Overbrook Reconstruction Newsletter

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Overbrook Reconstruction Newsletter
Badge tourist 01.png
Type Tour Guide Tip
Place Faultline
Available to Heroes, Vigilantes, and Rogues
Level range 1–50
v  d  e


Overbrook Reconstruction Newsletter is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Faultline.


Faultline Finder

Exploration Mission

These weekly leaflets are impossible to miss, promoting the massive efforts to rebuild the former Overbrook district currently known as Faultline. They serve the purpose of both attracting donations for the costly construction project, but also spreading awareness of the area's state of affairs.

With a treasure-trove of relics being unearthed regularly and the constant power struggle of the various occupying groups, staying on top of the latest is a best practice here.

  • Unearth something new in Faultline.
  • Dig into this another time.

Too Busy

If you take on too many tasks at once, the ground could collapse beneath you. Better come back to this later.

No More Missions

You set the newsletter down; No doubts now about being caught up on everything relevant lately in Faultline. You will be ready if anything changes with the status quo on New Overbrook's road to recovery.



You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Faultline.




A recent bulletin in the newsletter mentions a new funding bill was passed. Despite this, all donation contributions are still encouraged as the area has a long way to go.

Taking a moment to recall how bad the area was before the effort to rebuild was initiated, many would say things are going well. You decide to do a little patrol to fully appreciate the scope of the progress.

  • Witness the Undammed progress.

Not without its own set of challenges and setbacks; Work on New Overbrook will be an uphill battle on the fronts of logistics, funding, and defense. However, things are definitely moving forward, and you expect that trend to continue.

Where your role in this effort will fall... You will just have to wait and see.

Mission Objective

  • Check reconstruction progress
Undammed (-820.0, -159.0, 1033.5)[Copy]

Funding has recently been passed in an effort to stop the damage caused by the leaking Paragon City Dam.



A recent clipping regarding a local tavern grabs your attention within the newsletter:
"Authorities have reported that a Vahzilok power dispute is responsible for the recent break-in at The Rusty Rivet. While local heroes quickly quelled the perpetrators of the incident, the business operations remain suspended at this time as clean-up efforts continue. An eyewitness reports the smell was 'an unholy foulness to endure.'"

Sounds like despite some recent trouble, it is a local go-to favorite. You are always interested in getting a read on an area's cultural pulse, time to preview the venue.

  • Stop by the Riveting tavern.

Tucked away neatly in the northwest corner of the map, and in the nicer part of town, it is obvious why they would be popular and see a lot of traffic (both welcome and unwelcome)

It sounds like a good spot to keep tabs on, maybe you will stop in to sample some grub once they have re-opened for business.

Mission Objective

  • Visit the Rusty Rivet tavern
Riveting (1258.0, 31.0, -1794.0)[Copy]

The Rusty Rivet, a local tavern, caters to construction crews. Unfortunately, this is also where large brawls between The Lost and anyone within the area tend to break out. Paragon Police are frequently called in to settle disputes.



Safety advisory warnings are posted on the newsletter as well. There are a healthy host of villain groups with strong occupations in this area still.

Of note is the Ace Storage fortification, where the Freakshow have taken to massively entrenching themselves. This does not come as a surprise as that storage warehouse was full of material salvaged from the area, including prime building blocks for the Freakshow horde's cybernetics. It would be smart to survey the structure's layout; you will want the tactical upper hand if push comes to shove.

  • Take a look at the Upcycled fortifications

The Freaks are nothing if not insanely resourceful. Their capacity to adapt to every opportunity, and make use of literally anything within their reach is commendable.

You wonder...how do Champion Slammers scratch their nose with two mechanical hammers for arms? Perhaps you will ask the next one whose violence you are entertaining.

Mission Objective

  • Evaluate the Ace Storage's defenses
Upcycled (934.0, 47.8, 2177.0)[Copy]

The Ace Storage facility is where important wreckage that has been retrieved from Aftershock and Overflow is stored. Crates, barrels, and transport vehicles litter the large lot. The Freakshow have started upcycling some of these materials for their own purposes.

Rock Bottom


While the reconstruction effort is showing promise for most, some groups are not so fortunate. The members of the Lost who previously called Faultline their home continue to see their territory shrink.

