Steel, he can see you. If you can't see Blue Steel, you may be only seconds away from defeat."

While you are not sure how accurate these kinds of claims could be, you decide you better watch yourself around Blue Steel just in case...

Mission Objective

  • Look into Blue Steel-related wreckage

This is the wreckage of a warehouse owned by the Family. The man who killed Blue Steel's father was rumored to be taking shelter here. Blue Steel went to investigate, only to discover the Family had rigged the warehouse to explode. Blue Steel survived the explosion and has continued the hunt for his father's killer to this day.