Crimson Revenant

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Crimson Revenant


Crimson Revenant is a villain contact in Nerva Archipelago.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

  • None


Hero Hunter

Crimson Revenant is a professional hero hunter. He's made a pretty penny for taking on jobs from Arachnos, and so he is content to outsource some of his tasks to other villains for a cut of the action. For someone who's spent a better part of his adult life cutting down heroes in their prime, Crimson Revenant has a sunny outlook on life. Just don't cross him. The clouds can roll in fast.

Initial Contact

What the character says when you first talk to him or her.

Taming the Tigress

Question Crey agents about Mynx

Text of story arc description

Question agents in Nerva


How would you like to help me tame a tigress? The heroine Mynx is operating in Nerva, and Arachnos has Awarded me the contract on her life. If you're willing, you could share in the profits. I've heard that Mynx's favourite targets are those who work for Crey Industries. Perhaps you'd be good enough to question a few of them about her whereabouts.

Mission Acceptance

The lady in question gained her powers after much experimentation at Crey hands. You'd think she'd be more grateful.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 20 Crey

One of the Crey agents you defeated snarled: 'You want the kitty? You can have her!'


Well done. Now we will set up a trap for our little feline.

Make Mynx come to you


The key to hero hunting is to make your quarry come to you. Ergo, you will go to Mynx's new stomping grounds and stage crime in progress. When the lady arrives, as she inevitably will, you will be prepared.

We know Mynx is operating in Primeva, and we know she's hunting Crey. So to bring her to you, you're going to make it look like Crey has commited a terrible crime. I want you to tear a swath through one of the Longbow bases in Primeva. Take these papers. They'll make it look like Crey security did this deed, and they'll also set up a rendezvous.

Mission Acceptance

This list indicates a number of Longbow targets. Take out the first, and leave the list on the premises. Mynx is sure to meet you at the second.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all agents in base


You planted the list? Well done. Now to get to the second target before Mynx makes an appearance. Then, you'll have a kitten to declaw!

Get Mynx


The trap is set. If Mynx has the resources I expect, she knows where you'll strike next. Of course, she doesn't know it's you. She thinks it's just some harmless Crey security guards, not a military villain looking to strip off her claws. Go and get her. Though if I were you, I'd bring some help along.

Mission Acceptance

I've always liked cats. How about you?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Mynx (Mynx will arrive after you defeat agents in the base)

While you wait for Mynx's arrival, you might as well pummel a few do-gooders.


Well done, my friend, well done. You have tamed a tigress, and you've certainly earned my respect. I imagine there is more we can do together.

Souvenir: Mynx's Fur

After you defeated the heroine Mynx, you yanked out a hank of her fur. It's a powerful reminder of the escapade you like to call:

Taming the Tigress

It began with Crimson Revenent's contract on Mynx. In order to find out where she was operating, you took to the streets and started taking down Crey agents. Within a short while you learned that Mynx's new stomping grounds were in Primeva.

And so you laid a trap for the pretty kitten. You entered a Longbow base in Primeva and took out every agent on the premesis. Before leaving, you dropped a list of targets on Crey Industries stationary. The base was the first target. You were certain Mynx would meet you at the second.

Mynx fell for the trap. You tore through the second base, and before long, Mynx ambushed you. Fortunately, you were ready for her. Now her fur is not so silky, and her pretty paws are bound by Arachnos chains. The Freedom Phalanx will no doubt try to rescue her, but at least your payment is securely in hand.

Brawling with the Big Boys

Take out the Back Ally Brawler

Steal explosives

Briefing Arachnos has learned that a member of the Freedom Phalanx is visiting Crimson Cove. Naturally, this can't be allowed to happen. Arachnos could give the job to their own Operative Rutger, but they know this one has to succeed. So, wisely, they have come to me. And, knowing your talents, I have come to you. Together, we can take out the Back Alley Brawler.

Mission Acceptance

The Brawler is likely to be extremely well guarded, so we'll have to begin by creating a distraction. Get over to the Hellforge in Sharkhead Isle and steal some explosives. I'll fill you in on the rest of the plan after that.

Mission Objective(s)

  • 5 Crates to steal

Clue: Cage Explosives

You stole these explosives from Cage security guards on Sharkhead Isle. They should prove valuable in creating a distraction that will let you get to the Back Ally Brawler.


Excellent. My plan is all coming to fruition. Now, to create a distraction that will leave the Brawler unguarded. And then, to pounce!

Create a distraction


We have the explosives. Now, to create a distraction!

Mission Acceptance

You will plant the bombs at the base intended to receive the Back Alley Brawler. With any luck, we'll shake Longbow badly enough that they'll leave him entirely unguarded. Then it'll be your chance to take him down.

Mission Objective(s)

  • 6 explosives to plant


That base is a shambles. Longbow will have a scramble around to find another place well enough guarded to house their important visitor. And that should give you the opportunity you need.

Take down the Back Alley Brawler


You've disabled the base that was intended to receive the Back Alley Brawler. That means he's vulnerable. He's just arrived on Liberty Isle. Take him down. I must warn you: the Brawler's no lightweight. Even I'd bring help along to deal with him.

Mission Acceptance

This could start an international incident. I hope you're ready for the press.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Back Alley Brawler & guards


The Brawler has been beaten. Well done. Arachnos and I will deny involvement, of course. I imagine the Freedom Phalanx will want your head for this, but you can handle that, can't you? For now, perhaps we had better part ways. Nothing personal, but I don't want to be associated with you right now.

Souvenir: The Brawler's mask

You've kept the mask of the Back Alley Brawler as a trophy. It's a reminder of the adventure you like to call:

Brawling with the Big Boys

It began with a contract on the Back Alley Brawler, issued by Arachnos to Crimson Revenant. The hero hunter knew whoever did the job would take a lot of heat from the Paragon City government, so he passed the job on to you. Of course, the Brawler woul dbe well-guarded. To get to him, you first had to create a distracdtion. You journeyed to Sharkhead Isle, where you stole a number of Cage Consortium explosives.

Back in nerva, the plot thickened. You took the explosives to the Longbow base intended to recieve the Longbow base intended to recieve the Brawler, and planted them. You then made your escape and triggered the explosives, leaving a blasted mess in your wake. The Back Aley Brawler's welcome was certain to be less secure now.

The Brawler arrived on liberty Isle, but Longbow had not yet had time to muster a new security regiment. You swooped in and tore the hero to shreds. He now bides her time in an Arachnos prison, and you have risen in infamy both at home an in Paragon City. Not a bad day's work.

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