The newsletter mentions a community that has been established under the southern reconstruction block where the mutant homeless have begun to congregate. You suspect this is only going to lead to a major confrontation down the road, time to scope out the situation.

  • See those who hit Rock Bottom.

The newsletter makes mention of frequent territorial conflicts with the Freakshow in the area. While there is a lot to be said on the Lost's activities and methods, the circumstances that led them to this are most unfortunate.

Mission Objective

  • Survey The Lost community
Rock Bottom (-705.5, -88.0, 1756.5)[Copy]

This dumping ground is also a hideout for The Lost, within the mounds of refuse. Freakshow have been known to make their way over, looking for spare parts and causing trouble for the ranks of the poor and the homeless, forcing them to accept further mutations to protect themselves.

Escape Artist


A recent article in the newsletter mentions a scientist who was at the center of a local crossfire between Arachnos and Longbow. Surprisingly, the reported location of the incident is much farther north than you would have predicted given the spider's southern occupation.

Something you learned early on: If one underestimates Arachnos and their reach, they will regret it. It should be a priority to spend some time exploring where this skirmish went down.

  • Follow the story of the Escape Artist.

There are plenty of plausible explanations of how Arachnos may be getting around undetected... Tunnels underground, cloaking technology, incognito disguises.

The caliber of their creative deviousness has been proven time and time again, they are the villains you can never truly predict.

Mission Objective

  • Confirm range of Arachnos activity
Escape Artist (-679.5, -167.5, -208.0)[Copy]

Dr. Hank Neville, foremost geologist, was attacked by Arachnos, but escaped with the help of Freedom Corps troops.

Drowned Rat


The newsletter has a large photo of the current state of the Overbrook Dam; Water continues to leak from the reservoir above, as repair workers toil under the torrential downpour. The miserable work conditions these laborers endure is quite commendable.

Seeing it, you cannot help but worry about the potential breach and if the integrity of the dam could be compromised. The decisions is made to go inspect it yourself to put these questions to rest.

  • Get soaked and become a Drowned Rat.

If the dam suffered a catastrophic breach, a lot of this district would be underwater, not to mention the loss of the power being provided by its hydroelectric generators.

While you have no doubt some villains would love to see this made reality, such short-sighted goals should be prevented.

Mission Objective

  • Inspect integrity of Overbrook Dam breach
Drowned Rat (150.5, -51.3, 2360.5)[Copy]

The dam burst here due to exceptionally strong seismic activity.

Old Fashioned


An advertisement jumps into your field of vision:
"Drenched Donuts! You know them! You love them! Good? Evil? From another dimension?! There's no better way to improve your day than a delicious donut. Look for the inflatable donut by the Skyway City exit. Try them today!"

You cannot deny that Drenched Donuts are simply excellent. The newsletter ad's persuasive influence is impossible to resist. It is decided that today is donut day; that's all there is to it.

  • Nothing like an Old Fashioned donut!

It is impossible to miss the giant donut float above their building; it is almost as iconic as the Overbrook Dam itself.

There is always a temptation to jump through it, perhaps now is the day to finally indulge in that urge...

Mission Objective

  • Clear the Drenched Donut float
Old Fashioned (-170.5, 74.1, -1504.0)[Copy]

Best doughnuts in all of Paragon City! You picked the ultimate bragging rights location.

Egg Hunter


You find yourself absentmindedly flipping through the newsletter. Suddenly, your attention is on a page with holographic lettering:
"Greetings Character"
You look around, this page was not here earlier...
"Don't worry about it! It's more exciting that way! Want to discover somewhere neat?"
Perhaps you have gone insane, or inhaled some of that Nemesis neurotoxin gas?
"It's not a Nemesis plot this time...hopefully! An interesting place is...here!."

Sure enough, there are some coordinates listed. You are not sure how much you should be trusting the... whatever is happening right now, but inquiring minds do want to know...

  • Follow the cryptic message.

The page seems pleased(?):

"You won't be disappointed!"

You suppose you've seen crazier things in your time. After comparing the coordinates to your map, you look back down and the weird page is gone. If this really is a Nemesis plot, he has majorly stepped up his game.

Mission Objective

  • Discover a secret under the dock's ramp
Egg Hunter (-908.5, -183.0, 109.5)[Copy]

Perseverance and downright determination brought you this badge. Only the most devout egg hunters will find this spot. Lucky you.